'Add your custom styling CSS in the box. This will override the theme design.', 'custom_css_guideline_for_merchant' => 'Easily customize the appearance of your profile page by applying your own custom CSS styles. Adjust the color of your shop name and resize your logo effortlessly using the following steps.', 'custom_css_guideline' => 'Easily customize the appearance of your marketplace by applying your own custom CSS styles. If you want to change the main navigation bar\'s background color and search button and footer\'s, this is how you can do that.', 'trust_badge_size' => 'Trust badge image size should be 32x32px and .png', 'add_input_field' => 'Add input field', 'remove_input_field' => 'Remove this input field', 'marketplace_name' => 'The name of the marketplace name. Visitors will see this name.', 'system_legal_name' => 'The legal name of the business', 'min_pass_length' => 'Minimum 6 characters', 'role_name' => 'The title of the user role', 'role_type' => 'Platform and Merchant. The role type platform only available for the main platform user, a merchant can\'t use this role. The Merchant role type will available when a merchant will add a new user.', 'role_level' => 'Role level will be use determine who can control who. Example: An user with role level 2 can\'t modify any the user with role level 1. Keep empty if the role is for end level users.', 'you_cant_set_role_level' => 'Only top-level users can set this value.', 'cant_edit_special_role' => 'This role type is not editable. Be careful to modify the permissions of this role.', 'set_role_permissions' => 'Set role permissions very carefully. Choose the \'Role Type\' to get appropriate modules.', 'permission_modules' => 'Enable the module to set permission for the module', 'shipping_rate_delivery_takes' => 'Be specific, customer will see this.', 'type_dbreset' => 'Type the exact word "RESET" in the box to confirm your wish.', 'type_environment' => 'Type the exact word "ENVIRONMENT" in the box to confirm your wish.', 'type_uninstall' => 'Type the exact word "UNINSTALL" in the box to confirm your wish.', 'module' => [ 'name' => 'All users under this role will be able to do specified actions to manage :module.', 'access' => [ 'common' => 'This is a :access module. That means both platform users and merchant users can get access.', 'platform' => 'This is a :access module. That means only platform users can get access.', 'merchant' => 'This is a :access module. That means only merchant users can get access.', ], ], 'currency_iso_code' => 'ISO 4217 code. For example, United States dollar has code USD and Japan\'s currency code is JPY.', 'country_iso_code' => 'ISO 3166_2 code. For example, Example: For United States of America the code is US', 'currency_subunit' => 'The subunit that is a fraction of the base unit. For example: cent, centavo, paisa', 'currency_symbol_first' => 'Is the symbol will be placed on left? Example: $13.21', 'currency_decimalpoint' => 'Example: 13.21, 13,21', 'currency_thousands_separator' => 'Example: 1,000, 1.000, 1 000', 'cover_img_size' => 'Cover image size should be 1280x300px', 'featured_img_size' => 'Featured image size should be 285x190px', 'brand_featured_img_size' => 'Featured image size should be 380x160px', 'top_bar_img_size' => 'Top bar image size should be 90x1500', 'featured_image' => 'This image will show in Featured Category section on homepage', 'brand_featured_image' => 'This image will show in Featured Brands section on homepage', 'slug' => 'Slug are usually a search engine friendly URL', 'shop_slug' => 'This will be used as your shop URL, You can not change it later. Be creative to choose the slug for your shop', 'shop_url' => 'The complete path to the shop\'s landing page. You should not change the shop slug. Because it may damage your SEO.', 'shop_timezone' => 'The timezone will not effect the shop or marketplace. Its for just to know more about your shop', // 'website' => 'Homepage link', 'url' => 'Web address', 'optional' => '(optional)', 'use_markdown_to_bold' => 'Add ** both side of important keyword to highlight', // 'help_doc_link' => 'Help document link', 'blog_feature_img_hint' => 'The image size should be 960x480px', 'code' => 'Code', 'brand' => 'The brand of the product. Not required but recommended', 'shop_name' => 'The brand or display name of the shop', 'shop_status' => 'If active, the shop will be live immediately.', 'shop_maintenance_mode_handle' => 'If maintenance mode is on, the shop will be offline and all listings will be down from the marketplace until maintenance off.', 'system_maintenance_mode_handle' => 'If maintenance mode is on, the marketplace will be offline and the maintenance mode flag will be shown to the visitors. Still merchants can access their admin panel.', 'system_physical_address' => 'The physical location of the marketplace/office', 'system_email' => 'Contact us messages and all system notifications will be send to this email address, accept support emails(if set)', 'system_timezone' => 'This system will use this timezone to operate.', 'system_currency' => 'The marketplace currency', 'system_slogan' => 'The tagline that describe your marketplace most', 'system_length_unit' => 'Unit of length will be use all over the marketplace.', 'system_weight_unit' => 'Unit of weight will be use all over the marketplace.', 'system_valume_unit' => 'Unit of volume will be use all over the marketplace.', 'ask_customer_for_email_subscription' => 'When a new customer register an account ask your customer if he/she want to get promotions and other notifications on email. Turning the option off will result in auto subscription. In that case, make the clear on the terms and condition section.', 'allow_guest_checkout' => 'This will allow customers to checkout without registering on the site.', 'vendor_can_view_customer_info' => 'This will allow vendors to see customer\'s detail information on the order page. Otherwise the name, email address and billing/shipping addresses will be visible.', 