first(); return $system->primaryAddress->toHtml(); } } //Get address as array: if (!function_exists('get_platform_address_string')) { /** * return platforms address in html formate */ function get_platform_address_string() { // Retrive and set to Cache return Cache::rememberForever('platform_address_string', function () { $system = System::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); return $system->primaryAddress ? $system->primaryAddress->toString() : ''; }); } } if (!function_exists('system_cache_remember_for')) { /** * Return cache time */ function system_cache_remember_for($minute = 10) { return Carbon::now()->addMinutes($minute); } } if (!function_exists('get_site_title')) { /** * Return shop title or the application title */ function get_site_title() { if (Auth::guard('web')->check() && Auth::user()->isFromMerchant() && Auth::user()->shop) { return Auth::user()->shop->name; } return get_platform_title(); } } if (!function_exists('get_system_currency')) { function get_system_currency() { return config('system_settings.currency.iso_code'); } } if (!function_exists('is_billing_info_required')) { function is_billing_info_required() { return is_subscription_enabled() && config('system_settings.required_card_upfront'); } } if (!function_exists('get_currency_symbol')) { function get_currency_symbol($currency_id = null) { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { // $currency = get_active_currencies()->find($currency_id); return get_dynamic_currency_attr('symbol', $currency_id); } return config('system_settings.currency.symbol', '$'); } } if (!function_exists('get_promotional_tagline')) { function get_promotional_tagline() { return Cache::rememberForever('promotional_tagline', function () { return get_from_option_table('promotional_tagline', []); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_top_bar_banner_data')) { /** * Get top bar banner data */ function get_top_bar_banner_data() { return Cache::rememberForever('top_bar_banner', function () { return get_from_option_table('top_bar_banner'); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_option_table_name')) { function get_option_table_name() { return 'options'; } } if (!function_exists('get_social_media_links')) { /** * Return social_media_links */ function get_social_media_links() { $media = ['facebook', 'twitter', 'google_plus', 'pinterest', 'instagram', 'youtube']; $links = []; foreach ($media as $value) { if ($link = config('system_settings.' . $value . '_link')) { $links[str_replace('_', '-', $value)] = $link; } } return $links; } } if (!function_exists('get_shop_url')) { /** * Return shop title or the application title */ function get_shop_url($shop = '') { if ($shop instanceof Shop) { return url('/shop/' . $shop->slug); } elseif ($shop != '' && is_string($shop)) { return url('/shop/' . $shop); } // When slug is not given and user is vendor stuff if (Auth::guard('web')->check() && Auth::user()->isFromMerchant()) { return url('/shop/' . Auth::user()->shop->slug); } return url('/'); } } if (!function_exists('get_csv_import_limit')) { /** * Return the csv_import_limit */ function get_csv_import_limit() { return config('system_settings.csv_import_limit') ?? config('system.csv_import_limit', 500); } } if (!function_exists('get_page_url')) { /** * Return page url */ function get_page_url($page = null) { if ($page == null) { return url('/'); } return route('page.open', $page); } } if (!function_exists('get_verified_badge')) { function get_verified_badge() { return url('images/placeholders/verified_badge.png'); } } if (!function_exists('get_invoice_stamp')) { /** * Return invoice stamp img */ function get_invoice_stamp() { return public_path('images/placeholders/stamp.png'); } } if (!function_exists('is_serialized')) { /** * Check if the given value is_serialized or not */ function is_serialized($data) { // if it isn't a string, it isn't serialized if (!is_string($data)) { return false; } $data = trim($data); if ('N;' == $data) { return true; } if (!preg_match('/^([adObis]):/', $data, $badions)) { return false; } switch ($badions[1]) { case 'a': case 'O': case 's': if (preg_match("/^{$badions[1]}:[0-9]+:.*[;}]\$/s", $data)) { return true; } break; case 'b': case 'i': case 'd': if (preg_match("/^{$badions[1]}:[0-9.E-]+;\$/", $data)) { return true; } break; } return false; } } if (!function_exists('is_base64')) { /** * Checks if a string is a valid base64 encoded string. * * @param string $string The string to check. * @return bool Returns true if the string is a valid base64 encoded string, false otherwise. */ function is_base64(string $string): bool { return (bool) preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\/\r\n+]*={0,2}$/', $string); } } if (!function_exists('remove_url_parameter')) { /** * Remove given parameter from the given url str */ function remove_url_parameter($url, $key = false) { return preg_replace('/' . ($key ? '(\&|)' . $key . '(\=(.*?)((?=&(?!amp\;))|$)|(.*?)\b)' : '(\?.*)') . '/i', '', $url); } } if (!function_exists('get_avatar_src')) { function get_avatar_src($model, $size = 'small') { if ( $model instanceof User || $model instanceof Customer || $model instanceof DeliveryBoy ) { if ($model->avatarImage) { return get_storage_file_url($model->avatarImage->path, $size); } // Deprecated Will be removed in future // if ($model->avatar) { // return get_storage_file_url($model->avatar->path, $size); // } return get_gravatar_url($model->email, $size); } return get_gravatar_url('help@incevio.com', $size); } } if (!function_exists('get_gravatar_url')) { function get_gravatar_url($email, $size = 'small') { $size = config("image.sizes.{$size}"); $email = md5(strtolower(trim($email))); return "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{$email}?s={$size['w']}&d=mm"; } } if (!function_exists('get_sender_email')) { /** * Return shop title or the application title */ function get_sender_email($shop = null) { if ($shop) { return config('shop_settings.default_sender_email_address') ?? config('mail.from.address'); } return config('mail.from.address'); // return config('system_settings.default_sender_email_address') ?? // get_value_from(1, 'systems', 'default_sender_email_address') ?? // config('mail.from.address'); } } if (!function_exists('get_sender_name')) { /** * Return shop title or the application title */ function get_sender_name($shop = null) { if ($shop) { return config('shop_settings.default_email_sender_name') ?? config('mail.from.name'); } return config('mail.from.name'); // return config('system_settings.default_email_sender_name') ?? // get_value_from(1, 'systems', 'default_email_sender_name') ?? // config('mail.from.name'); } } if (!function_exists('get_address_str_from_request_data')) { function get_address_str_from_request_data($request) { $state = is_numeric($request->state_id) ? get_value_from($request->state_id, 'states', 'name') : $request->state_id; $str = []; $str[] = '
'; $str[] = $request->address_title; $str[] = $request->address_line_1; $str[] = $request->address_line_2; $str[] = $request->city; $str[] = $state . ' ' . $request->zip_code; $str[] = is_numeric($request->country_id) ? get_value_from($request->country_id, 'countries', 'name') : $request->country_id; if ($request->phone) { $str[] = trans('app.phone') . ': ' . e($request->phone); } $str[] = '
'; return implode(',
', array_filter($str)); } } if (!function_exists('address_str_to_html')) { function address_str_to_html($address, $separator = '
') { $addressStr = str_replace(',', $separator, $address); return '
' . $addressStr . '
