'Canceled!', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmed', 'created' => ':model has been created successfully!', 'imported' => ':model has been imported successfully!', 'sent' => ':model has been sent successfully!', 'updated' => ':model has been updated successfully!', 'trashed' => ':model has been moved to trash!', 'restored' => ':model has been restored successfully!', 'deleted' => ':model has been deleted permanently!', 'card_updated' => 'Credit card updated successfully!', 'demo_restriction' => 'This action is restricted for the demo mode!', 'subscription_cancelled' => 'Subscription has been cancelled!', 'subscription_resumed' => 'Subscription resumed successfully!', 'subscribed' => 'Congratulation! Subscribed successfully!!', 'subscription_error' => 'Error creating subscription. Please contact customer support.', 'cant_delete_faq_topic' => 'Can\'t delete: Please delete all FAQs under the :topic and try again!', 'nofound' => ':model is not exist! try another search.', 'file_deleted' => 'The file has been deleted successfully!', 'updated_featured_categories' => 'Featured category list updated successfully!', 'archived' => ':model has been archived successfully!', 'fulfilled' => 'The order has been fulfilled successfully.', 'fulfilled_and_archived' => 'The order has been fulfilled and archived successfully.', 'failed' => 'The action has been failed! Something went wrong!!', 'input_error' => 'There were some problems with your input.', 'secret_logged_in' => 'Impersonated successfully.', 'secret_logged_out' => 'Logged out from secret account.', 'you_are_impersonated' => 'You are impersonated into the current account. Be careful about your actions.', 'profile_updated' => 'You account has been updated successfully!', 'password_updated' => 'You account password has been updated successfully!', 'incorrect_current_password' => 'Your current password is not correct. Please try again!', 'file_not_exist' => 'Requested file does not exist!', 'img_upload_failed' => 'Image upload has been failed!', 'payment_method_activation_success' => 'Activated successfully! Now you can accept payment using this method.', 'payment_method_activation_failed' => 'Payment method activation failed! Please try again.', 'payment_method_disconnect_success' => 'Disconnected successfully!', 'payment_method_disconnect_failed' => 'This application is not connected to the stripe account, or the account does not exist.', 'invoice_sent_to_customer' => 'The invoice has been sent to the customer.', 'freezed_model' => 'This record is frozen by the system config. The application needs this value to run properly.', 'email_verification_notice' => 'Your email address is not verified, please verify to get full access.', 'theme_activated' => 'Theme :theme has been activated successfully!', 'the_ip_banned' => 'The IP address has been banned from the application.', 'the_ip_unbanned' => 'The IP address has been removed from block-list.', 'no_billing_info' => 'Please add billing information to continue.', 'no_card_added' => 'Please add billing information to subscribe.', 'we_dont_save_card_info' => 'We do not store your card information.', 'plan_comes_with_trial' => 'Every plan comes with a FREE :days days trial period', 'trial_ends_at' => 'Your trial ends in :ends days!', 'trial_expired' => 'Your trial period expired! Choose a subscription to continue.', 'generic_trial_ends_at' => 'Your free trial ends in :ends days! Add billing information and choose a plan to continue.', 'resume_subscription' => 'Your subscription ends in :ends days! Resume your subscription to continue.', 'choose_subscription' => 'Choose a subscription that best fit your need.', 'trouble_validating_card' => 'We had trouble validating your card. It can be your card provider is preventing us from charging the card. Please contact your card provider or customer support.', 'subscription_expired' => 'Your subscription has been expired! Choose a subscription to continue.', 'using_more_resource' => 'You\'re using more resources than the :plan plan allowed to. Please use a plan that appropriate to your business.', 'cant_add_more_user' => 'Your current subscription plan doesn\'t allow to add more user. If your business need more user to manage, please upgrade your plan.', 'cant_add_more_inventory' => 'You have reached the maximum limit of stock allocate to your current subscription plan. Please upgrade your plan to extend the limit.', 'time_to_upgrade_plan' => 'It\'s good time to upgrade your plan', 'only_merchant_can_change_plan' => 'Only the shop owner can change the billing/subscription plan.', 'message_send_failed' => 'Sorry, the message cannot be sent now! Please try again later.', 'resource_uses_out_of' => ':used of :limit', 'cant_charge_application_fee' => 'When vendors get paid directly, you can\'t charge
