[ 'about_us' => 'About Us', 'account' => 'Account', 'benefits' => 'benefits', 'become_merchant' => 'Become a Merchant', 'blog' => 'Blog', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'contact_us' => 'Contact us', 'contact_seller' => 'Contact Seller', 'customer_service' => 'Customer Service', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'faq' => 'FAQ', 'gift_cards' => 'Gift cards', 'home' => 'Home', 'how_it_works' => 'How It Works', 'lang' => 'Lang', 'let_us_help' => 'Let Us Help You', 'make_money' => 'Make Money', 'menu' => 'Menu', 'merchant_dashboard' => 'Merchant Dashboard', 'my_account' => 'My Account', 'my_orders' => 'My Orders', 'my_wishlist' => 'My Wishlist', 'my_coupons' => 'My Coupons', 'my_addresses' => 'My Addresses', 'open_dispute' => 'Open Dispute', 'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'return_and_refund_policy' => 'Return and Refund Policy', 'refunds_disputes' => 'Disputes', 'sell_on' => 'Sell On :platform', 'support' => 'Support', 'term_and_conditions' => 'Terms and Conditions', 'wishlist' => 'Wishlist', 'your_account' => 'Your Account', 'your_orders' => 'Your Orders', ], 'button' => [ 'add_to_cart' => 'Add to Cart', 'add_all_to_cart' => 'Add all to Cart', 'add_to_wishlist' => 'Add to wishlist', 'add_new_address' => 'Add New Address', 'apply_coupon' => 'Apply Coupon', 'appeal' => 'Appeal', 'clear_all' => 'Clear All', 'compare' => 'Compare', 'buy_now' => 'Buy Now', 'buy_from_this_seller' => 'Buy From This Seller', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'change_avatar' => 'Change Avatar', 'checkout' => 'Checkout', 'choose_plan' => 'Choose plan', 'choose_from_categories' => 'Choose From Categories', 'clear' => 'Clear', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'contact_seller' => 'Contact Seller', 'continue_shopping' => 'Continue Shopping', 'confirm_goods_received' => 'Confirm Goods Received', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'details' => 'Details', 'go_back' => 'Go Back', 'give_feedback' => 'Give Feedback', 'login' => 'Login', 'login_with_fb' => 'Login with Facebook', 'facebook' => 'Facebook', 'google' => 'Google', 'login_with_g' => 'Login with Google', 'ok' => 'OK', 'open' => 'Open', 'open_dispute' => 'Open Dispute', 'order_detail' => 'Order Detail', 'pay_now' => 'Pay Now', 'proceed' => 'Proceed', 'proceed_to_checkout' => 'Proceed to Checkout', 'quick_view' => 'Quick View', 'quick_checkout' => 'Quick Checkout', 'read_more' => 'Read more', 'recover_password' => 'Recover Password', 'response' => 'Response', 'refund_request' => 'Refund Request', 'return_goods' => 'Return Goods', 'remove' => 'Remove', 'remove_from_wishlist' => 'Remove from Wishlist', 'save' => 'Save', 'selling' => 'Start Selling', 'send_message' => 'Send Message', 'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link', 'shop_now' => 'Shop Now', 'shop_from_other_categories' => 'Shop From Other Categories', 'subscribe' => 'Subscribe', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'track_order' => 'Track Order', 'update' => 'Update', 'update_cart' => 'Update Cart', 'upload_photo' => 'Upload Photo', 'view_product_details' => 'View Product Details', 'view_dispute' => 'View Dispute', 'visit_store' => 'Visit Store', 'place_order' => 'Place Order', ], //Store Front 'account' => 'Account', 'account_login' => 'Account Login', 'active_listings' => 'Active listings', // 'actions' => 'Actions', 'address' => 'Address', 'addresses' => 'Addresses', 'alert' => 'Alert', 'all_categories' => 'All Categories', 'all_items' => 'All Items', 'all_orders' => 'All Orders', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'and' => 'And', 'appeal_dispute' => 'Appeal Dispute', 'attachment' => 'Attachment', 'attributes' => 'Attributes', 'attribute' => 'Attribute', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'availability' => 'Availability', 'basic_info' => 'Basic Info', 'basic_packaging' => 'Free Basic Packaging', 'best_match' => 'Best Match', 'billing_detail' => 'Billing Detail', 'billing_address' => 'Billing Address', 'bio' => 'Detail', // 'bought_together' => 'Frequently bought together', 'brand' => 'Brand', 'by' => 'By', 'category' => 'Category', // 'cart_item_count' => ':count Items', 'cart_summary' => 'Cart Summary', 'card' => 'Card', 'change_password' => 'Change