'; } } if (!function_exists('address_str_to_geocode_str')) { function address_str_to_geocode_str($address) { $t_arr = explode(',', $address); array_shift($t_arr); // Remove address titme/name // Remove phone number from address if (preg_match('/^[0-9 +-]*$/', end($t_arr))) { array_pop($t_arr); } // build str string $str = trim(implode(',', array_filter($t_arr))); return str_replace(' ', '+', $str); } } /** * Get latitude and longitude of an address from Google API */ if (!function_exists('getGeocode')) { function getGeocode($address) { if (is_object($address)) { $address = $address->toGeocodeString(); } elseif (is_numeric($address)) { $address = DB::table('addresses')->find($address); $address = $address->toGeocodeString(); } $url = 'https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' . $address . '&sensor=false'; $result = []; // try to get geo codes if ($geocode = file_get_contents($url)) { $output = json_decode($geocode); if (count($output->results) && isset($output->results[0])) { if ($geo = $output->results[0]->geometry) { $result['latitude'] = $geo->location->lat; $result['longitude'] = $geo->location->lng; } } } return $result; } } if (!function_exists('getPaginationValue')) { function getPaginationValue() { if (Auth::user()->isFromPlatform()) { return config('system_settings.pagination') ?? 10; } return config('shop_settings.pagination') ?? 10; } } if (!function_exists('getMinNumberOfRequiredImgsForInventory')) { /** * Return Min Number Of Required Imgs For Inventory to upload per item */ function getMinNumberOfRequiredImgsForInventory() { return config('system_settings.min_number_of_inventory_imgs', 0); } } if (!function_exists('getMaxNumberOfImgsForInventory')) { /** * Return max_number_of_inventory_imgs allowed to upload per item */ function getMaxNumberOfImgsForInventory() { return config('system_settings.max_number_of_inventory_imgs', 10); } } if (!function_exists('getAllowedMinImgSize')) { /** * Return min_img_size_limit_kb allowed to upload */ function getAllowedMinImgSize() { return config('system_settings.min_img_size_limit_kb') ?? config('image.min_size', 0); } } if (!function_exists('getAllowedMaxImgSize')) { /** * Return max_img_size_limit_kb allowed to upload */ function getAllowedMaxImgSize() { return config('system_settings.max_img_size_limit_kb') ?? config('image.max_size', 1024); } } if (!function_exists('allow_checkout')) { function allow_checkout() { if (\App\Models\SystemConfig::CustomerNeedsApproval() && Auth::guard('customer')->user() instanceof Customer) { return Auth::guard('customer')->user()->isApproved(); } return config('system_settings.allow_guest_checkout') || Auth::guard('customer')->check(); } } if (!function_exists('customerHasGroupPricing')) { /** * Check if the current user/customer is part of any buyer group * * @return boolean */ function customerHasGroupPricing() { return Auth::guard('customer')->check() && Auth::guard('customer')->user()->buyer_group_id && is_incevio_package_loaded('buyerGroup'); } } if (!function_exists('highlightWords')) { function highlightWords($content = null, $words = null) { if ($content == null || $words == null) { return $content; } if (is_array($words)) { foreach ($words as $word) { $content = str_ireplace($word, '
' . $word . '
', $content); } return $content; } return str_ireplace($words, '
' . $words . '
', $content); } } if (!function_exists('clear_encoding_str')) { function clear_encoding_str($value) { if (is_array($value)) { $clean = []; foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $clean[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); } return $clean; } return mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); } } if (!function_exists('get_qualified_model')) { function get_qualified_model($class_name = '') { return 'App\\Models\\' . Str::singular(Str::studly($class_name)); } } if (!function_exists('should_seed_demo_images')) { // This function determind when the demo images should seeded function should_seed_demo_images() { // $driver = config('filesystems.disks.' . config('filesystems.default') . '.driver'); // return $driver == 'local' && File::isDirectory(public_path('images/demo')); return config('filesystems.default') != 'google' && File::isDirectory(public_path('images/demo')); } } if (!function_exists('temp_storage_dir')) { function temp_storage_dir($dir = '') { return Str::finish(public_path("temp/{$dir}"), '/'); } } if (!function_exists('attachment_storage_dir')) { function attachment_storage_dir($dir = '') { return 'attachments'; // return Str::finish("attachments/{$dir}", '/'); } } if (!function_exists('image_storage_dir')) { function image_storage_dir() { return config('image.dir'); } } if (!function_exists('sys_image_path')) { function sys_image_path($dir = '') { return Str::finish("images/{$dir}", '/'); } } if (!function_exists('image_storage_path')) { function image_storage_path($path = null) { $path = image_storage_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; return Str::finish($path, '/'); } } if (!function_exists('image_cache_path')) { function image_cache_path($path = null) { $path = config('image.cache_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; return Str::finish($path, '/'); } } if (!function_exists('get_storage_file_url')) { function get_storage_file_url($path = null, $size = '') { if (!$path) { return get_placeholder_img($size); } if ($size == null) { return url("image/{$path}"); } return url("image/{$path}?p={$size}"); } } if (!function_exists('get_placeholder_img')) { function get_placeholder_img($size = 'small', $txt = null) { $size = config("image.sizes.{$size}"); $txt = $txt ?? get_platform_title(); if ($size && is_array($size)) { return "https://via.placeholder.com/{$size['w']}x{$size['h']}/eee?text=" . $txt; } return url('images/placeholders/no_img.png'); } } if (!function_exists('get_product_img_src')) { /** * Retrive inventory or product image * * @param model $item * @param string $size * @param string $type * @return string */ function get_product_img_src($item = null, $size = 'medium', $type = 'primary') { if (!$item) { return asset('images/placeholders/no_img.png'); } if (is_numeric($item) && !($item instanceof Inventory)) { $item = Inventory::findorFail($item); } $images_count = $item->images->count(); // If the listing has no images then pick the product images if (!$images_count) { $item = $item->product; $images_count = $item->images->count(); } if ($images_count) { if ($type == 'alt' && $images_count > 1) { $imgs = $item->images->toArray(); $path = $imgs[1]['path']; } else { $path = $item->images->first()->path; } return url("image/{$path}?p={$size}"); } return asset('images/placeholders/no_img.png'); } } if (!function_exists('get_inventory_img_src')) { function get_inventory_img_src($item, $size = 'medium') { if ($item->image) { return get_storage_file_url($item->image->path, $size); } // if ($item->product->image) { // return get_storage_file_url($item->product->image->path, $size); // } return asset('images/placeholders/no_img.png'); } } if (!function_exists('get_catalog_featured_img_src')) { function get_catalog_featured_img_src($product, $size = 'small') { if (is_int($product) && !($product instanceof Product)) { $product = Product::findorFail($product); } if ($product->featureImage) { return get_storage_file_url($product->featureImage->path, $size); } if ($product->image) { return get_storage_file_url($product->image->path, $size); } return asset('images/placeholders/no_img.png'); } } if (!function_exists('get_cover_img_src')) { function get_cover_img_src($model, $type = 'category', $size = 'cover') { if (isset($model->coverImage->path) && Storage::exists($model->coverImage->path)) { return get_storage_file_url($model->coverImage->path, $size); } return asset('images/placeholders/' . $type . '_cover.jpg'); } } if (!function_exists('get_logo_url')) { function get_logo_url($model, $size = 'small') { if ($model == 'system') { return Cache::rememberForever('system_logo_img_' . $size, function () use ($size) { $system = System::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); return get_storage_file_url(optional($system->logoImage)->path, $size) ?? null; }); } elseif (is_object($model) && $model->logoImage) { return get_storage_file_url($model->logoImage->path, $size); } return get_placeholder_img($size); } } if (!function_exists('get_icon_url')) { function get_icon_url($model, $size = 'thumbnail') { if ($model == 'system') { return Cache::rememberForever('favicon_img', function () use ($size) { $system = System::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); return get_storage_file_url(optional($system->iconImage)->path, $size) ?? null; }); } elseif (is_object($model) && $model->iconImage) { return get_storage_file_url($model->iconImage->path, $size); } return get_placeholder_img($size); } } if (!function_exists('get_trust_badge_url')) { function get_trust_badge_url() { return Cache::rememberForever('trust_badge_img', function () { $system = System::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); if ($badge = $system->featureImage) { return get_storage_file_url($badge->path, 'full'); } return null; }); } } if (!function_exists('verifyUniqueSlug')) { function verifyUniqueSlug($slug, $table, $field = 'slug', $json = true) { if (DB::table($table)->select($field)->where($field, $slug)->first()) { return $json ? response()->json('false') : false; } return $json ? response()->json('true') : true; } } if (!function_exists('convertToSlugString')) { function convertToSlugString($str, $salt = null, $separator = '-') { if ($salt) { return Str::slug($str, $separator) . $separator . Str::slug($salt, $separator); } return Str::slug($str, $separator); } } if (!function_exists('generateCouponCode')) { function generateCouponCode() { $unique = true; $size = config('system_settings.coupon_code_size'); do { $code = generateUniqueSrt($size); $check = DB::table('coupons')->where('code', $code)->first(); if ($check) { $unique = false; } } while (!