'system_pagination' => 'Set the pagination value for the data tables on the admin panel.', 'subscription_name' => 'Give a meaningful name to the subscription plan.', 'subscription_plan_id' => 'If you\'re using Stripe based subscription system, put Stripe\'s plan ID here.', 'featured_subscription' => 'There should be only one featured subscription', 'subscription_cost' => 'The cost of the subscription per month', 'team_size' => 'Team size is the number of total user can register under this team', 'inventory_limit' => 'The number of total listing. A variant of the same product will be considered as a different item.', 'marketplace_commission' => 'Percentage of order item value charge by the marketplace', 'transaction_fee' => 'If you want to charge a flat fee for every single transaction', 'subscription_best_for' => 'Target customer for this package. This\'ll be visible to customer.', 'config_return_refund' => 'Return & refund policy for you shop. Please read the marketplace\'s policy before you specify yours.', 'config_trial_days' => 'Merchant\'ll be charged after the trial period. If you don\'t take card upfront then merchant account will be freeze after this time.', 'charge_after_trial_days' => 'Will be charged after the :days days trial period.', 'required_card_upfront' => 'Do you want to take card information when merchant register?', 'leave_empty_to_save_as_draft' => 'Leave empty to save as draft', 'logo_img_size' => 'Logo image size should be minimum 300x300px', 'brand_logo_size' => 'Logo image size should be 120x40px and .png', 'brand_icon_size' => 'Icon image size should be 32x32px and .png', 'config_alert_quantity' => 'A notification email will be send your inventory goes below the alert quantity', 'config_max_img_size_limit_kb' => 'The maximum image size limit system can upload for product/inventory/logo/avatar. The size in kilobytes.', 'config_max_number_of_inventory_imgs' => 'Choose how many images can be uploaded for a single inventory item.', 'config_address_default_country' => 'Set this value to fill the address form faster. Obviously, a user can change the value when adding new address.', 'config_address_default_state' => 'Set this value to fill the address form faster. Obviously, a user can change the value when adding new address.', 'config_show_address_title' => 'Show/Hide address title while view/print an address.', 'config_address_show_country' => 'Show/Hide country name while view/print an address. This is helpful if your marketplace within a small region.', 'config_address_show_map' => 'Want to show map with addresses? This option will generate map using Google Map.', // 'system_date_format' => 'Set the date format for the marketplace. Example: 2018-05-13, 05-13-2018, 13-05-2018', // 'config_date_separator' => 'Example: 2018-05-13, 2018.05.13, 2018/05/13', // 'system_time_format' => 'Set the time format for the marketplace. Example: 01:00pm or 13:00', // 'config_time_separator' => ' Example: 07:00am or 07.00am', 'config_show_currency_symbol' => 'Do you want to show currency symbol when representing a price? Example: $123', 'config_show_space_after_symbol' => 'Want to formate the price by putting a space after the symbol. Example: $ 123', 'config_decimals' => 'How many digits you want to show after the decimal point? Example: 13.21, 13.123', // 'config_decimalpoint' => 'Example: 13.21, 13,21', // 'config_thousands_separator' => 'Example: 1,000, 1.000, 1 000', 'config_gift_card_pin_size' => 'How many digits you want to generate gift-card pin number. Default length 10', 'config_gift_card_serial_number_size' => 'How many digits you want to generate gift-card serial number. Default length 13', 'config_coupon_code_size' => 'How many digits you want to generate coupon code. Default length 8', 'shop_email' => 'All notifications will be send to this email address(inventories, orders, tickets, disputes etc.) accept customer support emails(if set)', 'shop_legal_name' => 'The legal name of the shop', 'shop_owner_id' => 'The owner and super admin of the shop. A user registered as a Merchant can own a shop. You can\'t change this later.', // 'shop_owner_cant_change' => 'The owner of the shop can\'t be changed. Instead you can delete the shop and create a new one.', 'shop_description' => 'The brand description of the shop, this information will be visible on the shop\'s homepage.', 'attribute_type' => 'The type of attribute. This will help to show the options on the product page.', 'attribute_name' => 'This name will show on the product page.', 'attribute_value' => 'This value will show on the product page as selectable option.', 'parent_attribute' => 'The option will be shown under this attribute.', 'list_order' => 'Viewing order on the list.', // 'external_url' => 'If you own a website you can put the external link here', 'shop_external_url' => 'If you own a website you can put the external link here, the url can be set as shop\'s landing page.', 'product_name' => 'Customers will not see this. This name only helps merchants to find the item for listing.', 'product_featured_image' => 'Customers will not see this. This only helps merchants to find the item for listing.', 'product_images' => 'Customers will see this images only if the merchant\'s listing has no images to display.', 'product_active' => 'Merchants will find active items only.', 'product_slug' => 'This will be used as your product URL, You can not change it later. Be creative to choose the slug for your product', 'product_description' => 'Customers will see this. This is the core and common product description.', 'model_number' => 'An identifier of a product given by its manufacturer. Not required but recommended', 'gtin' => 'Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique identifier of a product in the global marketplace. If you like to obtain an ISBN or UPC code for your product, you will find more information at the following websites: http://www.isbn.org/ and http://www.uc-council.org/', 