Password', 'checkout' => 'Checkout', 'condition' => 'Condition', 'connect' => 'Connect With :', 'confirmation' => 'Confirmation!', 'confirm_password' => 'Confirm Password', 'contact_us' => 'Contact us', 'coupon' => 'Coupon', 'coupons' => 'Coupons', 'coupon_code' => 'Coupon Code', 'coupon_off' => ':value Off', 'create_account' => 'Create Account', 'credit_card' => 'Credit Card', 'custom_shipping' => 'Custom shipping', 'customer_reviews' => 'Customer Reviews', 'current_password' => 'Current Password', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'date' => 'Date', 'days' => ':count Day|:count Days', 'description' => 'Description', 'discount' => 'Discount', 'dispute' => 'Dispute', 'disputes' => 'Disputes', 'dispute_detail' => 'Dispute Detail', 'dispute_finished' => 'Dispute Finished', 'disputed' => 'Disputed', 'dob' => 'Date of Birth', 'email' => 'Email', 'empty_cart' => 'Your Cart is Empty!', 'empty_wishlist' => 'Your Wishlist is Empty! What are you doing?', 'error' => 'ERROR!', 'estimated_delivery_time' => 'Estimated Delivery Time', 'expired' => 'Expired', 'expired_at' => 'Expired at', 'feedback' => 'Feedback', 'feedbacks' => 'Feedbacks', 'forgot_password' => 'Forgot Password?', 'free_shipping' => 'Free Shipping', 'full_name' => 'Full Name', 'gift_cards' => 'Gift Cards', 'goods_received' => 'Goods received', 'grid_view' => 'Grid View', 'has_offers' => 'Has offers', 'hate_it' => 'Hate it', 'have_account' => 'Already Member? Login Here', 'have_an_account' => 'I already have an account', 'hello' => 'Hello', 'home' => 'Home', 'how_was_the_product' => 'How was the product?', 'how_satisfied_you_are' => 'How satisfied you are with this seller?', 'high_to_low' => 'High to Low', 'image' => 'Image', 'in_stock' => 'In Stock', 'invalid' => 'Invalid', 'item_count' => 'Item count', 'items_sold' => 'Items sold', 'its_ok' => 'It\'s OK', 'latest_reviews' => 'Latest reviews', 'leave_message_to_seller' => 'Leave a message for the seller', 'lifetime' => 'Lifetime', 'like_it' => 'Like it', 'list_view' => 'List View', 'logo' => 'Logo', 'logout' => 'Logout', 'love_it' => 'Love it', 'low_to_high' => 'Low to High', 'main_searchbox_placeholder' => 'I\'m shopping for...', 'member_since' => 'Member since', 'manage_your_account' => 'Manage Account', 'marketplace_steps_in' => ':marketplace Steps In', 'me' => 'Me', 'message_history' => 'Message History', 'message_from_seller' => 'Message From the Seller', 'most_popular' => 'Most popular', // 'my_account' => 'My account', // 'my_orders' => 'My orders', // 'my_inbox' => 'Inbox', 'name' => 'Name', 'new_arrivals' => 'New Arrivals', 'new_password' => 'New Password', 'new_messages' => 'New Messages', 'new' => 'New', 'newest' => 'Newest', 'nice_name' => 'Nickname', 'no' => 'No', 'no_reviews' => 'No reviews', 'no_product_found' => 'No product found', 'not_so_good' => 'Not so good', 'note' => 'Note', 'notice' => 'Notice!', 'nothing_found' => 'Nothing found', 'no_order_history' => 'You don\'t have any orders!', 'oldest' => 'Oldest', 'open_a_dispute' => 'Open a Dispute', 'options' => 'Options', 'order' => 'Order', 'orders' => 'Orders', 'digital_orders' => 'Digital Orders', 'order_amount' => 'Order Amount', 'order_detail' => 'Order Detail', 'order_info' => 'Order info', 'order_id' => 'Order ID', 'order_time_date' => 'Order date and time', 'order_received' => 'Order received', 'out_of_stock' => 'Out Of Stock', 'packaging' => 'Packaging', 'packaging_cost' => 'Packaging Cost', 'password_recovery' => 'Password Recovery', 'password_reset' => 'Password reset', 'payment' => 'Payment', 'payment_detail' => 'Payment Detail', 'payment_instruction' => 'Payment instruction', 'payment_method' => 'Payment Method', 'payment_options' => 'Payment Options', 'payment_status' => 'Payment Status', 'per_month' => '/month', 'percent_off' => ':value% Off', 'percnt_off' => '% Off', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'popular' => 'Popular', 'price' => 'Price', 'price_above' => ':value & Above', 'price_under' => 'Under :value', 'product' => 'Product', 'products' => 'Products', 'product_desc' => 'Product Description', 'product_desc_seller' => 'Seller Specifications', 'published_at' => 'Published', 'quantity' => 'Quantity', 'rating' => 'Rating', 'reason' => 'Reason', 'recent_posts' => 'Recent posts', 'refund_amount' => 