$unique); return $code; } } if (!function_exists('generatePinCode')) { function generatePinCode() { $unique = true; $size = config('system_settings.gift_card_pin_size'); do { $code = generateUniqueSrt($size); $check = DB::table('gift_cards')->where('pin_code', $code)->first(); if ($check) { $unique = false; } } while (!$unique); return $code; } } if (!function_exists('generateSerialNumber')) { function generateSerialNumber() { $unique = true; $size = config('system_settings.gift_card_serial_number_size'); do { $code = generateUniqueSrt($size); $check = DB::table('gift_cards')->where('serial_number', $code)->first(); if ($check) { $unique = false; } } while (!$unique); return $code; } } if (!function_exists('generateUniqueSrt')) { /** * Generate random alfa numaric str. * * @param string $dob date of bith * * @return string */ function generateUniqueSrt($size = 8) { $characters = implode(range('A', 'Z')) . implode(range(0, 9)); $uniqueStr = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $uniqueStr .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)]; } return $uniqueStr; } } if (!function_exists('get_age')) { /** * Get age of user/customer from date of birth. * @param string $dob date of bith * @return string */ function get_age($dob) { return date_diff(date_create($dob), date_create('today'))->y . ' years old'; } } if (!function_exists('get_readble_time_from_secconts')) { function get_readble_time_from_secconts($seconds = null) { if (!$seconds) { return ''; } $s = $seconds % 60; $m = floor(($seconds % 3600) / 60); $h = floor(($seconds % 86400) / 3600); $d = floor(($seconds % 2592000) / 86400); $M = floor($seconds / 2592000); $time = ''; if ($M > 0) { $time .= $M . ' ' . trans_choice('app.months', $M) . ', '; } if ($d > 0) { $time .= $d . ' ' . trans_choice('app.days', $d) . ', '; } if ($h > 0) { $time .= $h . ' ' . trans_choice('app.hours', $h) . ', '; } if ($m > 0) { $time .= $m . ' ' . trans_choice('app.minutes', $m) . ', '; } if ($s > 0) { $time .= $s . ' ' . trans_choice('app.seconds', $s) . ', '; } return substr($time, 0, -2); } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_file_size')) { /** * Get the formated file size. * @param int $bytes * @param int $precision * @return string formated size string */ function get_formated_file_size($bytes = 0, $precision = 2) { $units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; } } if (!function_exists('get_customer_email_from_order')) { function get_customer_email_from_order($order) { if (!$order instanceof Order) { $order = Order::find($order); } if ($order->customer->email) { return $order->customer->email; } return $order->email; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_cutomer_str')) { /** * Get the formated customer string. * * @param object|array $customer * * @return string formated customer string */ function get_formated_cutomer_str($customer) { if (is_array($customer)) { return $customer['nice_name'] . ' | ' . $customer['name'] . ' | ' . $customer['email']; } return $customer->nice_name . ' | ' . $customer->name . ' | ' . $customer->email; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_gender')) { /** * Get the formated gender string. * * @param string $sex * * @return string formated gender to display */ function get_formated_gender($sex, $show_icon = true) { if (!$show_icon) { return trans($sex); } $icon = ''; if ('Male' == $sex || 'app.male' == $sex) { $icon = "
"; } elseif ('Female' == $sex || 'app.female' == $sex) { $icon = "
"; } return $icon . trans($sex); } } if (!function_exists('get_cent_from_doller')) { /** * Get cent from decimal amount value. * * @param decimal $value * * @return int */ function get_cent_from_doller($value = 0) { $decimals = 2; if (is_non_decimal_currency()) { $decimals = 0; } $value = number_format($value, $decimals, '.', ''); return intval($value * 100); } } if (!function_exists('is_non_decimal_currency')) { /** * Check if the given currency is a non decimal. * * @param str $vaisolue * @return bool */ function is_non_decimal_currency($iso = null) { if (!$iso) { $iso = is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency') ? get_dynamic_currency_attr('iso_code') : get_system_currency(); } return in_array($iso, config('system.non_decimal_currencies')); } } if (!function_exists('get_doller_from_cent')) { /** * Get doller from cent decimal value. * * @param decimal $value * * @return int */ function get_doller_from_cent($value = 0) { if (!is_int($value)) { $value = intval($value); } $value = $value / 100; return number_format($value, 2, config('system_settings.currency.decimal_mark', '.'), ''); } } if (!function_exists('format_to_number')) { /** * Format the input data with decimal places * * Defaults to 2 decimal places * * @param $value * @param int $decimals * @return null|string */ function format_price_for_paypal($value, $decimals = 2) { if (is_non_decimal_currency()) { $decimals = 0; } return number_format($value, $decimals, '.', ''); } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_decimal')) { function get_formated_decimal($value = 0, $trim = true, $decimal = 0) { if (!$decimal) { // $decimal = $decimal == 0 ? 0 : config('system_settings.decimals', 2); $decimal = 0; } $decimal_mark = config('system_settings.currency.decimal_mark', '.'); $value = number_format($value, $decimal, $decimal_mark, config('system_settings.currency.thousands_separator', ',')); if ($trim) { $arr = explode($decimal_mark, $value); if (count($arr) == 2) { $temp = rtrim($arr[1], '0'); $value = $temp ? $arr[0] . $decimal_mark . $temp : $arr[0]; } } return $value; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_price_value')) { function get_formated_price_value($value = 0) { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { $value = get_dynamic_currency_value($value); } return $value; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_price_array')) { function get_formated_price_array($values = [], $decimal = null) { if (is_non_decimal_currency()) { $decimal = 0; } if ($decimal && is_non_decimal_currency()) { $decimal = null; } $formattedPrices = array_map(function ($value) use ($decimal) { if ($value < 0) { $value = get_formated_decimal($value * -1, $decimal ? false : true, $decimal); return '-' . get_currency_prefix() . $value . get_currency_suffix(); } $value = get_formated_decimal($value, $decimal ? false : true, $decimal); return $value; }, $values); return $formattedPrices; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_currency')) { function get_formated_currency($value = 0, $decimal = null, $currency_id = null) { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { $iso_code = get_dynamic_currency_attr('iso_code', $currency_id); $value = get_dynamic_currency_value($value, $currency_id); } else { $iso_code = get_system_currency(); } $prefix = get_currency_prefix($currency_id); $suffix = get_currency_suffix($currency_id); if (is_non_decimal_currency($iso_code)) { $decimal = 0; } if ($value > 9999) { $value = shorten($value); } elseif ($value < 0) { $value = get_formated_decimal($value * -1, $decimal ? false : true, $decimal); return '-' . $prefix . $value . $suffix; } else { $value = get_formated_decimal($value, $decimal ? false : true, $decimal); } return $prefix . $value . $suffix; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_value')) { function get_formated_value($amount, $currency_id = null) { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { return get_dynamic_currency_value($amount, $currency_id); } return $amount; } } if (!function_exists('get_system_currency_value')) { function get_system_currency_value($amount, $currency_id = null) { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { return $amount / get_currency_details('exchange_rate', $currency_id); } return $amount; } } if (!function_exists('get_currency_prefix')) { function get_currency_prefix($currency_id = null) { $symbol = get_formated_currency_symbol($currency_id); if ($currency_id) { $currency = get_active_currencies()->find($currency_id); return $currency->symbol_first ? $symbol : ''; } return config('system_settings.currency.symbol_first') ? $symbol : ''; } } if (!function_exists('get_currency_suffix')) { function get_currency_suffix($currency_id = null) { $symbol = get_formated_currency_symbol($currency_id); if ($currency_id) { $currency = get_active_currencies()->find($currency_id); return $currency->symbol_first ? '' : $symbol; } return config('system_settings.currency.symbol_first') ? '' : $symbol; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_currency_symbol')) { function get_formated_currency_symbol($currency_id = null) { if (config('system_settings.show_currency_symbol')) { $space = config('system_settings.show_space_after_symbol') ? ' ' : ''; if (config('system_settings.currency.symbol_first')) { return get_currency_symbol($currency_id) . ($space); } return ($space) . get_currency_symbol($currency_id); } return ''; } } if (!function_exists('get_currency_code')) { function get_currency_code() { return config('system_settings.currency.iso_code') ?? 