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SIGN UP", "your_full_name" => "Your full name", "your_confirm_password" => "Confirm password", "dont_match_password" => "Passwords don't match", "accept_terms_policy" => "By signing up, you are confirming you agree to our Terms of Service.", "have_account" => "Already have an account? LOG IN", "reset_password" => "Reset password", "send_reset_link" => "Send reset link", "access_message" => "You need to log in to access this section.", "change_theme" => "Change theme", "language" => "Language", "blogs" => "Blogs", "about_us" => "About us", "privacy_policy" => "Privacy Policy", "terms_condition" => "Terms and Conditions", "something_went_wrong" => "Something went wrong!", "brand_details" => "Brand Details", "not_available" => "Not available", "origin" => "Origin", "available_from" => "Available from", "url" => "Url", "product_count" => "Product count", "description" => "Description", "quantity" => "Quantity", "in_stock" => "in stock.", "reached_minimum_quantity" => "You have reached the minimum quantity!", "reached_maximum_quantity" => "You have reached the maximum quantity!", "frequently_bought_together" => "Frequently bought together", "more_offers_from_others" => "More {} offers from other sellers", "key_features" => "Key Features", "technical_details" => "Technical Details", "model_no" => "Model No", "isbn" => "ISBN", "part_no" => "Part No", "seller_sku" => "Seller SKU", "manufacturer" => "Manufacturer", "min_quantity" => "Minimum Quantity", "shipping_weight" => "Shipping Weight", "added_on" => "Added On", "product_desc" => "Product Description", "seller_spec" => "Seller Specification", "brand" => "Brand", "share" => "Share", "adding_to_wishlist" => "Adding to wishlist", "offers" => "Offers", "add_to_cart" => "Add To Cart", "total" => "Total", "shipping_address" => "Shipping Address", "ship_to" => "Ship to", "select_options" => "Select options", "shipping_method" => "Shipping method", "view_cart" => "View Cart", "continue_shopping" => "Continue Shopping", "product_list" => "Product List", "sex" => "Sex", "dob" => "Date of birth", "orders" => "Orders", "coupons" => "Coupons", "disputes" => "Disputes", "messages" => "Messages", "sign_out" => "Sign out", "sign_out_confirmation" => "Are you sure to sign out?", "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No", "delete" => "Delete", "vendor_details" => "Vendor Details", "about_vendor" => "About Vendor", "activity_listing" => "Activity Listings", "rating" => "Rating", "item_sold" => "Items Sold", "no_offer" => "No offer", "title" => "Title", "label" => "Label", "account_details" => "Account Details", "basic_info" => "Basic Info", "update" => "Update", "your_nick_name" => "Your nick name", "invalid_email" => "Invalid email", "your_bio" => "Your bio", "old_password" => "Old password", "new_password" => "New password", "your_address" => "Your addresses", "new_address" => "New address", "add_address" => "Add address", "address_type" => "Address type", "contact_person_name" => "Contact person name", "contact_number" => "Contact number", "country" => "Country", "states" => "States", "zip_code" => "Zip code", "city" => "City", "address_line_1" => "Address line 1", "address_line_2" => "Address line 2", "edit_address" => "Edit address", "update_address" => "Update address", "blogs_not_available" => "No Blogs are available!", "author" => "Author", "blog_details" => "Blog Details", "comments" => "Comments", "coupons_not_available" => "No coupons found! Try again later.", "contact_seller" => "Contact Seller", "dispute_details" => "Dispute Details", "mark_as_solved" => "Mark as Solved", "close_dispute" => "Close dispute.", "are_you_sure" => "Are you sure?", "reason" => "Reason", "updated_at" => "Updated at", "goods_received" => "Goods received", "return_goods" => "Return goods", "refund_amount" => "Refund amount", "responses" => "Responses", "appeal" => "Appeal", "appeal_message" => "Appeal Message", "attach_files" => "Attach files", "message_cannot_be_empty" => "Message cannot be empty!", "send_appeal" => "Send appeal", "dispute_responses" => "Dispute Responses", "type_a_message" => "Type a message", "empty_message" => "Empty Message!", "open_a_dispute" => "Open a dispute", "order_details" => "Order details", "order_number" => "Order number", "order_status" => "Order status", "amount_paid" => "Amount paid", "open_dispute" => "Open dispute", "select_dispute_reason" => "Select dispute