marketplace commission
and per
transaction fee
with this payment method. With the zCart wallet module you can charge the marketplace commission and transaction fee.', 'license_uninstalled' => 'License uninstalled.', 'license_updated' => 'License updated.', 'take_a_backup' => 'You can take a database backup snapshot. Make sure you have configured the backup preferences before take this action. Make sure the
is installed on your server. Check the documentation for help.', 'backup_done' => 'Backup done successfully!', // 'you_have_disputes_solve' => 'There are :disputes active disputes! Please review and solve disputes.', // 'you_have_refund_request' => 'You have :requests refund request. Please review and take action.', // 'action_failed' => [ // 'create' => 'Create :model has been failed!', // 'update' => 'Update :model has been failed!', // 'trash' => ':model has been moved to trash!', // 'restore' => ':model has been restored failed!', // 'delete' => ':model has been deleted failed!', // ], 'inventory_exist' => 'The product is already exist in your inventory. Please update the existing list instead of creating duplicate list.', 'inventory_not_found' => 'The product is not found in your inventory. Please update the inventory and try again.', 'notice' => [ 'no_billing_address' => 'This customer has no billing address set up yet. Please add a billing address before create an order.', 'no_active_payment_method' => 'Your store has no active payment method. Please activate at least one payment method to accept order.', 'no_shipping_option_for_the_zone' => 'No shipping zone available for this area. Please create a new shipping zone or add this shipping area to an existing zone.', 'no_rate_for_the_shipping_zone' => 'The
shipping zone has no shipping rates. Please create shipping rates to accept orders from this zone.', 'cant_cal_weight_shipping_rate' => 'Can\'t calculate weight based shipping rate. Because weight are not set for some items.', ], 'no_changes' => 'Nothing to show', 'no_orders' => 'No order found!', 'no_history_data' => 'No information to show', 'this_slug_taken' => 'This slug has been taken! Try a new one.', 'slug_length' => 'The slug should be minimum three character long.', 'message_count' => 'You have :count messages', 'notification_count' => 'You have :count unread notifications', 'alert' => 'Alert!', 'dispute_appealed' => 'A dispute appealed', 'appealed_dispute_replied' => 'New reply for appealed dispute', 'thanks' => 'Thanks', 'regards' => 'Regards , ', 'ticket_id' => 'Ticket ID', 'category' => 'Category', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'priority' => 'Priority', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'shop_name' => 'Shop name', 'customer_name' => 'Customer name', 'shipping_address' => 'Shipping address', 'billing_address' => 'Billing address', 'shipping_carrier' => 'Shipping carrier', 'tracking_id' => 'Tracking ID', 'order_id' => 'Order ID', 'payment_method' => 'Payment method', 'payment_status' => 'Payment status', 'order_status' => 'Order status', 'status' => 'Status', 'unread_notification' => 'Unread notification', 'profile_updated' => 'Profile updated', 'system_is_live' => 'Marketplace is back to LIVE!', 'system_is_down' => 'The marketplace goes DOWN!', 'system_config_updated' => 'System configuration updated!', 'system_info_updated' => 'System information updated!', 'temp_password' => 'Temporary Password: :password', 'password_updated' => 'Password has been changed!', 'shop_created' => 'The shop :shop_name has been created!', 'shop_updated' => 'Shop information has been updated!', 'shop_config_updated' => 'Shop configuration has been updated!', 'shop_down_for_maintainace' => 'Shop goes DOWN!', 'shop_is_live' => 'Shop is back to LIVE!', 'ticket_replied' => 'Ticket has been replied', 'ticket_updated' => 'Ticket has been updated', 'ticket_created' => 'A new ticket has been created', 'ticket_assigned' => 'A new ticket has been assigned to you', 'we_will_get_back_to_you_soon' => 'Send us a message and we will get back to you soon!', 'faqs' => 'Most Frequently Asked Questions', 'how_the_marketplace_works' => 'It\'s Good To Know How The System Works, Before You Register', 'merchant_benefits' => 'Selling online has never been easier.', 'import_ignored' => 'Some rows has been ignored! Please check the information and import again.', 'import_demo_contents' => 'Importing demo contents will remove all data from the database and reset all configurations except the file
(the .env and other config files in configs/ directory)
configurations . The system will go back to a fresh installation.