'mpn' => 'Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) is an unique identifier issued by the manufacturer. You can obtain MPNs from the manufacturer. Not required but recommended', 'sku' => 'SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is the seller specific identifier. It will help to manage your inventory', 'isbn' => 'The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique commercial book identifier barcode. Each ISBN code identifies uniquely a book. ISBN have either 10 or 13 digits. All ISBN assigned after 1 Jan 2007 have 13 digits. Typically, the ISBN is printed on the back cover of the book', 'ean' => 'The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code. You can obtain EANs from the manufacturer. If your products do not have manufacturer EANs, and you need to buy EAN codes, go to GS1 UK http://www.gs1uk.org', 'upc' => 'Universal Product Code (UPC), also called GTIN-12 and UPC-A. A unique numerical identifier for commercial products that\'s usually associated with a barcode printed on retail merchandise', 'meta_title' => 'Title tags—technically called title elements—define the title of a document. Title tags are often used on search engine results pages (SERPs) to display preview snippets for a given page, and are important both for SEO and social sharing', 'meta_description' => 'Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages. Meta descriptions are commonly used on search engine result pages (SERPs) to display preview snippets for a given page', 'catalog_min_price' => 'Set a minimum price for the product. Vendors can add inventory within this price limits.', 'catalog_max_price' => 'Set a maximum price for the product. Vendors can add inventory within this price limits.', 'requires_shipping' => 'This item requires shipping.', 'requires_shipping_with_inventory' => 'Requires shipping (Downloads should be disabled when requires shipping is enabled to show the shipping section)', 'downloadable' => 'This item is a digital content and buyers can download the item.', 'manufacturer_url' => 'The official website link of the manufacturer.', 'manufacturer_email' => 'The system will use this email address to communicate with the manufacturer.', 'manufacturer_phone' => 'The support phone number of the manufacturer.', 'supplier_email' => 'The system will use this email address to communicate with the supplier.', 'supplier_contact_person' => 'Contact person', // 'supplier_phone' => 'The support phone number of the supplier.', // 'supplier_address' => 'The system will use this address to create invoice.', 'shop_address' => 'The physical address of the shop.', 'payout_bank_info' => 'Your bank information will help you to get paid your payment from market.', 'account_type' => 'Type of your bank account like saving, current, checking etc.', 'account_routing_number' => 'A routing number is a nine-digit code used to identify a financial institution', 'account_swift_bic_code' => 'A SWIFT/BIC code identifies banks and financial institutions globally.', 'account_iban' => 'For most kinds of payments, senders should use your IBAN number.', 'search_product' => 'You can use any GTIN identifier like UPC, ISBN, EAN, JAN or ITF. You can also use name and model number OR part of name or model number.', 'seller_description' => 'This is seller specific description of the product. Customer will see this', 'seller_product_condition' => 'What is the current condition of the product?', 'condition_note' => 'Condition note is helpful when the product is used/refurbished', 'select_supplier' => 'Recommended field. This will helps to generate reports', 'select_warehouse' => 'Choose the warehouse from where the product will be shipped.', // 'inventory_select_tax' => 'The Tax will be added with the sale/offer price on the store. Orders created at back office will not apply the tax automatically. You need select the tax when create an order on back office. If your price inclusive the tax, then select -No Tax- option here', // 'select_carriers' => 'List of available carriers to ship the product. Leave blank to if the item doesn\'t require shipping', 'select_packagings' => 'List of available packaging options to ship the product. Leave blank to disable packaging option', 'available_from' => 'The date when the stock will be available. A delay can happen when the server time is different than your local time.', 'sale_price' => 'The price without any tax. Tax will be calculated automatically based on shipping zone.', 'purchase_price' => 'Recommended field. This will helps to calculate profits and generate reports', 'min_order_quantity' => 'The quantity allowed to take orders. Must be an integer value. Default = 1', 'offer_price' => 'The offer price will be effected between the offer start and end dates', 'offer_start' => 'An offer must have a start date. Required if offer price field is given', 'offer_end' => 'An offer must have an end date. Required if offer price field is given', 'seller_inventory_status' => 'Is the item is open to sale? Inactive item will not be shown on the marketplace.', 'stock_quantity' => 'Number of items you have on your warehouse', 'offer_starting_time' => 'Offer starting time', 'offer_ending_time' => 'Offer ending time', 'set_attribute' => 'If the value is not on the list, you can add appropriate value by just typing the new value', 'variants' => 'Product variants', 'delete_this_combination' => 'Delete this combination', 'remove_this_cart_item' => 'Remove this item from the cart', 'no_product_found' => 'No product found! Please try different search or add new product', 'not_available' => 'Not available!', 'admin_note' => 'Admin note will not visible to customer', 'message_to_customer' => 'This message will send to customer with the invoice email', 'empty_cart' => 'The cart is empty', 'send_invoice_to_customer' => 'Send an invoice to customer with this message', 'delete_the_cart' => 'Delete the cart and proceed the order', // 'order_status_name' => 'The title of the status that will be visible everywhere.', // 