'Macintosh', ]; /** * List of additional operating systems. * @var array */ protected static $additionalOperatingSystems = [ 'Windows' => 'Windows', 'Windows NT' => 'Windows NT', 'OS X' => 'Mac OS X', 'Debian' => 'Debian', 'Ubuntu' => 'Ubuntu', 'Macintosh' => 'PPC', 'OpenBSD' => 'OpenBSD', 'Linux' => 'Linux', 'ChromeOS' => 'CrOS', ]; /** * List of additional browsers. * @var array */ protected static $additionalBrowsers = [ 'Opera Mini' => 'Opera Mini', 'Opera' => 'Opera|OPR', 'Edge' => 'Edge|Edg', 'Coc Coc' => 'coc_coc_browser', 'UCBrowser' => 'UCBrowser', 'Vivaldi' => 'Vivaldi', 'Chrome' => 'Chrome', 'Firefox' => 'Firefox', 'Safari' => 'Safari', 'IE' => 'MSIE|IEMobile|MSIEMobile|Trident/[.0-9]+', 'Netscape' => 'Netscape', 'Mozilla' => 'Mozilla', ]; /** * List of additional properties. * @var array */ protected static $additionalProperties = [ // Operating systems 'Windows' => 'Windows NT [VER]', 'Windows NT' => 'Windows NT [VER]', 'OS X' => 'OS X [VER]', 'BlackBerryOS' => ['BlackBerry[\w]+/[VER]', 'BlackBerry.*Version/[VER]', 'Version/[VER]'], 'AndroidOS' => 'Android [VER]', 'ChromeOS' => 'CrOS x86_64 [VER]', // Browsers 'Opera Mini' => 'Opera Mini/[VER]', 'Opera' => [' OPR/[VER]', 'Opera Mini/[VER]', 'Version/[VER]', 'Opera [VER]'], 'Netscape' => 'Netscape/[VER]', 'Mozilla' => 'rv:[VER]', 'IE' => ['IEMobile/[VER];', 'IEMobile [VER]', 'MSIE [VER];', 'rv:[VER]'], 'Edge' => ['Edge/[VER]', 'Edg/[VER]'], 'Vivaldi' => 'Vivaldi/[VER]', 'Coc Coc' => 'coc_coc_browser/[VER]', ]; /** * @var CrawlerDetect */ protected static $crawlerDetect; /** * Get all detection rules. These rules include the additional * platforms and browsers and utilities. * @return array */ public static function getDetectionRulesExtended() { static $rules; if (!$rules) { $rules = static::mergeRules( static::$desktopDevices, // NEW static::$phoneDevices, static::$tabletDevices, static::$operatingSystems, static::$additionalOperatingSystems, // NEW static::$browsers, static::$additionalBrowsers, // NEW static::$utilities ); } return $rules; } public function getRules() { if ($this->detectionType === static::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED) { return static::getDetectionRulesExtended(); } return static::getMobileDetectionRules(); } /** * @return CrawlerDetect */ public function getCrawlerDetect() { if (static::$crawlerDetect === null) { static::$crawlerDetect = new CrawlerDetect(); } return static::$crawlerDetect; } public static function getBrowsers() { return static::mergeRules( static::$additionalBrowsers, static::$browsers ); } public static function getOperatingSystems() { return static::mergeRules( static::$operatingSystems, static::$additionalOperatingSystems ); } public static function getPlatforms() { return static::mergeRules( static::$operatingSystems, static::$additionalOperatingSystems ); } public static function getDesktopDevices() { return static::$desktopDevices; } public static function getProperties() { return static::mergeRules( static::$additionalProperties, static::$properties ); } /** * Get accept languages. * @param string $acceptLanguage * @return array */ public function languages($acceptLanguage = null) { if ($acceptLanguage === null) { $acceptLanguage = $this->getHttpHeader('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'); } if (!$acceptLanguage) { return []; } $languages = []; // Parse accept language string. foreach (explode(',', $acceptLanguage) as $piece) { $parts = explode(';', $piece); $language = strtolower($parts[0]); $priority = empty($parts[1]) ? 1. : floatval(str_replace('q=', '', $parts[1])); $languages[$language] = $priority; } // Sort languages by priority. arsort($languages); return array_keys($languages); } /** * Match a detection rule and return the matched key. * @param array $rules * @param string|null $userAgent * @return string|bool */ protected function findDetectionRulesAgainstUA(array $rules, $userAgent = null) { // Loop given rules foreach ($rules as $key => $regex) { if (empty($regex)) { continue; } // Check match if ($this->match($regex, $userAgent)) { return $key ?: reset($this->matchesArray); } } return false; } /** * Get the browser name. * @param string|null $userAgent * @return string|bool */ public function browser($userAgent = null) { return $this->findDetectionRulesAgainstUA(static::getBrowsers(), $userAgent); } /** * Get the platform name. * @param string|null $userAgent * @return string|bool */ public function platform($userAgent = null) { return $this->findDetectionRulesAgainstUA(static::getPlatforms(), $userAgent); } /** * Get the device name. * @param string|null $userAgent * @return string|bool */ public function device($userAgent = null) { $rules = static::mergeRules( static::getDesktopDevices(), static::getPhoneDevices(), static::getTabletDevices(), static::getUtilities() ); return $this->findDetectionRulesAgainstUA($rules, $userAgent); } /** * Check if the device is a desktop computer. * @param string|null $userAgent deprecated * @param array $httpHeaders deprecated * @return bool */ public function isDesktop($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null) { return !$this->isMobile($userAgent, $httpHeaders) && !$this->isTablet($userAgent, $httpHeaders) && !$this->isRobot($userAgent); } /** * Check if the device is a mobile phone. * @param string|null $userAgent deprecated * @param array $httpHeaders deprecated * @return bool */ public function isPhone($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null) { return $this->isMobile($userAgent, $httpHeaders) && !$this->isTablet($userAgent, $httpHeaders); } /** * Get the robot name. * @param string|null $userAgent * @return string|bool */ public function robot($userAgent = null) { if ($this->getCrawlerDetect()->isCrawler($userAgent ?: $this->userAgent)) { return ucfirst($this->getCrawlerDetect()->getMatches()); } return false; } /** * Check if device is a robot. * @param string|null $userAgent * @return bool */ public function isRobot($userAgent = null) { return $this->getCrawlerDetect()->isCrawler($userAgent ?: $this->userAgent); } /** * Get the device type * @param null $userAgent * @param null $httpHeaders * @return string */ public function deviceType($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null) { if ($this->isDesktop($userAgent, $httpHeaders)) { return "desktop"; } elseif ($this->isPhone($userAgent, $httpHeaders)) { return "phone"; } elseif ($this->isTablet($userAgent, $httpHeaders)) { return "tablet"; } elseif ($this->isRobot($userAgent)) { return "robot"; } return "other"; } public function version($propertyName, $type = self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING) { if (empty($propertyName)) { return false; } // set the $type to the default if we don't recognize the type if ($type !== self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING && $type !== self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) { $type = self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING; } $properties = self::getProperties(); // Check if the property exists in the properties array. if (true === isset($properties[$propertyName])) { // Prepare the pattern to be matched. // Make sure we always deal with an array (string is converted). $properties[$propertyName] = (array) $properties[$propertyName]; foreach ($properties[$propertyName] as $propertyMatchString) { if (is_array($propertyMatchString)) { $propertyMatchString = implode("|", $propertyMatchString); } $propertyPattern = str_replace('[VER]', self::VER, $propertyMatchString); // Identify and extract the version. preg_match(sprintf('#%s#is', $propertyPattern), $this->userAgent, $match); if (false === empty($match[1])) { $version = ($type === self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT ? $this->prepareVersionNo($match[1]) : $match[1]); return $version; } } } return false; } /** * Merge multiple rules into one array. * @param array $all * @return array */ protected static function mergeRules(...$all) { $merged = []; foreach ($all as $rules) { foreach ($rules as $key => $value) { if (empty($merged[$key])) { $merged[$key] = $value; } elseif (is_array($merged[$key])) { $merged[$key][] = $value; } else { $merged[$key] .= '|' . $value; } } } return $merged; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { // Make sure the name starts with 'is', otherwise if (strpos($name, 'is') !== 0) { throw new BadMethodCallException("No such method exists: $name"); } $this->setDetectionType(self::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED); $key = substr($name, 2); return $this->matchUAAgainstKey($key); } }