import { triggerSend, waitUntilTheCurrentRequestIsFinished } from "./request" import { dataGet, dataSet, each, deeplyEqual, isObjecty, deepClone, diff, isObject, getCsrfToken, contentIsFromDump, splitDumpFromContent } from '@/utils' import { on, trigger } from '@/events' /** * A "commit" is anytime a Livewire component makes a server-side update. * Typically this is for the purposes of synchronizing state or calling * some action... */ // The running queue of component commits to send to the server when the time comes... let commitQueue = [] export function getCommits() { return commitQueue } export function flushCommits(callback) { while (commitQueue.length > 0) { callback(commitQueue.shift()) } } function findOrCreateCommit(component) { let commit = commitQueue.find(i => { return i.component.id === component.id }) if (! commit) { commitQueue.push(commit = new Commit(component)) } return commit } export async function requestCommit(component) { return await waitUntilTheCurrentRequestIsFinished(() => { let commit = findOrCreateCommit(component) triggerSend() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { commit.addResolver(resolve) }) }) } export async function requestCall(component, method, params) { return await waitUntilTheCurrentRequestIsFinished(() => { let commit = findOrCreateCommit(component) triggerSend() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { commit.addCall(method, params, value => resolve(value)) }) }) } /** * The term "commit" here refers to anytime we're making a network * request, updating the server, and generating a new snapshot. * We're "requesting" a new commit rather than executing it * immediately, because we might want to batch multiple * simultaneus commits from other livewire targets. */ class Commit { constructor(component) { this.component = component this.calls = [] this.receivers = [] this.resolvers = [] } addResolver(resolver) { this.resolvers.push(resolver) } addCall(method, params, receiver) { this.calls.push({ path: '', method, params, handleReturn(value) { receiver(value) }, }) } prepare() { trigger('commit.prepare', { component: this.component }) } toRequestPayload() { let propertiesDiff = diff(this.component.canonical, this.component.ephemeral) let payload = { snapshot: this.component.snapshotEncoded, updates: propertiesDiff, calls: this.calls.map(i => ({ path: i.path, method: i.method, params: i.params, })) } let succeedCallbacks = [] let failCallbacks = [] let respondCallbacks = [] let succeed = (fwd) => succeedCallbacks.forEach(i => i(fwd)) let fail = () => failCallbacks.forEach(i => i()) let respond = () => respondCallbacks.forEach(i => i()) let finishTarget = trigger('commit', { component: this.component, commit: payload, succeed: (callback) => { succeedCallbacks.push(callback) }, fail: (callback) => { failCallbacks.push(callback) }, respond: (callback) => { respondCallbacks.push(callback) }, }) let handleResponse = (response) => { let { snapshot, effects } = response respond() this.component.mergeNewSnapshot(snapshot, effects, propertiesDiff) processEffects(this.component, this.component.effects) if (effects['returns']) { let returns = effects['returns'] // Here we'll match up returned values with their method call handlers. We need to build up // two "stacks" of the same length and walk through them together to handle them properly... let returnHandlerStack = this.calls.map(({ handleReturn }) => (handleReturn)) returnHandlerStack.forEach((handleReturn, index) => { handleReturn(returns[index]) }) } let parsedSnapshot = JSON.parse(snapshot) finishTarget({ snapshot: parsedSnapshot, effects }) this.resolvers.forEach(i => i()) succeed(response) } let handleFailure = () => { respond() fail() } return [payload, handleResponse, handleFailure] } } /** * Here we'll take the new state and side effects from the * server and use them to update the existing data that * users interact with, triggering reactive effects. */ export function processEffects(target, effects) { trigger('effects', target, effects) }