'USD'; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_weight')) { function get_formated_weight($value = 0) { if ($value == null) { return null; } return get_formated_decimal($value, true, 0) . ' ' . config('system_settings.weight_unit'); } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_order_number')) { function get_formated_order_number($shop_id = null, $order_id = null) { $order_id = $order_id ?? str_pad(rand(1, 999999), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($shop_id == null && Auth::guard('web')->check()) { $shop_id = Auth::user()->merchantId(); } return getShopConfig($shop_id, 'order_number_prefix') . $order_id . getShopConfig($shop_id, 'order_number_suffix'); } } // if (! function_exists('php_max_execution_time')) // { // // Returns the time limit in php config file // function php_max_execution_time() { // $max_execution_time = ini_get('max_execution_time'); // return $max_execution_time . 's'; // } // } if (!function_exists('file_upload_max_size')) { // Returns a file size limit in bytes based on the PHP upload_max_filesize // and post_max_size function file_upload_max_size() { static $max_size = -1; if ($max_size < 0) { // Start with post_max_size. $post_max_size = parse_size(ini_get('post_max_size')); if ($post_max_size > 0) { $max_size = $post_max_size; } // If upload_max_size is less, then reduce. Except if upload_max_size is // zero, which indicates no limit. $upload_max = parse_size(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); if ($upload_max > 0 && $upload_max < $max_size) { $max_size = $upload_max; } } return format_bytes($max_size); } } if (!function_exists('parse_size')) { function parse_size($size) { $unit = preg_replace('/[^bkmgtpezy]/i', '', $size); // Remove the non-unit characters from the size. $size = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', '', $size); // Remove the non-numeric characters from the size. if ($unit) { // Find the position of the unit in the ordered string which is the power of magnitude to multiply a kilobyte by. return round($size * pow(1024, stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0]))); } else { return round($size); } } } if (!function_exists('format_bytes')) { function format_bytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; } } if (!function_exists('generate_ranges')) { /** * Return array of different ranges */ function generate_ranges($min, $max, $number_of_ranges = 5) { $range = ($max - $min) / $number_of_ranges; $ranges = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_ranges; $i++) { $end = intval($min + $range); $ranges[$i]['lower'] = $min; $ranges[$i]['upper'] = $end; $min = $end; } return $ranges; } } if (!function_exists('get_percentage_of')) { function get_percentage_of($old_num, $new_num) { return get_formated_decimal((($old_num - $new_num) * 100) / $old_num); } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_shipping_range_of')) { /** * get_formated_shipping_range_of given shipping rate * * @param $tax */ function get_formated_shipping_range_of($rate) { if (!is_object($rate)) { $rate = DB::table('shipping_rates')->find($rate); } if ($rate->based_on == 'weight') { $lower = get_formated_weight($rate->minimum); $upper = get_formated_weight($rate->maximum); } else { $lower = get_formated_currency($rate->minimum); $upper = get_formated_currency($rate->maximum); } if (get_formated_decimal($rate->maximum) > 0) { return $lower . ' - ' . $upper; } return trans('app.and_up', ['value' => $lower]); } } // Shipping zone if (!function_exists('get_countries_in_shipping_zone')) { function get_countries_in_shipping_zone($shipping_zone) { return Country::select('id', 'iso_code', 'name', 'active') ->whereIn('id', $shipping_zone->country_ids) ->withCount('states')->with('states:id,country_id')->get(); } } // COUNTRY if (!function_exists('get_countries_name_with_states')) { function get_countries_name_with_states($ids) { if (is_array($ids)) { $countries = DB::table('countries')->select('iso_code', 'name', 'id')->whereIn('id', $ids)->get()->toArray(); $all_states = DB::table('states')->whereIn('country_id', $ids)->pluck('country_id', 'id')->toArray(); if (!empty($countries)) { $result = []; foreach ($countries as $country) { $states = array_filter($all_states, function ($value) use ($country) { return $value == $country->id; }); $result[$country->id]['code'] = $country->iso_code; $result[$country->id]['name'] = $country->name; $result[$country->id]['states'] = array_keys($states); } return $result; } } else { $country_data = DB::table('countries')->select('iso_code', 'name')->find($country); } } } if (!function_exists('get_flag_img_by_code')) { function get_flag_img_by_code($code, $plain = false) { $full_path = sys_image_path('flags') . $code . '.png'; if (!file_exists($full_path)) { $full_path = sys_image_path('flags') . 'default.gif'; } if ($plain) { return asset($full_path); } return '
'; } } if (!function_exists('get_formated_country_name')) { function get_formated_country_name($country, $code = null) { if (is_numeric($country)) { $country_data = DB::table('countries')->select('iso_code', 'name')->find($country); $country = $country_data->name; $code = $country_data->iso_code; } if ($code) { return get_flag_img_by_code($code) . '
' . $country . '
'; } return $country; } } if (!function_exists('get_item_details_of')) { /** * Return the item details for the given inventory id * * @param $tax */ function get_item_details_of($id) { $item_details = DB::table('inventories')->select([ 'id', 'sku', 'description', 'key_features', 'condition', 'condition_note', 'shipping_weight', 'min_order_quantity', 'available_from', ])->where('id', $id)->first(); return $item_details; } } if (!function_exists('get_shipping_zone_of')) { /** * Return the shipping zone id of given shop and country and state * * @param $tax */ function get_shipping_zone_of($shop, $country, $state = null) { $cant_ship = new stdClass(); // A blank std class for null // When got null on country if ($country == null) { return $cant_ship; } // If the iso_2 code given instead of ID as country if (!is_numeric($country)) { $temp_country = DB::table('countries')->select('id', 'active') ->where('iso_code', $country)->first(); $country = optional($temp_country)->id; } // If the iso_2 code given instead of ID as state if ($state && !is_numeric($state)) { $temp_state = DB::table('states')->select('id', 'active')->where([ ['iso_code', '=', $state], ['country_id', '=', $country], ])->first(); $state = optional($temp_state)->id; } // Check if the marketplace is worldwide_business_area if (!config('system_settings.worldwide_business_area')) { // Need the country's active value to check the business area if (!isset($temp_country)) { $temp_country = DB::table('countries')->select('id', 'active')->where([ ['id', '=', $country], ['active', '=', 1], ])->first(); // Return back if the area is not in active business area if (!$temp_country || $temp_country->active != 1) { return $cant_ship; } } // Need the state's active value to check the business area if ($state && !isset($temp_state)) { $temp_state = DB::table('states')->select('id', 'active')->where([ ['id', '=', $state], ['country_id', '=', $country], ['active', '=', 1], ])->first(); // Return back if the area is not in active business area if (!