'Action has been done successfully!', 'failed' => 'Action failed! Something went wrong!!', 'select_some_item' => 'Select at least one item', 'database_connection_failed' => 'Can not connect to MySQL database. Check database connection details in the .env file.', 'denied' => 'Permission denied!', '404' => 'This content is not available or you don\'t have permission to access this area', 'error' => 'Action failed! There is something wrong on server side', 'timeout' => 'Action failed! The request timeout', 'reordered' => 'Successfully reordered', 'no_files_to_upload' => 'No files found for upload.', 'form_validation_failed' => 'Failed: Please check all required inputs are filled and valid', 'vendor_config_failed' => 'Registration failed! Please make some changes and try again.', 'no_product_found_for_inventory' => 'No result found! Please try different search key', 'searching' => 'Searching...', 'you_are_blocked' => 'You\'re temporarily blocked from this site!', '404_not_found' => 'Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.', // Version 1.3.3 'no_file_was_uploaded' => 'No file was uploaded.', 'error_uploading_file' => 'Error uploading file', 'model_not_defined' => 'The model is not defined!', // Version 1.4.0 'invalid_data' => 'Invalid data!', // Version 2.0.3 'resource_not_found' => 'Resource not found.', 'unauthenticated' => 'Unauthenticated.', 'unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized', 'subscription_404' => 'The customer does not have any subscriptions.', 'otp_sent_successfully' => 'OTP sent successfully', 'order_assigned_successfully' => 'Order assigned successfully', ];