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You are free to change them to anything | you want to customize your views to better match your application. | */ /* Content Group 1 */ 'admin_role_manage' => 'Admin Role Manage', 'add_admin_role' => 'Add Admin Role', 'role_name' => 'Role Name', 'permissions' => 'Permissions', 'set_permissions_for_this_role' => 'set permissions for this role', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'admin_roles' => 'Admin Roles', 'has_all_permissions' => 'has all permissions', 'action' => 'Action', 'edit_admin_role' => 'Edit Admin Role', 'admin_manage' => 'Admin Manage', 'all_admin' => 'All Admin', 'all_admin_created_by_super_admin' => 'All Admin Created By Super Admin', 'add_admin_user' => 'Add Admin User', 'edit_admin_user' => 'Edit Admin User', 'name' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'edit_email' => 'Edit Email', 'new_password' => 'New Password', 'confirm_password' => 'Confirm Password', 'image' => 'Image', 'size' => 'size', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'close' => 'Close', 'you_wont_be_able_to_revert_this' => 'You wont be able to revert this!', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'yes_delete_it' => 'Yes, delete it!', 'success' => 'Success', 'warning' => 'Warning', 'error' => 'Error', 'created_successfully' => 'Created Successfully.', 'updated_successfully' => 'Updated Successfully.', 'deleted_successfully' => 'Deleted Successfully.', 'current_image' => 'Current Image', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'uploads' => 'Uploads', 'add_photo' => 'Add Photo', 'photos' => 'Photos', 'order' => 'Order', 'copy_image_link' => 'Copy Image Link', 'edit_photo' => 'Edit Photo', 'title' => 'Title', 'description' => 'Description', 'please_use_recommended_sizes' => 'You do not have to use the recommended sizes. However, please use the recommended sizes for your site design to look its best.', 'image_status' => 'Image Status', 'blogs' => 'Blogs', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'add_category' => 'Add Category', 'edit_category' => 'Edit Category', 'category_name' => 'Category Name', 'please_choose' => 'Please choose', 'please_create_a_category' => 'Please create a category.', 'status' => 'Status', 'select_your_option' => 'Select Your Option', 'not_yet_created' => 'Not yet created.', 'category' => 'Category', 'post_date' => 'Post Date', 'view' => 'View', 'add_blog' => 'Add Blog', 'edit_blog' => 'Edit Blog', 'short_description' => 'Short Description', 'tag' => 'Tag', 'separate_with_commas' => 'Separate with commas', 'author' => 'Author', 'with_this_account' => 'With this account', 'anonymous' => 'Anonymous', 'seo_optimization' => 'Seo Optimization', 'meta_title' => 'Meta Title', 'meta_description' => 'Meta Description', 'meta_keyword' => 'Meta Keyword', 'edit_breadcrumb' => 'Edit Breadcrumb', 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Submenu', 'reset' => 'Reset', 'youtube_video_url' => 'Youtube Video Url', 'pdf' => 'pdf', 'history' => 'History', 'add_history' => 'Add History', 'edit_history' => 'Edit History', 'history_date' => 'History Date', 'why_choose' => 'Why Choose', 'add_why_choose' => 'Add Why Choose', 'edit_why_choose' => 'Edit Why Choose', 'percent_rate' => 'Percent Rate', 'sponsors' => 'Sponsors', 'add_sponsor' => 'Add Sponsor', 'edit_sponsor' => 'Edit Sponsor', 'video' => 'Video', 'edit_video' => 'Edit Video', 'careers' => 'Careers', 'add_career' => 'Add Career', 'edit_career' => 'Edit Career', 'edit_career_content' => 'Edit Career Content', 'banner' => 'Banner', 'edit_banner' => 