'Refund Amount', 'refurbished' => 'Refurbished', 'register' => 'Register', 'register_here' => 'Register here', 'remember_me' => 'Remember Me', 'remember_card_for_future_use' => 'Remember the card for future use', 'remove_item' => 'Remove Item', 'reply' => 'Reply', 'return_goods' => 'Return Goods', 'return_and_refund_policy' => 'Return and Refund Policy', 'review' => 'Review', 'reviews' => '{0,1} :count Review|{2,*} :count Reviews', 'running' => 'Running', 'search' => 'Search', 'search_results' => 'Search Results', 'select' => 'Select', 'select_product' => 'Select Product', 'select_reason' => 'Select Reason', 'seller' => 'Seller', 'seller_doesnt_ship' => 'This seller doesn\'t ship to your selected Country/Region', 'seller_info' => 'Seller Info', 'seller_helps_you' => 'Seller Helps You', 'serial_number' => 'Serial Number', 'share_on' => 'Share on :name', 'ship_to' => 'Deliver to', 'shipping' => 'Shipping', 'shipping_options' => 'Shipping options', 'shipping_address' => 'Shipping Address', 'shipping_cost' => 'Shipping Cost', 'shop_by' => 'Shop by', 'shoping_cart' => 'Shopping Cart', 'sing_in' => 'Hello, Sign in', 'sold_by' => 'Sold by', 'sort_by' => 'Sort by', 'stock_count' => ':count in stock', 'store' => 'Store', 'shop_down' => 'This store is unavailable right now', 'store_not_available' => 'Store not available', // 'store_profile' => 'Store Profile', 'stuff_pick' => 'Staff Pick', 'status' => 'Status', 'stay_connected' => 'Stay Connected', 'subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'subscription' => 'Subscription', 'support_partial_use' => 'Support Partial Use', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'taxes' => 'Taxes', 'title' => 'Title', 'to' => 'To', 'toll_free' => 'Toll-free', 'total' => 'Total', 'to_location' => ' to
', 'unit_price' => 'Unit Price', 'used' => 'Used', 'use_before' => 'Use before', 'use_between' => 'Use between', 'validity' => 'Validity', 'valid_from' => 'Valid from', 'value' => 'Value', 'verified_purchase' => 'Verified Purchase', 'view_detail' => 'View Detail', 'view_more_offers' => 'View (:count) more offers', 'warning' => 'Warning!', 'when_min_order_value' => 'Minimum order value of :value or more', 'wishlist' => 'Wishlist', 'write_your_message' => 'Write your message', 'years_count' => '{0,1} :count Year|{2,*} :count Years', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'your_account' => 'Your Account', 'your_cart' => 'Your Cart', 'your_order_history' => 'Your orders', 'your_digital_order_history' => 'Your digital orders', 'up' => 'Up', 'help' => [ 'be_honest_when_leave_feedbacks' => 'Your feedback will help other shoppers to make their decision. So, be wise, sincere and honest to leave your feedback.', 'card_exp_month' => 'Select expiration month', 'card_exp_year' => 'Select expiration year', 'create_account_on_checkout' => 'By creating the account you agree to our
terms and conditions
. Enter a secure password to login your account.', 'customer_paid' => 'You paid
, inclusive all taxes, shipping charges and others.', 'enter_cardholder_name' => 'Please enter cardholder name', 'first_step' => 'First Step', 'give_tracking_number_here' => 'Give The Tracking ID', 'give_all_feedbacks_together' => 'Give All Feedbacks Together', 'how_to_open_a_dispute_first_step' => 'Before opening a dispute, we recommend you to contact the seller to discuss about the issue. Most of the case seller will help to solve the issue.', 'how_to_open_a_dispute_second_step' => 'You can choose between two options:
Refund Only
– this means that either you did not receive the item and you’re applying for a full refund or you did receive the item and you want a partial refund (without having to send the item back), OR
Return Goods
– this means that you want to return the item and apply for a full refund.', 'how_to_open_a_dispute_third_step' => 'If you and seller can\'t come to an agreement, you can appeal the dispute to review. This point we will step in and help.', 'order_refunded' => 'Previously refunded
of total
', 'reason_to_return_goods' => '- I am not satisfied with the product I received and would like to return it for a full refund.
(You may have to pay the return shipping cost)
', 'reason_to_refund_request' => '- I haven\'t received my order and I would like to get my money back.