'order_status_color' => 'The label color of the order status', 'order_status_send_email' => 'An email will be sent to the customer when the order status updates', 'order_status_email_template' => 'This email template will be sent to the customer when the order status updates. Mandatory if the email is enabled for the status', 'update_order_status' => 'Update the order status', 'email_template_name' => 'Give the template a name. This is for system use only.', 'template_use_for' => 'The template will be used by', 'email_template_subject' => 'This will use as the subject of the email.', 'email_template_body' => 'There are some short codes you can use for dynamic information. Check the bottom of this form to see the available short codes.', 'email_template_type' => 'The type of the email.', 'template_sender_email' => 'This email address will use to send emails and receiver can reply to this.', 'template_sender_name' => 'This name will use as sender name', // 'payment_method_name' => 'Name of the payment method', // 'payment_method_company_name' => 'The main company name', 'packaging_name' => 'Customer will see this if the packaging option is available on order checkout', 'width' => 'The width of the packaging', 'height' => 'The height of the packaging', 'depth' => 'The depth of the packaging', 'packaging_cost' => 'The cost of packaging. You can choose if you want to charge the cost to customers or not', 'set_as_default_packaging' => 'If checked: this packaging will be used as default shipping package', // 'packaging_charge_customer' => 'If checked: the cost will be added with shipping when a customer place an order.', 'shipping_carrier_name' => 'Name of the shipping carrier', 'config_enable_shipping_method' => 'The system offers Different Shipping methods that help you utilize all your delivery and shipping needs seamlessly.', // 'shipping_tax' => 'Shipping tax will be added to shipping cost while checkout.', 'shipping_zone_name' => 'Give a name of zone. Customer will not see this name.', 'shipping_rate_name' => 'Give a meaningful name. Customer will see this name at checkout. e. g. \'standard shipping\'', 'shipping_zone_carrier' => 'You can link the shipping carrier. Customer will see this at checkout.', 'free_shipping' => 'If enabled, The free shipping label will be displayed on the product listing page.', 'shipping_rate' => 'Check the \'Free shipping\' option or give 0 amount for free shipping', 'shipping_zone_tax' => 'This tax profile will be applicable when customer make a purchase from this shipping zone', 'shipping_zone_select_countries' => 'If you don\'t see the country in the options, probably the marketplace is not operational in that area. You can contact the marketplace support admin to make a request to add the country in the business area.', 'rest_of_the_world' => 'This zone includes any countries and regions within the marketplace business area that are not already defined in your other shipping zones.', 'shipping_max_width' => 'Maximum package width handle by the carrier. Leave empty to disable.', 'shipping_tracking_url' => ' \'@\' will be replaced by the dynamic tracking number', 'shipping_tracking_url_example' => 'e.g.: http://example.com/track.php?num=@', 'order_tracking_id' => 'Order tracking ID provided by the shipping service provider.', 'order_fulfillment_carrier' => 'Choose the shipping carrier to fulfill the order.', 'notify_customer' => 'A notification email will be send to the customer with necessary information.', // 'order_status_fulfilled' => 'Do you want to mark the order as fulfilled when the order status changed to this?', 'shipping_length' => 'Products length used by shipping services for shipping cost', 'shipping_width' => 'Product width used by shipping services for shipping cost', 'shipping_height' => 'Product height used by shipping services for shipping cost', 'shipping_weight' => 'The will be used to calculate the shipping cost.', 'order_number_prefix_suffix' => 'The prefix and suffix will be added automatically to formate all order numbers. Leave it blank if you don\'t want to formate order numbers.', 'customer_not_see_this' => 'Customer will not see this', 'customer_will_see_this' => 'Customers will see this', 'refund_select_order' => 'Select the order you want to refund', 'refund_order_fulfilled' => 'Is the order shipped to the customer?', 'refund_return_goods' => 'Is the item returned to you?', 'customer_paid' => 'Customer paid
, inclusive all taxes, shipping charges and others.', 'order_refunded' => 'Previously refunded
of total
', 'search_customer' => 'Find the customer by email address, nice name or full name.', 'coupon_quantity' => 'Total number of available coupons', 'coupon_name' => 'The name will be use in invoice and order summary', 'coupon_code' => 'The unique coupon code', 'coupon_value' => 'The value of the coupon', 'coupon_min_order_amount' => 'Choose minimum order amount for the cart (optional)', 'coupon_quantity_per_customer' => 'Choose how many times a customer can use this coupon. If you leave it empty then a customer can use this coupon till it\'s availability.', 'starting_time' => 'The coupon will be available from this time', 'ending_time' => 'The coupon will be available till this time', 'exclude_tax_n_shipping' => 'Exclude tax and shipping cost', 'exclude_offer_items' => 'Exclude items that already have a running offer or discount', // 'coupon_partial_use' => 'Allow partial use of the total coupon value', 'coupon_limited_to_customers' => 'Choose if you want to make the coupon for specific customers only', 'coupon_limited_to_shipping_zones' => 'Choose if you want to make the coupon for specific shipping zones only', 'coupon_limited_to' => 'Use email address or name to find customers', 'faq_placeholders' => 'You can use this placeholder in your question and answer, this will be replaces by the actual value', 'gift_card_name' => 'The name of the gift card.', 'gift_card_pin_code' => 'The unique secret code. The pin code is the passcode for