reason", "have_you_received_goods" => "Have you received good(s)?", "select_product" => "Select product", "open_dispute_note" => "If the seller accepts your proposal, you will be asked to return the item(s) you have received and provider a return tracking number.", "refund_amount_validation" => "Must be equal to or less than total({}) amount!", "dispute_opened" => "Dispute is opened successfully!", "how_to_open_dispute" => "How to Open a Dispute", "first_step" => "First Step", "dispute_first_step" => "Before opening a dispute, we recommend you to contact the seller to discuss about the issue. Most of the case seller will help to solve the issue.", "second_step" => "Second Step", "dispute_second_step" => "You can choose between two options:\\n\\nRefund Only – this means that either you did not receive the item and you’re applying for a full refund or you did receive the item and you want a partial refund (without having to send the item back), OR\\n\\nReturn Goods – this means that you want to return the item and apply for a full refund.\\n", "third_step" => "Third Step", "dispute_third_step" => "If you and seller can\\'t come to an agreement, you can appeal the dispute to review. This point we will step in and help.", "empty_inbox" => "Empty inbox!", "order_chat" => "Order Chat", "ordered_at" => "Ordered at", "confirm_received" => "Confirm received", "received_product" => "Received product.", "date" => "Date", "billing_address" => "Billing address", "shipping_cost" => "Shipping cost", "packaging_cost" => "Packaging cost", "message_to_customer" => "Message to customer", "payment_details" => "Payment Details", "taxes" => "Taxes", "shipping" => "Shipping", "payment_method" => "Payment method", "payment_status" => "Payment status", "feedback" => "Feedback", "feedback_already_given" => "Feedback already given", "order_feedback" => "Order Feedback", "rate_all_product" => "Please rate all product!", "submit" => "Submit", "rate_seller" => "Rate Seller", "write_a_feedback" => "Write a feedback", "write_about_experience" => "Write about your experience", "comment_minimum_requirement" => "Comment Must Be 10 Characters!", "comment_maximum_requirement" => "Comment Must Be Less Than 250 Characters!", "rate_product" => "Rate Product(s)", "no_data_yet" => "No data yet!", "grand_total" => "Grand Total", "checkout" => "Checkout", "want_delete_item_from_cart" => "Do you want to delete this item from the cart?", "order_place_confirmation" => "Successfully placed order!", "place_order" => "Place Order", "order_summary" => "Order Summary", "sub_total" => "Sub total", "discount" => "Discount", "packaging" => "Packaging", "handling" => "Handling", "apply_coupon" => "Apply Coupon", "enter_coupon_code" => "Enter coupon code", "apply" => "Apply", "buyers_note" => "Buyers Note", "note_for_seller" => "Note for seller", "order_options" => "Order Options", "shipping_options" => "Shipping Options", "no_shipping_zone" => "Seller does not deliver to this area. You can choose from other sellers.", "payment" => "Payment", "select_shipping_address" => "Select Shipping Address", "select_shipping_address_continue" => "Select a shipping address to continue.", "select_shipping_option_continue" => "Select a shipping option to continue.", "select_packaging_method_continue" => "Select a packaging method to continue.", "select_payment_method_continue" => "Select a payment method to continue.", "please_wait_guest" => "Please wait - Guest Checkout", "all_categories" => "All categories", "sign_in_successfull" => "Sign In Successful", "register_successful" => "Register Successful", "logged_out" => "Logged out!", "profile_updated_successfully" => "Profile updated successfully", "password_updated_successfully" => "Password updated successfully", "password_reset_link_sent" => "The password reset link sent! Please check your email.", "reached_to_the_end" => "You have reached the end!", "appeal_is_sent" => "Appeal is sent.", "brands" => "Brands", "addresses" => "Addresses", "settings" => "Settings", "go_shopping" => "Go Shopping", "featured_brands" => "Featured Brands", "view_all" => "View all", "recently_viewed" => "Recently Viewed", "create_account" => "Create Account", "agree_terms" => "I agree to the terms and conditions", "please_agree_terms" => "Please agree to the terms and conditions", "no_delivery_address_found" => "No delivery address found for your selected shipping area. Please add new address or update