'Edit Banner', 'features' => 'Features', 'add_feature' => 'Add Feature', 'edit_feature' => 'Edit Feature', 'type' => 'Type', 'icon' => 'Icon', 'back' => 'Back', 'about' => 'About', 'edit_about' => 'Edit About', 'button_name' => 'Button Name', 'button_url' => 'Button Url', 'button_name_2' => 'Button Name 2', 'button_url_2' => 'Button Url 2', 'recommended_tags ' => 'Recommended tags', 'subtitle' => 'Subtitle', 'price' => 'Price', 'work_process' => 'Work Process', 'add_work_process' => 'Add Work Process', 'edit_work_process' => 'Edit Work Process', 'testimonials' => 'Testimonials', 'add_testimonial' => 'Add Testimonial', 'edit_testimonial' => 'Edit Testimonial', 'job' => 'Job', 'star' => 'Star', 'faqs' => 'Faqs', 'add_faq' => 'Add Faq', 'edit_faq' => 'Edit Faq', 'answer' => 'Answer', 'question' => 'Question', 'plan' => 'Plan', 'add_plan' => 'Add Plan', 'edit_plan' => 'Edit Plan', 'currency' => 'Currency', 'extra_text' => 'Extra Text', 'feature_list' => 'Feature List', 'non_feature_list' => 'Non Feature List', 'recommended' => 'Recommended', 'teams' => 'Teams', 'add_team' => 'Add Team', 'edit_team' => 'Edit Team', 'subscribe' => 'Subscribe', 'edit_subscribe' => 'Edit Subscribe', 'call_to_action' => 'Call To Action', 'edit_call_to_action' => 'Edit Call To Action', 'contact_info' => 'Contact Info', 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And click the Share Button on the Left Side. You will see the Map Placement Area. In the Copy Html field in this section Copy and paste the link in the src from the code inside.', 'footer' => 'Footer', 'add_footer' => 'Add Footer', 'edit_footer' => 'Edit Footer', 'add_footer_category' => 'Add Footer Category', 'services' => 'Services', 'add_service' => 'Add Service', 'edit_service' => 'Edit Service', 'additional_features' => 'Additional Features', 'portfolio' => 'Portfolio', 'add_portfolio' => 'Add Portfolio', 'edit_portfolio' => 'Edit Portfolio', 'thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail', 'portfolio_images' => 'Portfolio Images', 'add_image' => 'Add Image', 'edit_image' => 'Edit Image', 'details' => 'Details', 'add_detail' => 'Add Detail', 'edit_detail' => 'Edit Detail', 'gallery' => 'Gallery', 'add_gallery' => 'Add Gallery', 'edit_gallery' => 'Edit Gallery', 'settings' => 'Settings', 'preloader' => 'Preloader', 'favicon' => 'Favicon', 'header_info' => 'Header Info', 'header_image' => 'Header Image', 'footer_image' => 'Footer Image', 'edit_footer_image' => 'Edit Footer Image', 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here.', 'service_content' => 'Service Content', 'service_info' => 'Service Info', 'service_features' => 'Service Features', 'add_service_feature' => 'Add Service Feature', 'edit_service_feature' => 'Edit Service Feature', 'edit_breadcrumb_and_seo' => 'Edit Breadcrumb and Seo', 'page_url_copied' => 'Page Url Copied', 'portfolio_content' => 'Portfolio Content', 'portfolio_details' => 'Portfolio Details', 'add_portfolio_detail' => 'Add Portfolio Detail', 'edit_portfolio_detail' => 'Edit Portfolio Detail', 'add_portfolio_image' => 'Add Portfolio Image', 'edit_portfolio_image' => 'Edit Portfolio Image', 'edit_portfolio_content' => 'Edit Portfolio Content', 'company_title' => 'Company Title', 'company_description' => 'Company Description', 'company_contact_title' => 'Company Contact Title', 'career_content' => 'Career Content', 'edit_map' => 'Edit Map', 'edit_service_content' => 'Edit Service Content', 'edit_service_info' => 'Edit Service Info', 'move' => 'Move', 'style1' => 'style 1', 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