the card. You can\'t change this value later.', 'gift_card_serial_number' => 'The unique serial number for the card. You can\'t change this value later.', 'gift_card_value' => 'The value of the card. The customer will receive same amount of discount.', 'gift_card_activation_time' => 'Activation time of the card. The card can be used after this time.', 'gift_card_expiry_time' => 'Expiry time of the card. The card can be valid till this time.', 'gift_card_partial_use' => 'Allow partial use of total card value', 'number_between' => 'Between :min and :max', // 'default_tax_id' => 'Default tax profile will be preselected when add new inventory', 'default_tax_id' => 'Default tax profile will be applied when the shipping zone not covered by any tax area.', 'default_payment_method_id' => 'If selected, The payment method will be preselected when create new order', 'config_order_handling_cost' => 'This additional cost will be added with the shipping cost of every orders. Leave it blank to disable order handling charge', // 'default_carrier' => 'Default carrier will be preselected when placing a new order. It\'ll help to faster the checkout process', // 'default_packaging' => 'Set a default packing, if you want to enable the packing options on order., then this default value will help to faster the checkout process', 'default_warehouse' => 'Default warehouse will be preselected when add new inventory', 'default_supplier' => 'Default supplier will be preselected when add new inventory', 'default_packaging_ids_for_inventory' => 'Default packaging will be preselected when add new inventory. This will help you to add inventory faster', 'config_payment_environment' => 'Is the credentials are for live mode or test more?', 'config_enable_payment_method' => 'The system offers various types of payment gateways. You can enable/disable any payment gateway to control payment options vendor can use to accept payment from customers.', 'config_additional_details' => 'Displayed on the Payment method page, while the customer is choosing how to pay.', 'config_payment_instructions' => 'Displayed on the Thank you page, after the customer has placed their order.', 'config_stripe_publishable_key' => 'Publishable API keys are meant solely to identify your account with Stripe, they aren\'t secret. They can safely be published.', 'config_paypal_express_account' => 'Usually the email address of your PayPal application. Create your PayPal application from here: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications/myapps', 'config_paypal_express_client_id' => 'The Client ID is a long unique identifier of your PayPal application. You\'ll find this value on the My Apps & Credentials section on your PayPal dashboard.', 'config_paypal_express_secret' => 'The PayPal API Secret Key. You\'ll find this value on the My Apps & Credentials section on your PayPal dashboard.', 'config_paystack_merchant_email' => 'The merchant email of your Paystack account.', 'config_paystack_public_key' => 'The Public Key is a long unique identifier of your Paystack application. You\'ll find this value on the API keys and Webhooks section in the settings on your Paystack dashboard.', 'config_paystack_secret' => 'The Paystack API Secret Key. You\'ll find this value on the API keys and Webhooks section in the settings on your Paystack dashboard.', 'config_auto_archive_order' => 'Automatically archive orders once they have been fulfilled and paid. Enable this feature to avoid manually archiving each order after fulfillment.', // 'config_stripe_secret_key' => 'Secret API keys will be required to charge the customer while checkout.', // 'config_paypal_express' => 'You must have a PayPal business account to activate this payment method.', 'config_pagination' => 'How many list items you want to view per page on the data tables', 'support_phone' => 'Customer will contact this number for support and query', 'support_email' => 'You\'ll get all support email to this address', 'support_phone_toll_free' => 'If you have a toll free number for customer support', 'default_sender_email_address' => 'All automated emails to customers will be sent from this email address. And also when a sender email address can\'t set while sending an email', 'default_email_sender_name' => 'This name will be used as the sender of email send from default sender email address', // 'google_analytics_id' => 'The tracking ID from google analytics. It looks something like "UA-XXXXX-XX".', 'google_analytic_report' => 'You should only enable this, If the system is configured with Google analytics. Otherwise, it may cause errors. Check the documentation for help. Alternatively you can use the application\'s built in report system. ', 'inventory_linked_items' => 'The linked items will display on the product page as frequently bought together items. This is optional but important.', 'notify_new_message' => 'Send me a notification when a new message arrived', 'notify_alert_quantity' => 'Send me a notification when any item on my inventory reach the alert quantity level', 'notify_inventory_out' => 'Send me a notification when any item on my inventory stock out', 'notify_new_order' => 'Send me a notification when a new order has been placed on my store', 'notify_abandoned_checkout' => 'Send me a notification when customer abandoned checkout of my item', 'notify_when_vendor_registered' => 'Send me a notification when a new vendor has been registered', 'notify_new_ticket' => 'Send me a notification when a support ticket has been created on the system', 'notify_new_disput' => 'Send me a notification when a customer submit a new dispute', 'notify_when_dispute_appealed' => 'Send me a notification when a dispute has been appealed to review by marketplace team', 'download_template' => '
Download a sample CSV template
to see an example of the format required.', 'download_category_slugs' => '
Download category slugs
to get the correct category for your products.', 'first_row_as_header' => 'The first row is the header.