$temp_state || $temp_state->active != 1) { return $cant_ship; } } } // Get number of states if ($state) { $state_counts = get_state_count_of($country); } $zones = DB::table('shipping_zones') ->select(['id', 'name', 'tax_id', 'country_ids', 'state_ids', 'rest_of_the_world']) ->where('shop_id', $shop)->where('active', 1) ->get(); foreach ($zones as $zone) { // Check the the shop has a worldwide shipping zone if ($zone->rest_of_the_world == 1) { $worldwide = $zone; } $countries = unserialize($zone->country_ids); // Skip if the country is not found in this zone if (empty($countries) || !in_array($country, $countries)) { continue; } // If the country has no state or the state is not given, then return the zone if ($state == null || $state_counts == 0) { return $zone; } $states = unserialize($zone->state_ids); // Skip if the country has states but the id not supplied if ($state_counts > 0 && $state == null) { continue; } if (in_array($state, $states)) { return $zone; } } return isset($worldwide) ? $worldwide : $cant_ship; } } if (!function_exists('get_state_count_of')) { /** * Return total number of states of given country * * @param $tax */ function get_state_count_of($country) { return DB::table('states')->where('country_id', $country)->count(); } } if (!function_exists('get_states_of')) { /** * Get states ids of given countries. * * @param int $countries * * @return array */ function get_states_of($countries, $all = false) { $states = DB::table('states'); if (is_array($countries)) { $states->whereIn('country_id', $countries); } else { $states->where('country_id', $countries); } if (!$all) { $states->where('active', 1); } return $states->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); } } if (!function_exists('get_business_area_of')) { /** * Get states ids of given countries. * * @param int $countries * * @return array */ function get_business_area_of($countries) { $states = State::select('id', 'name', 'iso_code', 'active')->orderBy('name', 'asc'); if (is_array($countries)) { $states->whereIn('country_id', $countries); } else { $states->where('country_id', $countries); } return $states->get(); } } if (!function_exists('get_id_of_model')) { /** * Return ID og the given table using where * * @param string $table Name of the table * @param string $where Name of the field * @param string $value The value conpire to * * @return int */ function get_id_of_model($table, $where, $value) { $temp = DB::table($table)->select('id')->where($where, $value)->first(); return optional($temp)->id; } } if (!function_exists('cart_item_count')) { /** * Get cart item count for customer. */ function cart_item_count($customer_id = null) { // return Cache::rememberForever('cart_item_count', function() { if (!$customer_id) { $customer_id = Auth::guard('customer')->check() ? Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id : null; } $cart_list = DB::table('carts') ->join('cart_items', 'cart_items.cart_id', '=', 'carts.id') ->whereNull('customer_id')->whereNull('deleted_at') ->whereIn('id', cart_ids_from_cookie()); if ($customer_id) { $cart_list = $cart_list->orWhere('customer_id', $customer_id); } return $cart_list->count(); // }); } } if (!function_exists('cart_ids_from_cookie')) { /** * Get cart ids from cookie. */ function cart_ids_from_cookie() { return isset($_COOKIE['cart_ids']) ? explode(',', $_COOKIE['cart_ids']) : []; } } if (!function_exists('wishlist_item_count')) { /** * Get cart item count for customer. */ function wishlist_item_count() { // return Cache::rememberForever('cart_item_count', function() { if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { $customer_id = Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id; return Wishlist::where('customer_id', $customer_id)->count(); } } } if (!function_exists('getTaxRate')) { /** * Return taxe rate for the given tax id * * @param $tax */ function getTaxRate($tax_id = null) { $tax_id = $tax_id ?? Tax::DEFAULT_TAX_ID; $rate = DB::table('taxes')->select('taxrate')->where('id', $tax_id)->first(); return $rate ? $rate->taxrate : null; } } if (!function_exists('getShippingRates')) { /** * Get shipping rates list for the given zone or shop. */ function getShippingRates($zone = null, $cart = null) { if ($zone) { $rates = ShippingRate::where('shipping_zone_id', $zone) ->with('carrier:id,name')->orderBy('rate', 'asc')->get(); if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { $rates = $rates->map(function ($item) { $item->rate = get_dynamic_currency_value($item->rate); return $item; }); } if (!is_object($cart)) { $cart = App\Models\Cart::find($cart); // When cart id is given instead of an cart object } if (is_incevio_package_loaded('shippo') && isset($cart)) { // insert shipping rate at live here $shippo_service = new \Incevio\Package\Shippo\Services\ShippoShippingService($cart->shop_id); $rates = $shippo_service->insertLiveRatesToFrontend($cart, $rates); } return $rates; } // Return empty object if zone it is not given and not an user if (!Auth::guard('web')->check() || Auth::guard('web')->user()->merchantId()) { return new stdClass(); } $rates = DB::table('shipping_zones') ->join('shipping_rates', 'shipping_zones.id', 'shipping_rates.shipping_zone_id') ->where('shipping_zones.shop_id', Auth::guard('web')->user()->merchantId()) ->where('shipping_zones.active', 1) ->orderBy('shipping_rates.rate', 'asc') ->get(); if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { return $rates->map(function ($item) { $item->rate = get_dynamic_currency_value($item->rate); return $item; }); } return $rates; } } if (!function_exists('getTrackingUrl')) { /** * Return tracking utl for the given carrier and tracking id * * @param $carrier * @param $tracking_id */ function getTrackingUrl($tracking_id = null, $carrier = null) { if (!$tracking_id || !$carrier) { return '#'; } $carrier = DB::table('carriers')->select('tracking_url') ->where('id', $carrier) ->first(); if ($carrier) { return str_replace('@', $tracking_id, $carrier->tracking_url); } return '#'; } } if (!function_exists('filterShippingOptions')) { /** * Return filtered shipping options for a given zone and price * * @param $shop * @param $price * @param $weight */ function filterShippingOptions($zone, $price, $weight = null) { $results = DB::table('shipping_rates') ->where('shipping_zone_id', $zone)->orderBy('rate'); $results->where(function ($query) use ($price, $weight) { $query->where('based_on', 'price') ->where('minimum', '<=', $price) ->where(function ($q) use ($price) { $q->where('maximum', '>=', $price) ->orWhereNull('maximum'); }); if ($weight) { $query->orWhere(function ($q) use ($weight) { $q->where('based_on', 'weight') ->where('minimum', '<=', $weight) ->where('maximum', '>=', $weight); }); } }) ->select('shipping_rates.*', 'carriers.name as carrier_name') ->leftJoin('carriers', 'shipping_rates.carrier_id', '=', 'carriers.id'); return $results->get(); } } if (!function_exists('getFreeShippingObject')) { /** * Return free shipping options * * @param $zone */ function getFreeShippingObject($zone = null) { return [ 'id' => null, 'name' => trans('api.free_shipping'), 'shipping_zone_id' => $zone && !is_numeric($zone) ? $zone->id : $zone, 'carrier_id' => null, 'carrier_name' => trans('theme.std_shipping_carrier'), 'cost' => '$0.00', 'cost_raw' => 0, 'rate' => "0.00", 'delivery_takes' => trans('api.std_delivery_time'), ]; } } if (!function_exists('getShippingingCost')) { /** * Return shipping Cost for the given id * * @param $int shipping */ function getShippingingCost($shipping = null) { if (!$shipping) { return null; } $shipping_rate = DB::table('shipping_rates')->select('rate') ->where('id', $shipping) ->first(); return $shipping_rate ? $shipping_rate->rate : null; } } if (!function_exists('find_string_in_array')) { /** * find string or sub_string in array of string * * @param array $arr haystack * @param string $string needle * * @return bool */ function find_string_in_array($arr, $string) { return array_filter($arr, function ($value) use ($string) { return strpos($value, $string) !== false; }); } } if (!function_exists('userLevelCompare')) { /** * Compare two user access level and * return true is $user can access the $comparable users information * * @param mix $compare * @param $user request user * * @return bool */ function userLevelCompare($compare, $user = null) { if (!$user) { $user = Auth::user(); } if ($user->isSuperAdmin()) { return true; } if (!$compare instanceof User) { $compare = User::findorFail($compare); } // If the comparable user is from a shop and the request user is the owner of the shop if ( $compare->merchantId() && $user->isMerchant() && $user->merchantId() === $compare->merchantId() ) { return true; } //Return if the user is from a shop and the compare user is not from the same shop if (!$user->isFromPlatform() && $user->merchantId() !== $compare->merchantId()) { return false; } //Return true, If comparable user role level not set //and request user from platform or same shop if (!