You can\'t revert this action.
', 'env_saved' => 'The .env file saved successfully!', 'modify_environment_file' => 'Be careful when working with .env file. This the main configuration file and the system will break down if you do anything wrong here. Take a backup every time you want to make any modification.
You can\'t revert this action.
', 'be_careful_sensitive_area' => 'Be careful about your actions! This configurations are very sensitive and the system may breaks if you do anything wrong here.
You can\'t revert some of these actions.
', 'unfulfilled_percents' => ':percent% of today\'s total orders', 'last_30_days_percents' => ':percent% :state in 30 days', 'stock_out_percents' => ':percent% of total :total items', 'todays_sale_percents' => ':percent% :state from yesterday', 'todays_order_percents' => ':percent% :state from yesterday', 'no_sale' => 'No sale :date', 'logged_in_as_admin' => 'You\'re already logged in as an admin user.', 'permission' => [ 'denied' => 'Permission denied!', ], // Version 1.2.4 'listings_not_visible' => 'Your listings are not visible on the front end. Because: :reason', 'no_active_payment_method' => 'Your store has no active payment method.', 'no_active_shipping_zone' => 'Your store has no active shipping zone. Please create shipping zones to accept order.', // Version 1.2.5 'your_shop_in_hold' => 'Your store is on hold! We will review and approve your store as soon as possible!', 'your_shop_in_maintenance_mode' => 'The shop is in maintenance mode.', // Version 1.3.0 'how_id_verification_helps' => 'How Identity Verification Helps', 'how_the_verification_process_works' => 'How the process works', 'subscription_updated' => 'Subscription has been updated successfully!', 'subscription_update_failed' => 'Subscription update has been failed! Please see the log file for details.', 'pending_approvals' => '[0,1] :count Pending approval need action|[2,*] :count Pending approvals need action', 'pending_verifications' => '[0,1] :count Pending verification need action|[2,*] :count Pending verifications need action', 'verification_intro' => 'Once you are verified, we will show the
badge on your business and on your store profile page. This lets your business build trust on the marketplace.', 'verification_process' => '
You take a picture or scan your ID (passport, driving license or government issued ID) using a HD camera and upload
Upload proof of your address (driving license, property tax receipt, utility bill or lease agreement)
You take or upload a picture of your face.
We will check that they are pictures of the same person.
You can not use same documentation(driving license) for ID and Address verification.
', 'what_the_verification_documents_need' => 'What formal identity documents do I need?', 'verification_documents' => 'You can use:
your passport
your driving license
a government issued ID.