Don\'t change
this row.', 'user_category_slug' => 'Use category
in category field.', 'cover_img' => 'This image will display on the top of the :page page', 'cat_grp_img' => 'This image will display on the background of the category dropdown box', 'cat_grp_desc' => 'Customer will not see this. But Merchants will see this.', 'inactive_for_back_office' => 'If inactive, Customers can still visit the :page page. But merchants will not able to use this :page for future listing.', 'invalid_rows_will_ignored' => 'Invalid rows will be
.', 'upload_rows' => 'You can upload a maximum of
:rows records
per batch for better performance.', 'name_field_required' => 'Name field is required.', 'email_field_required' => 'Email is required.', 'invalid_email' => 'Invalid email address.', 'invalid_category' => 'Invalid category.', 'category_desc' => 'Give a short detail. Customers will see this.', 'email_already_exist' => 'The email address already in use.', 'slug_already_exist' => 'The slug already in use.', 'display_order' => 'This number will be used to arrange viewing order. The smallest number will display first.', 'banner_title' => 'This line will be highlighted on the banner. Leave it blank if you don\'t want to show the title.', 'banner_description' => '( Example: 50% Off! ) Leave it blank if you don\'t want to show this.', 'banner_image' => 'The main image what will display over the background. Commonly use a product image.', 'banner_background' => 'Choose a color or upload an image as the background.', 'banner_group' => 'The placement of the banner on the storefront. The banner will not display if the group is not specified.', 'bs_columns' => 'How many columns this banner will use? The system uses 12 columns grid system to display banners.', 'banner_order' => 'This number will be used to arrange viewing order in the group of banners. The smallest number will display first.', 'banner_link' => 'Users will redirect to this link.', 'link_label' => 'The label of the link button', 'slider_link' => 'Users will redirect to this link.', 'slider_title' => 'This line will be highlighted over the slider. Leave it blank if you don\'t want to show the title.', 'slider_sub_title' => 'The second line of the title. Leave it blank if you don\'t want to show this.', 'slider_description' => 'Few more words about the slider. Leave it blank if you don\'t want to show the description.', 'slider_image' => 'The main image what will display as slider. Its required to generate the slider.', 'slider_img_hint' => 'The slider image should be 1440x350px', 'slider_img_hint_made_in_china' => 'The slider image should be 780x400px', 'slider_order' => 'The slider will be arranged by this order.', 'slider_thumb_image' => 'This small image will be used as thumbnail. The system will create a thumbnail if not provided.', // 'slider_thumb_hint' => 'It can be 150x59px', 'variant_image' => 'The image of the variant', // Version 1.3.0 'empty_trash' => 'Empty the trash. All items on the trash will be deleted permanently.', 'hide_trial_notice_on_vendor_panel' => 'Hide trial notice on vendor panel', 'language_order' => 'The position you want to show this language on the language option. The smallest number will display first.', 'locale_active' => 'Do you want to show this language on the language option?', 'locale_code' => 'The locale code, the code must have the same name as the language folder.', 'locale_code_example' => 'Example for English the code is
', 'new_language_info' => 'A new language will not affect the system unless you really do the transaction of the language directory. Check the documentation for detail.', 'php_locale_code' => 'The PHP locale code for system use like translating date, time etc. Please find the full list of the PHP locale code on the documentation.', // 'php_locale_code' => 'The PHP locale code for system use like transacting date, time etc. Please find the full list here https://github.com/ahkmunna/locale-list/blob/master/data/rw/locales.php', 'rtl' => 'Is the language is right to left (RTL)?', 'select_all_verification_documents' => 'Select all documents at once.', 'system_default_language' => 'System default language', 'update_trial_period' => 'Update trial period', 'vendor_needs_approval' => 'If enabled, every new vendor will require manual approval from the platform admin panel to get live.', 'verified_seller' => 'Verified Seller', 'mark_address_verified' => 'Mark as address verified', 'mark_id_verified' => 'Mark as ID verified', 'mark_phone_verified' => 'Mark as phone verified', // Version 1.3.3 'missing_required_data' => 'Invalid data, Some required data is missing.', 'invalid_catalog_data' => 'Invalid catalog data, Recheck the GTIN and other information.', 'product_have_to_be_catalog' => 'The product have to be present in the
system. otherwise it will not upload.', 'need_to_know_product_gtin' => 'You need to know the
of the items before upload.', 'multi_img_upload_instruction' => 'You can upload a maximum of :number images and each file size can not exceed :size KB. Please upload an image with dimensions of :dimension pixels.', 'number_of_img_upload_required' => 'You must select at least
{files} to upload. Please retry your upload!', 'msg_invalid_file_extension' => 'Invalid extension for file {name}. Only
files are supported.', 'number_of_img_upload_exceeded' => 'You can upload a maximum of
files (
files detected).', 'msg_invalid_file_too_large' => 'File {name} (
{size} KB
) exceeds maximum allowed upload size of
{maxSize} KB
. Please retry your upload!', 'required_fields_csv' => 'These fields are