$compare->role->level) { return $user->isFromPlatform() || $user->merchantId() == $compare->merchantId(); } //If the comparable user role have level. //Then the request user must have role level set and have to be an user level user return $user->role->level && $compare->role->level > $user->role->level; } } if (!function_exists('get_value_from')) { /** * Get value from a given table and id * * @param int $ids The primary keys * @param string $table * @param mix $field * * @return mix */ function get_value_from($ids, $table, $field) { if (is_array($ids)) { $values = DB::table($table)->select($field)->whereIn('id', $ids)->get()->toArray(); if (!empty($values)) { $result = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $result[] = $value->$field; } return $result; } } else { $value = DB::table($table)->select($field)->where('id', $ids)->first(); if (!empty($value) && isset($value->$field)) { return $value->$field; } } return null; } } if (!function_exists('get_package_options_settings')) { function get_package_options_settings($prefix) { return DB::table('options')->where('option_name', 'like', $prefix . '_%')->get(); } } if (!function_exists('get_from_option_table')) { function get_from_option_table($field, $default = null) { $record = DB::table('options')->select('option_value') ->where('option_name', $field)->first(); if ($record) { $value = $record->option_value; if (is_serialized($value)) { $value = unserialize($value); $value = $value ? $value : []; } return $value; } // Insert the option when the default value is given if ($default !== null) { $now = Carbon::now(); DB::table('options')->insert([ 'option_name' => $field, 'option_value' => is_array($default) ? serialize($default) : $default, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } return $default; } } if (!function_exists('update_option_table_record')) { function update_option_table_record($option, $data) { $data = is_array($data) ? serialize($data) : $data; return DB::table('options')->where('option_name', $option) ->update([ 'option_value' => $data, 'updated_at' => Carbon::now(), ]); } } if (!function_exists('update_or_create_option_table_record')) { function update_or_create_option_table_record($option, $data) { // Try to update first $update = update_option_table_record($option, $data); // When the update failed, create if (!$update) { $now = Carbon::now(); $update = DB::table('options')->insert([ 'option_name' => $option, 'option_value' => is_array($data) ? serialize($data) : $data, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } return $update; } } // if (! function_exists('get_from_given_collection')) { // function get_from_given_collection(Collection $collection, $field, $value) // { // return $collection->firstWhere($field, $value); // } // } if (!function_exists('get_yes_or_no')) { /** * Return YES or No tring for views base on a given bool value * * @param bool $value * * @return string */ function get_yes_or_no($value = null) { return $value == 1 ? trans('app.yes') : trans('app.no'); } } if (!function_exists('get_msg_folder_name_from_label')) { /** * get_msg_folder_name_from_label * * @param int $label * * @return string */ function get_msg_folder_name_from_label($label = 1) { switch ($label) { case Message::LABEL_INBOX: return trans('app.message_labels.inbox'); case Message::LABEL_SENT: return trans('app.message_labels.sent'); case Message::LABEL_DRAFT: return trans('app.message_labels.draft'); case Message::LABEL_SPAM: return trans('app.message_labels.spam'); case Message::LABEL_TRASH: return trans('app.message_labels.trash'); default: return trans('app.message_labels.inbox'); } } } if (!function_exists('get_payment_method_type')) { function get_payment_method_type($type) { switch ($type) { case PaymentMethod::TYPE_PAYPAL: return [ 'name' => trans('app.payment_method_type.paypal.name'), 'description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.paypal.description'), 'admin_description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.paypal.admin_description'), ]; case PaymentMethod::TYPE_CREDIT_CARD: return [ 'name' => trans('app.payment_method_type.credit_card.name'), 'description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.credit_card.description'), 'admin_description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.credit_card.admin_description'), ]; case PaymentMethod::TYPE_MANUAL: return [ 'name' => trans('app.payment_method_type.manual.name'), 'description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.manual.description'), 'admin_description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.manual.admin_description'), ]; case PaymentMethod::TYPE_OTHERS: return [ 'name' => trans('app.payment_method_type.others.name'), 'description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.others.description'), 'admin_description' => trans('app.payment_method_type.others.admin_description'), ]; default: return [ 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'admin_description' => '', ]; } } } if (!function_exists('get_shipping_method_type')) { function get_shipping_method_type($type) { switch ($type) { case ShippingMethod::TYPE_MANUAL: return [ 'name' => trans('app.shipping_method_type.manual.name'), 'description' => trans('app.shipping_method_type.manual.description'), 'admin_description' => trans('app.shipping_method_type.manual.admin_description'), ]; case ShippingMethod::TYPE_ONLINE: return [ 'name' => trans('app.shipping_method_type.online.name'), 'description' => trans('app.shipping_method_type.online.description'), 'admin_description' => trans('app.shipping_method_type.online.admin_description'), ]; default: return [ 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'admin_description' => '', ]; } } } if (!function_exists('get_order_status_name')) { /** * get_order_status_name * * @param int $label * * @return string */ function get_order_status_name($status = 1) { switch ($status) { case Order::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT: return trans('app.statuses.waiting_for_payment'); case Order::STATUS_PAYMENT_ERROR: return trans('app.statuses.payment_error'); case Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED: return trans('app.statuses.confirmed'); case Order::STATUS_FULFILLED: return trans('app.statuses.fulfilled'); case Order::STATUS_AWAITING_DELIVERY: return trans('app.statuses.awaiting_delivery'); case Order::STATUS_DELIVERED: return trans('app.statuses.delivered'); case Order::STATUS_RETURNED: return trans('app.statuses.refunded'); case Order::STATUS_CANCELED: return trans('app.canceled'); default: return ''; } } } if (!function_exists('get_payment_status_name')) { /** * get_payment_status_name * * @param int $label * * @return string */ function get_payment_status_name($status = 1) { switch ($status) { case Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_UNPAID: return trans('app.statuses.unpaid'); case Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PENDING: return trans('app.statuses.pending'); case Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID: return trans('app.statuses.paid'); case Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_INITIATED_REFUND: return trans('app.statuses.refund_initiated'); case Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED: return trans('app.statuses.partially_refunded'); case Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_REFUNDED: return trans('app.statuses.refunded'); default: return trans('app.statuses.unpaid'); } } } if (!function_exists('get_exception_message')) { /** * get_payment_status_name * * @param int $label * * @return string */ function get_exception_message($exception) { return $exception->getMessage() . ' | Line: ' . $exception->getLine() . ' | File: ' . $exception->getFile(); } } if (!function_exists('get_disput_status_name')) { /** * get_disput_status_name * * @param int $label * * @return string */ function get_disput_status_name($status = 1) { switch ($status) { case Dispute::STATUS_NEW: return trans('app.statuses.new'); case Dispute::STATUS_OPEN: return trans('app.statuses.open'); case Dispute::STATUS_WAITING: return trans('app.statuses.waiting'); case Dispute::STATUS_APPEALED: return trans('app.statuses.appealed'); case Dispute::STATUS_SOLVED: return trans('app.statuses.solved'); case Dispute::STATUS_CLOSED: return trans('app.statuses.closed'); // case Dispute::STATUS_REFUNDED: // return trans('app.statuses.refunded'); default: return ''; } } } if (!function_exists('get_chat_status_name')) { /** * get_chat_status_name * * @param int $status * * @return string */ function get_chat_status_name($status = \Incevio\Package\LiveChat\Models\ChatConversation::STATUS_NEW) { switch ($status) { case \Incevio\Package\LiveChat\Models\ChatConversation::STATUS_NEW: return trans('app.statuses.new'); case \Incevio\Package\LiveChat\Models\ChatConversation::STATUS_READ: return trans('app.statuses.read'); case \Incevio\Package\LiveChat\Models\ChatConversation::STATUS_UNREAD: return trans('app.statuses.unread'); } } } if (!function_exists('get_cancellation_reason_txt')) { /** * get_cancellation_reason_txt * * @param int $status * * @return string */ function get_cancellation_reason_txt($status = Cancellation::STATUS_NEW) { switch ($status) { case Cancellation::STATUS_NEW: return trans('app.statuses.new'); case Cancellation::STATUS_OPEN: return trans('app.statuses.open'); case Cancellation::STATUS_APPROVED: return trans('app.statuses.approved'); case Cancellation::STATUS_DECLINED: return trans('app.statuses.declined'); } } } if (!function_exists('get_activity_title')) { function get_activity_title($activity) { if (!