property tax receipt
utility bill
lease agreement
Driving licenses and government issued IDs must be made out of plastic. All IDs must be valid.', 'verified_business_name_like' => 'Your business name will be shown like this', // Version 1.3.3 'csv_import_process_started' => 'The data has been submitted successfully. The process may take a few minimums. You\'ll get an email when it\'s done.', 'model_has_association' => 'The :model has :associate in it. To delete this :model, please remove all :associate under the :model', // Version 1.4.0 'active_worldwide_business_area' => 'The status will not affect as the marketplace business area is set to worldwide! To change the business area settings please check the configuration section.', 'please_select_conversation' => 'Please select a conversation from the left.', 'session_expired' => 'Your session has been expired! Please login.', 'no_address_for_invoice' => 'You have no business address set up yet. Please add address now.', 'package_settings_updated' => 'Package settings updated', 'next_billing_date' => 'Your next subscription billing date is
Please keep sufficient balance on your wallet to keep going.', 'package_installed_success' => 'The :package module has been installed successfully!', 'package_upgraded_success' => 'The :package module has been upgraded successfully!', 'package_installed_already' => 'The :package module is already installed!', 'package_uninstalled_success' => 'The :package module has been uninstalled successfully!', 'cancellation_require_admin_approval' => 'Cancellation require admin approval. A cancellation fee may applied.', 'a_cancellation_fee_be_charged' => 'A cancellation fee of
will be charged', 'order_will_be_cancelled_instantly' => 'The order will be cancelled instantly.', 'not_accessible_on_demo' => 'This content is not accessible on the demo mode!', 'updated_deal_of_the_day' => 'Deal of the day updated successfully.', 'updated_tagline' => 'Tagline updated successfully.', 'featured_brands_updated' => 'Featured brands updated successfully.', 'featured_vendors_updated' => 'Featured vendors updated successfully.', 'featured_items_updated' => 'Featured items updated successfully.', 'best_finds_under_updated' => 'Best finds under updated successfully.', 'trending_now_category_updated' => 'Trending now category updated successfully.', 'trending_categories_update_failed' => 'You can add maximum :limit trending category', 'package_inactive' => ':package is inactive, please activate from admin panel.', 'misconfigured_subscription_stripe' => 'The system found misconfigured Stripe subscriptions. Please check your settings. Read the documentation if need help.', 'misconfigured_subscription_wallet' => 'Wallet based subscription required WALLET and LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION packages to function. Please contact support team for help. System will try to use STRIPE subscription unless these requirements met.', 'some_item_out_of_stock' => 'Few items are not available right now. We\'ve added all available item', 'dependent_package_failed' => 'Plugin dependency failed! need to enable and configure the :dependency module(s).', 'misconfigured_plugin' => 'The :package needs to configure correctly! Please check the documentation and configure it correctly or contact support if need help.', 'misconfigured_payment' => 'The :payment is misconfigured and needs to configure correctly! Please check the documentation and configure it correctly or contact support if need help.', 'manual_payment_configure_help' => 'Set the manual payment instructions on settings. Without this configuration manual payment will not work.', 'confirm_regenerate_key' => "Regenerating the application keys will enforce you to rebuild your application apps otherwise your apps won'n work", 'custom_css_added' => 'Custom css added successfully', 'custom_css_updated' => 'Custom css updated successfully', 'custom_css_deleted' => 'Custom css deleted successfully', 'vendor_can_use_own_catalog_only_notice' => 'The marketplace is configured as vendor manage the products of their own. You can off this settings
vendor can use own catalog only
from SETTINGS >> CONFIGURATION section.', 'account_delete' => 'Your all data in our system related with your account will be removed permanently. You can\'t revert this action', 'main_nav_category_updated' => 'Main navigation category updated successfully', 'empty_state_message' => 'State can not be empty. Select at least one state.', 'clear_demo_contents' => 'Clearing demo contents will remove all demo data from the database. The system will go back to a fresh installation.
You can\'t revert this action.
', 'demo_data_imported' => 'Demo contents are imported successfully!', 'demo_data_cleared' => 'Demo contents are cleared from your system successfully!', 'reached_download_maximum_limit' => 'Your download maximum limit has been reached', 'download_link_guest_customer' => 'As a non registered customer you\'ll not be able to get the link after you leave this page. Please copy the links and save it for future use. We also sent you an email with order details.', 'download_link_loggedin_customer' => 'The download links as below. You can also download from the order detail page on your account dashboard.', 'package_not_found' => 'The :package module not found!', 'account_number_updated' => 'Account Number has been updated successfully', 'updated_top_bar_banner' => 'Banner has been updated successfully', 'switched_to_customer_successfully' => 'Switched to customer successfully', 'customer_acc_not_exist' => 'Customer account not exist', 'update_from_merchant_notice' => 'To update this information, please switch to your merchant account.', 'customer_acc_created_successfully' => 'Customer account created successfully', ];