.', 'seller_condition_note' => 'Input more details about the item condition. This will help customers to understand the item.', // Version 1.4.0 'active_business_zone' => 'Your business operation area. Vendors will be able to create shipping zones within active areas only.', 'config_show_seo_info_to_frontend' => 'Show SEO info like the meta title, meta description, tags to the frontend.', 'config_can_use_own_catalog_only' => 'If enabled, the vendors can use only his/her own catalog product to create listings (The catalog system needs to be enabled).', 'catalog_system_enable_disable' => 'When the option is turned on, vendors must add products to the inventory before customers can see them. If the option is off, vendors can add products directly without including them in the inventory.', 'currency_iso_numeric' => 'ISO 4217 numeric code. For example: USD = 840 and JPY = 392', 'country_iso_numeric' => 'ISO 3166-1 numeric code. For example: USA = 840 and JAPAN = 392', 'currency_active' => 'Active currencies will be shown on the marketplace.', 'country_active' => 'Active currencies will be included in business area.', 'currency_symbol' => 'The currency symbol', 'currency_disambiguate_symbol' => 'Example: USD = US$ and BDT = BD$', 'currency_html_entity' => 'Example: JPY = ¥ and INR = ₹', 'currency_smallest_denomination' => 'The smallest denomination of the currency. Default value is 1', 'currency_subunit_to_unit' => 'The number of subunits requires for a single unit. Default value is 100', 'eea' => 'European Economic Area', 'support_agent' => 'The support agent will get all the support notifications. If not set, the merchant will get all notifications.', 'show_refund_policy_with_listing' => 'Show the return and refund policy on the product description page on frontend.', 'show_shop_desc_with_listing' => 'Show the shop description on the product description page on frontend.', 'shipping_zone_select_states' => 'If you don\'t see the option you\'re looking for, probably the marketplace is not operational in that area. You can contact the marketplace support admin to make a request to add the area.', 'marketplace_business_area' => 'The marketplace business area', 'notify_new_chat' => 'Send me an email notification when a new chat message arrived', 'not_in_business_area' => 'This area is not in marketplace\'s active business area. Maybe recently removed by the marketplace admin.', 'region_iso_code' => 'The region ISO code must have to be right. Read *Business Area* section on the documentation to get help.', 'subscribers_count' => 'Number of active subscribers', 'this_plan_has_active_subscribers' => 'This plan can not be deleted because it has active subscribers.', 'max_chat_allowed' => 'Maximum of :size characters.', 'mobile_slider_image' => 'The slider image for mobile app. The system will hide this slider on mobile if not provided. Keep the ratio 2:1 in size, which means the width of the image should be double of its height.', 'config_can_cancel_order_within' => 'Customers will be able to cancel the order within this time after placing the order. Keep it empty to allow cancellation until order fulfillment. Set 0 to disable the cancellation option. Customers can still request cancellation to the vendor.', 'mobile_app_slider_hits' => 'Keep the ratio 2:1', 'enable_live_chat_on_platform' => 'If enabled, vendor will get the option to on/off the live chat on their product page and store page.', 'enable_live_chat_on_shop' => 'Enable live chat on your product page and store page.', 'package_dependency_not_loaded' => 'Dependency failed! This package depends on :dependency module(s).', 'option_dependence_module' => 'Dependency failed! This option dependence :dependency module', 'config_vendor_order_cancellation_fee' => 'The cancellation fee when a vendor cancel an order. Set 0 for no cancellation fee, keep empty to set custom fee for every order(cancellation will require admin approval)', 'vendor_order_cancellation_fee' => 'The order cancellation fee will be charged to vendor.', 'disabled_when_vendor_get_paid_directly' => 'Can not be enabled when vendor get paid directly!', 'confirm_uninstall_package' => 'All data related to the :package will be lost forever! You cannot revert these data.', 'verify_license_key' => 'We sent the license key to your email when you made purchase. If you don\'t find it, please contact the support with details.', 'promotional_tagline' => 'The promotional tagline will be placed on the main navigation.', 'promo_banner' => 'The promotional banner will be placed on the top section of the site.', 'best_finds_under' => 'This is for the homepage
Best Finds Under
product carousel. The system will pick best selling items under this price limit.', 'featured_items' => 'This is for the homepage
section. We suggest to set 5-10 items.', 'featured_categories' => 'This is for the homepage
Featured Categories
section. We suggest to set 10-15 categories.', 'trending_now_categories' => 'This is for the homepage
Trending Now Categories
section. We suggest to set 2-4 categories.', 'featured_brands' => 'This is for the homepage
Featured Brands
section. We suggest to set 4 brands.', 'featured_vendors' => 'This is for the homepage
Featured Vendors
section. Maximum 3 vendors can be chosen for this section.', 'slider_alternative_color' => 'The color will be use for text inside the span tags.', 'you_can_use_span_tag' => 'You can use