$activity->causer) { return trans('app.system') . ' ' . $activity->description . ' ' . trans('app.this') . ' ' . $activity->log_name; } return Str::title($activity->description) . ' ' . trans('app.by') . ' ' . $activity->causer->getName(); } } if (!function_exists('isActive')) { /** * Set the active class to the current opened menu. * * @param string|array $route * @param string $className * @return string */ function isActive($route, $className = 'active') { if (is_array($route)) { return in_array(Route::currentRouteName(), $route) ? $className : ''; } if (Route::currentRouteName() == $route) { return $className; } if (strpos(URL::current(), $route)) { return $className; } return ''; } } if (!function_exists('verifyRequiredDataForBulkUpload')) { function verifyRequiredDataForBulkUpload($data, $type = 'inventory') { if (!is_array($data)) { $data = unserialize($data); } $required = array_flip(config('system.import_required.' . $type, [])); $value = array_intersect_ukey($data, $required, 'checkAllValuesExistInAArray'); return count($value) == count($required); } } if (!function_exists('checkAllValuesExistInAArray')) { /** * check all the Values Exist of $b exist is array $a * * @param array $a * @param array $b * * @return mix */ function checkAllValuesExistInAArray($a, $b) { if ($a === $b) { return 0; } return ($a > $b) ? 1 : -1; } } if (!function_exists('is_address_autocomplete_on')) { function is_address_autocomplete_on() { return config('services.google.place_api_key'); } } if (!function_exists('is_chat_enabled')) { /** * Check if the chat window is enabled for the shop */ function is_chat_enabled(Shop $shop) { return config('system_settings.enable_chat') && $shop->config->isChatEnabled(); } } if (!function_exists('is_subscription_enabled')) { /** * Check if the subscription enabled */ function is_subscription_enabled() { return config('system.subscription.enabled'); } } if (!function_exists('get_subscription_billing')) { /** * Check if the subscription billing */ function get_subscription_billing() { return config('system.subscription.billing'); } } if (!function_exists('subscription_billing_type')) { /** * Get the subscription billing type */ function subscription_billing_type() { return config('system.subscription.billing'); } } if (!function_exists('is_stripe_configured')) { /** * Check if the stripe APIs configured */ function is_stripe_configured() { return config('services.stripe.client_id') && config('services.stripe.key') && config('services.stripe.secret') && config('services.stripe.webhook.secret'); } } if (!function_exists('get_chat_room_name')) { /** * Return zcart chat_room_name */ function get_chat_room_name($room = '') { return "zcart-chat{$room}"; } } if (!function_exists('get_vendor_chat_room_id')) { /** * Return vendor_chat_room_id */ function get_vendor_chat_room_id($shop = null) { $shop = $shop ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); if ($shop instanceof Shop) { return $shop->slug; } return Shop::find($shop)->slug; } } if (!function_exists('get_private_chat_room_id')) { /** * Return unique private_chat_room_id */ function get_private_chat_room_id(\Incevio\Package\LiveChat\Models\ChatConversation $coverseation) { return get_chat_room_name($coverseation->shop_id . $coverseation->customer_id); } } if (!function_exists('multi_tag_explode')) { /** * extend php's explode functions */ function multi_tag_explode($delimiters, $string) { return explode($delimiters[0], str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string)); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_items')) { /** * Get featured Products * @return array */ function get_featured_items($shop_id = null) { $field = 'featured_items' . $shop_id; return Cache::rememberForever($field, function () use ($field) { $items = get_from_option_table($field, []); if (!empty($items)) { return Inventory::whereIn('id', $items) ->available() ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ])->get(); } return $items; }); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_brand_ids')) { /** * Get featured brand ids * @return array */ function get_featured_brand_ids() { return Cache::rememberForever('featured_brand_ids', function () { return get_from_option_table('featured_brands', []); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_brands')) { /** * Get featured brands * @return array */ function get_featured_brands() { if (!$featured_brands = get_featured_brand_ids()) { return collect([]); } return Cache::rememberForever('featured_brands', function () use ($featured_brands) { return Manufacturer::select('id', 'name', 'slug', 'description') ->whereIn('id', $featured_brands) ->with('featureImage:path,imageable_id,imageable_type') ->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_vendor_ids')) { /** * Get featured vendor ids * @return array */ function get_featured_vendor_ids() { return Cache::rememberForever('featured_vendor_ids', function () { return get_from_option_table('featured_vendors', []); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_vendors')) { /** * Get featured vendors * @return array */ function get_featured_vendors() { if (!$featured_vendors = get_featured_vendor_ids()) { return collect([]); } return Cache::rememberForever('featured_vendors', function () use ($featured_vendors) { return Shop::select('id', 'name', 'slug', 'id_verified', 'phone_verified', 'address_verified') ->whereIn('id', $featured_vendors) ->whereHas('inventories') ->with([ 'inventories' => function ($q) { $q->select(ListHelper::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->available() ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->where('parent_id', null) // ->take(config('system.popular.take.trending', 20)) ->inRandomOrder()->take(30); }, 'logoImage:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ])->get()->take(3); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_category')) { /** * Get featured category * @return array */ function get_featured_category() { return Cache::rememberForever('featured_categories', function () { return Category::select('id', 'name', 'slug') ->with('featureImage:path,imageable_id,imageable_type') ->withCount('listings') ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->featured()->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_main_nav_categories')) { /** * Get featured brands * @return array */ function get_main_nav_categories() { return Cache::rememberForever('main_nav_categories', function () { $ids = get_from_option_table('main_nav_categories', []); return Category::findMany($ids, ['id', 'slug', 'name']); }); } } if (!function_exists('hidden_menu_items')) { /** * get hide menu item * @return array|mixed|null */ function hidden_menu_items() { return Cache::rememberForever('hidden_menu_items', function () { return get_from_option_table('hidden_menu_items', []); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_trending_category_ids')) { /** * Get trending category ids * @return array */ function get_trending_category_ids() { return Cache::rememberForever('trending_category_ids', function () { return get_from_option_table('trending_categories', []); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_trending_categories')) { /** * Get trending categories * @return array */ function get_trending_categories() { $trending_ids = get_trending_category_ids(); if (!