carts.", "no_address_found" => "No address found. Please add address", "cancel" => "Cancel", "or_continue_with" => "Or Continue With", "apple_login_not_available" => "Apple Login is not available on your device", "clear_cache" => "Clear Cache", "condition" => "Condition", "out_of_stock" => "Out of Stock", "rating_and_reviews" => "Rating & Reviews", "unknown" => "Unknown", "product_details" => "Product Details", "image_not_available" => "Image not available", "please_select_shipping_option" => "Please select shipping option!", "item_already_wishlist" => "Item is already added in the wishlist.", "select_variant_for" => "Select variant for", "seller_doesnt_ship_this_area" => "This seller does not deliver to your selected Country/Region. Change the shipping address or find other sellers who ship to your area.", "change" => "Change", "select_shipping_country" => "Select shipping country", "select_shipping_state" => "Select shipping state", "select_shipping_option" => "Select shipping option", "product_image" => "Product Image", "search" => "Search", "please_select_a_country" => "Please select a country", "please_select_a_state" => "Please select a state", "delete_address_warning" => "Are you sure you want to delete this address?", "redeem_coupon" => "Redeem Coupon", "code_is_copied" => "Code is copied to clipboard", "generate_invoice" => "Generate Invoice", "invoice_generated" => "Invoice generated", "error_generating_invoice" => "Error generating invoice", "generating_invoice" => "Generating invoice...", "sign_out_warning" => "Are you sure you want to sign out?", "clear_cache_warning" => "Are you sure you want to clear cache?", "clear_cache_subtitle" => "This will delete all of your local data and signed you out if you are signed in.", "clearing_cache" => "Clearing cache...", "clear_cache_success" => "Cache cleared successfully", "wallet" => "Wallet", "wallet_balance" => "Wallet Balance", "wallet_deposit" => "Wallet Deposit", "amount" => "Amount", "wallet_withdraw" => "Wallet Withdraw", "no_payment_method_found" => "No payment method found", "please_select_payment_method" => "Please select payment method!", "payment_failed" => "Payment failed", "continue_text" => "Continue", "wallet_transactions" => "Wallet Transactions", "wallet_transfer" => "Wallet Transfer", "transfer_to" => "Transfer to (email)", "email" => "Email", "transfer" => "Transfer", "search_brand" => "Search Brand", "deal_of_the_day" => "Deal of the Day", "add_to_wishlist" => "Add to Wishlist", "onecheckout_warning" => "One or many orders can not be processed together! Please check delivery to locations and other information", "checkout_all" => "Checkout All", "empty_cart" => "Empty Cart!", "select_packaging" => "Select Packaging", "select_shipping" => "Select Shipping", "order_confirmed" => "Order Confirmed", "thank_you_for_your_order" => "Thank you very much! Your order has been placed successfully!", "card_number" => "Card Number", "please_enter_card_number" => "Please enter card number", "card_number_must_be_16_digits" => "Card number must be 16 digits", "expiry_date" => "Expiry Date", "please_enter_expiry_date" => "Please enter expiry date", "expiry_date_must_be_5_digits" => "Expiry date must be 5 digits", "expiry_month_must_be_between_1_and_12" => "Expiry month must be between 1 and 12", "expiry_year_must_be_greater_than_current_date" => "Expiry year must be greater than current date", "cvv" => "CVV", "please_enter_cvv" => "Please enter CVV", "cvv_must_be_3_digits" => "CVV must be 3 digits", "card_holder_name" => "Card Holder Name (Optional)", "total_amount" => "Total Amount", "please_fill_all_details" => "Please Fill all details", "guest_checkout" => "Guest Checkout", "all" => "All", "shipping_address_warning" => "To select this address change shipping area on the cart page!", "next" => "Next", "back" => "Back", "sold_by" => "Sold by", "cart_count" => "Cart Count", "item_count" => "Item Count", "total_quantity" => "Total Quantity", "subtotal" => "Sub Total", "order_is_being_processed" => "Order is being processed...", "prescription" => "Prescription", "choose_image" => "Choose Image", "proceed_to_checkout" => "Proceed to Checkout", "pending_payment" => "Pending Payment", "payment_success" => "Payment Successful", "make_payment" => "Make Payment", "try_again" => "Try Again", "search_vendor" => "Search Vendor", "contact_shop" => "Contact Shop", "remove" => "Remove", "remove_from_wishlist" => "Remove item from Wishlist" ];