tag to highlight important words.', 'social_auth' => 'If enable social login option will show on customer login and register page', 'slider_text_position' => 'Set your content position on slider. default position right', 'deal_of_the_day' => 'Just one item can be set as deal of the day.', 'show_merchant_info_as_vendor' => 'Show seller name and other information on vendor list page and profile page.', 'pay_in_person' => 'If enable self pickup will be active.', 'pay_online' => 'If enable online payment wil be active.', 'active_ecommerce' => 'If enable products will show in customer search.', 'upload_package_zip_archive' => 'Upload the zip archive containing the package files only. Don\'t upload documentation or other files.', 'help_clear_cache' => 'Clear system cache including configurations, images, routes. This action may require after you made some changes in the .env file or any config files. immediately you will notice a performance showdown for a bit but don\'t worry, it\'s just for the first load only.', 'this_will_overwrite_by_dynamic_commission' => 'When dynamic commission plugin is active. This will overwrite by dynamic value.', 'transaction_fee_will_charge' => 'The transaction fee will be charged even when the commission is zero.', 'show_item_conditions' => 'Show item conditions(New, Used, Refurbished). When OFF the system will hide the option from all over the application.', 'icon_size' => 'Icon should be a 32x32px .png image', 'icon_image' => 'This icon image will show in category group dropdown as category group icon.', 'changes_can_take_time' => 'The changes can take up to :time to affect the result.', 'category_attributes' => 'List of attributes attached to this category. These attribute fields will be shown on the listing creation form.', 'show_category_on_main_nav' => 'These categories will be linked to the front theme main navigation, keep it limited.', 'hide_item_from_main_nav' => 'This options will be removed from the front theme main navigation', 'hide_technical_details_on_product_page' => 'Hide technical details on the product page at the front end. Customers will not see the technical details on the product page.', 'hide_out_of_stock_items' => 'When enabled, the system will hide out of stock items from the marketplace. Out of stock items will not be visible in search result, promotions, and any other list.', 'shop_not_exist' => 'Shop has been removed or disabled.', 'trending_now_category_help' => 'Trending now categories will get more attentions at front-end. keep it limited, 2-3 categories are recommended.', 'read_carefully' => 'Read carefully!', 'email_fill_notice' => 'Email has many functional work like notification, forgot password etc so try to keep this field fillable', 'uninstall_license_incevio' => 'Before uninstalling the license from your system, you need to delete the installation from incevio.com self support portal.', 'uninstall_app_license' => 'Uninstalling the license will allow you to re-install. This will invalidate the current installation and immediately redirect you to the installation page. To prevent any unforeseen issues, kindly remove the old installation database and files if you\'re installing in a different location.', 'cant_revert_action' => 'You can\'t revert this action.', 'update_app_license' => 'Updates the license if IP address of your server was changed, so script continues to work on new IP.', 'reset_app_license' => 'Uninstalling the license will allow you to re-install the script and the current installation will stop working immediately. Please remove the old installation files to avoid unexpected issues with new installation.
You can\'t revert this action.
', 'need_help' => 'Need help? Click here', 'warning' => 'Warning', 'regenerate_app_key' => 'Generate the secret keys to establish a secure communication channel between your marketplace and mobile app for sharing sensitive information. These keys are crucial during the mobile app build process. Once the app is built and published, please refrain from changing these values to prevent app crashes.', 'download_limit' => 'Set the number, how many times you want to permit to download this product for per customer after purchase. Keep it empty if want to permit unlimited download', 'shop_account_number' => 'Enter bank account number here this account will show to admin when you will request for payment', 'tips' => 'TIPS', 'gtm_container_id' => 'Google tag manager container id set here after setup from tag manager', 'select_category' => 'Select the category to get attributes.', 'choose_attributes' => 'Choose all of your attributes and then click SET VARIANTS button to generate all possible combinations.', 'listing_type' => 'Select the listing type of the item.', 'config_enable_pickup_order' => 'Enable/disable pickup option for customers. If enabled, customers will get the option to choose pickup order from store while placing an order.', 'account_needs_approval' => 'Your account needs approval from the admin.', 'account_pending_for_approval' => 'Please wait until your account is approved. You can buy products once the admin approves your account.', 'customer_needs_approval' => 'If enabled the customer will need approval from the admin to make purchases in the marketplace.', 'additional_vendor_registration_fields' => 'Additional fields will be shown on the vendor registration form.', 'smart_form_id_for_vendor_additional_info' => 'Enabling this shows the additional fields for registration in the merchant registration form.', 'select_translation_language' => 'Select the language you want to translate. When customers who have the selected language enabled, visit the site, they will see the translated content.', 'inventory_translation_general_info' => 'All the translations', 'key_features_include_example' => 'Separate each key feature with two hashtags. Example: "Feature 1##Feature 2##Feature 3"
will be shown as separate key feature each such as:
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
Check the sample CSV file for more details.', ];