$trending_ids) { return []; } return Cache::rememberForever('trending_categories', function () use ($trending_ids) { return Category::whereIn('id', $trending_ids)->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_trending_categories_with_items')) { /** * Get trending_categories * @return array */ function get_trending_categories_with_items() { if (!$trending_ids = get_trending_category_ids()) { return collect([]); } return Cache::remember('trending_categories_with_items', config('cache.remember.trending_category_items', 86400), function () use ($trending_ids) { return Category::select('id', 'name', 'slug', 'order') ->whereIn('id', $trending_ids) ->whereHas('listings') ->with([ 'listings' => function ($q) { $q->select(ListHelper::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->available() ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->where('parent_id', null) // ->take(config('system.popular.take.trending', 20)) ->inRandomOrder()->get(); }, ])->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_deal_of_the_day')) { /** * Get get_deal_of_the_day * @return inventory */ function get_deal_of_the_day($shop_id = null) { $field = 'deal_of_the_day' . $shop_id; return Cache::rememberForever($field, function () use ($field) { return Inventory::where('id', get_from_option_table($field)) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'images:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->available() ->first(); }); } } if (!function_exists('create_file_from_base64')) { /** * extend php's explode functions */ function create_file_from_base64($base64File) { $fileData = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $base64File)); // save it to temporary dir first. $tmpFilePath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . Str::uuid()->toString() . '.png'; file_put_contents($tmpFilePath, $fileData); // this just to help us get file info. $tmpFile = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File($tmpFilePath); return new UploadedFile( $tmpFile->getPathname(), $tmpFile->getFilename(), $tmpFile->getMimeType(), 0, false // Mark it as test, since the file isn't from real HTTP POST. ); } } // STRIPE Helper // if (! function_exists('getStripeAuthorizeUrl')) // { // /** // * Return authorize_url to Stripe connect authorization // */ // function getStripeAuthorizeUrl() // { // return "https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=" . config('services.stripe.client_id') . "&scope=read_write&state=" . csrf_token(); // } /** * This method will return unique random number * * @return code() */ if (!function_exists('generateUniqueNumber')) { function generateUniqueNumber() { do { $code = random_int(100000, 999999); } while (DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $code)->first()); return $code; } } /** * Update Env file * * @param array $data */ if (!function_exists('update_env')) { function update_env($data = []): void { // When the user is admin if (Auth::user()->isAdmin()) { if (!empty($data)) { $env = new \App\Services\EnvManager(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $env->setValue($key, $value, true); } } } return; } } if (!function_exists('is_social_login_configured')) { /** * Check if social login plugin configured */ function is_social_login_configured() { return is_incevio_package_loaded('facebook-login') || is_incevio_package_loaded('google-login') || is_incevio_package_loaded('apple-login'); } } //if (!function_exists('get_flash_deals')) { // /** // * Get Flash Deals // * @param null $item // * @return array|false|null // */ // function get_flash_deals($item = null) // { // $deals = get_from_option_table('flashdeal_items', []); // $flash_items = array_merge($deals['listings'], $deals['featured']); // // if (!is_null($item) && !in_array($item, $flash_items)){ // return false; // } // // if (empty($deals)) { // return Null; // } // // Return null if not in valid time period // if ($deals['start_time'] > Carbon::now() || Carbon::now() > $deals['end_time']) { // return Null; // } // // $items = []; // // if (!empty($deals['listings'])) { // $items['listings'] = Inventory::available() // ->whereIn('id', $deals['listings']) // ->select(ListHelper::common_select_attr('inventory')) // ->with([ // 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', // 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // // 'product:id,slug', // // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' // ]) // // ->groupBy('product_id') // ->get(); // } // // if (!empty($deals['featured'])) { // $items['featured'] = Inventory::available() // ->whereIn('id', $deals['featured']) // ->with([ // 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', // 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // // 'product:id,slug', // // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' // ]) // // ->groupBy('product_id') // ->get(); // } // // return array_merge($deals, $items); // } // //} if (!function_exists('get_flash_deals')) { /** * Get Flash Deals * @return array | null */ function get_flash_deals() { $flash_deals = Cache::rememberForever('flashdeals', function () { $deals = get_from_option_table('flashdeal_items', []); // Return null when the list is empty if (empty($deals)) { return Null; } $items = []; // Get general deals if (!empty($deals['listings'])) { $items['listings'] = Inventory::available() ->whereIn('id', $deals['listings']) ->select(ListHelper::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // 'product:id,slug', // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) // ->groupBy('product_id') ->get(); } // Get featured deals if (!empty($deals['featured'])) { $items['featured'] = Inventory::available() ->whereIn('id', $deals['featured']) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // 'product:id,slug', // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) // ->groupBy('product_id') ->get(); } return array_merge($deals, $items); }); if ( !Request::is('admin/*') && $flash_deals && $flash_deals['start_time']->isPast() && $flash_deals['end_time']->isFuture() ) { return $flash_deals; } return Null; } } if (!function_exists('get_license_reset_url')) { /** * Get the license reset url * @return utl */ function get_license_reset_url() { return url('admin/setting/system/general#license_tab'); } } if (!function_exists('get_custom_css')) { /** * Get custom css * @return str */ function get_custom_css($shop_id = null) { $field = 'theme_custom_styling' . $shop_id; return Cache::rememberForever($field, function () use ($field) { return get_from_option_table($field) ?? ''; }); } } if (!function_exists('best_finds_under')) { /** * Get best finds under value * @return str */ function best_finds_under($shop_id = null) { $field = 'best_finds_under' . $shop_id; return Cache::rememberForever($field, function () use ($field) { return get_from_option_table($field, 99); }); } } if (!function_exists('convert_img_to')) { /** * Convert img to the given extention * * @param string $file_path * @param string $ext * @return str */ function convert_img_to($file_path, $ext = 'webp') { return InterventionImage::make($file_path)->stream($ext, 100); } } if (!function_exists('shorten')) { /** * @param $number * @return string * short format of large number */ function shorten($number) { $suffix = ["", "K", "M", "B"]; $precision = 2; for ($i = 0; $i < count($suffix); $i++) { $divide = $number / pow(1000, $i); if ($divide < 1000) { return round($divide, $precision) . $suffix[$i]; break; } } } } if (!function_exists('get_shortcode_replaced')) { /** * Replace shortcodes in a given string */ function get_shortcode_replaced($str = '') { return str_replace( [ '{platform_name}', '{platform_url}', '{platform_address}', '{CONTACT_US}', '{ABOUT_US}', '{PRIVACY_POLICY}', '{RETURN_AND_REFUND}', '{TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_FOR_CUSTOMER}', '{TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_FOR_MERCHANT}' ], [ get_platform_title(), '
' . url('/') . '
', get_platform_address(), get_page_url('contact-us'), get_page_url('about-us'), get_page_url('privacy-policy'), get_page_url('return-and-refund-policy'), get_page_url('terms-of-use-customer'), get_page_url('terms-of-use-merchant'), ], $str ); } } /** * Return minimum and maximum price from the given linstings * * @return array */ function get_price_ranges_from_listings($listings) { $prices = $listings->pluck('sale_price'); $priceRange['min'] = floor($prices->min()); $priceRange['max'] = ceil($prices->max()); return $priceRange; } if (!function_exists('get_smart_form_lists')) { function get_smart_form_lists() { return ListHelper::smart_forms(); } }