- The product is not as described and I would like a partial refund.', 'return_goods_help_txt' => 'If the seller accepts your proposal, you will be asked to return the item(s) you received and provide a return tracking number.', 'required_fields' => 'marked fields are required', 'second_step' => 'Second Step', 'third_step' => 'Third Step', 'upload_photo' => 'You can upload only 1 file not more than 2MB in size and supports JPG, JPEG or PNG', 'when_marketplace_steps_in' => 'If you and the seller can\'t come to an agreement, we will step in and help.', ], 'defaults' => [ 'new_message_from' => 'New message from :sender', ], 'notify' => [ 'address_created' => 'Address saved successfully!', 'address_deleted' => 'Address deleted successfully!', 'already_subscribed' => 'Cool! You have already subscribed!', 'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to do this?', 'authentication_failed' => 'Authentication failed. :msg', 'authentication_successful' => 'Cool! Authentication successful. Create your account.', 'calculating' => 'Calculating', 'canceled' => 'Canceled!', 'cant_deliver' => 'Can not deliver', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmed', 'cart_updated' => 'Cart updated', 'cart_empty' => 'Cart is empty!', 'coupon_applied' => 'Coupon applied successfully!', 'coupon_limit_expired' => 'This coupon has been used!', 'coupon_min_order_value' => 'Invalid coupon! The coupon is not valid for this amount of order. Shop more to get discounts!', 'coupon_not_valid_for_zone' => 'This coupon is not valid for your area!', 'coupon_not_valid' => 'Invalid coupon!', 'coupon_not_exist' => 'Coupon does not exist!', 'will_calculated_on_select' => 'Will be calculated after you select all properties', 'dispute_created' => 'Dispute created successfully!', 'dispute_updated' => 'Dispute updated successfully!', 'failed' => 'Action failed! Something went wrong!!', 'fill_required_info' => 'Please fill all the required information!', 'info_updated' => 'Updated successfully!', 'info_deleted' => 'Deleted successfully!', 'invalid_request' => 'Invalid request!', 'item_added_to_cart' => 'Item added to cart', 'items_added_to_cart' => 'Items added to cart', 'item_added_already_in_cart' => 'Item already in your cart', 'item_added_to_wishlist' => 'Item added to wishlist', 'item_added_already_in_wishlist' => 'Item already in your wishlist', 'item_removed_from_cart' => 'Item removed', 'item_removed_from_wishlist' => 'Item removed', 'logged_in_successfully' => 'Logged in successfully!', 'logged_out_successfully' => 'Logged out successfully!', 'max_item_stock' => 'This seller has limited stock available', 'message_sent' => 'Message sent successfully!', 'minimum_order_qtt_reached' => 'You can\'t place an order below this quantity', 'nothing_found' => 'Nothing found!', 'order_creation_failed' => 'Something went wrong!! Please try again!', 'order_placed' => 'Order placed successfully!', 'order_placed_thanks' => 'Thank you very much! Your order has been placed successfully!', 'order_updated' => 'Order updated successfully!', 'order_will_ship_to' => 'We\'ll send the items very soon to this address', 'payment_method_config_error' => 'This seller can\'t accept payment using this payment method! Choose from other options or buy from other sellers.', 'payment_failed' => 'The payment has been failed!! More details can be found in the log.', 'please_login_to_checkout' => 'Please login to checkout!', 'refund_request_sent' => 'Refund request sent!', 'select_shipping_address' => 'Select shipping address.', 'shipping_cost_may_change' => 'Shipping cost may change for the new destination.', 'seller_doesnt_ship' => 'This seller does not deliver to your selected Country/Region. Change the shipping address or find other sellers who ship to your area.', 'seller_has_no_payment_method' => 'This seller has no active payment method to accept payment. You may find similar items from other sellers.', 'store_not_available' => 'This seller is inactive or not exist in the marketplace. You may find similar items from other sellers.', 'subscribed' => 'Cool! You have subscribed successfully!', 'we_dont_save_card_info' => 'We do not store your card information.', 'you_will_be_redirected_to_paypal' => 'You will be redirected to PayPal to securely complete your payment.', 'your_feedback_saved' => 'Thank you for your feedback!', 'you_will_be_redirected_to_paystack' => 'You will be redirected to Paystack.', 'you_will_be_redirected_to_instamojo' => 'You will be redirected to Instamojo.', 'all_seller_doesnt_ship' => 'All seller does not deliver to your selected Country/Region. Change the shipping address or find other sellers who ship to your area.', 'pick_up_order_from' => 'Pick order from this address', 'availability' => 'Availability', 'business_days' => 'Business Days', 'order_number' => 'Show this order number when pickup the order', 'account_delete' => 'Your account has been deleted successfully', 'no_item_listed' => 'No item listed on this platform yet', 'switched_to_merchant_successfully' => 'Switched to merchant successfully', 'merchant_acc_not_exist' => 'Merchant account not exist', 'business_days_not_given' => 'Shops business days not given', 'select_pickup_address' => 'You must select a pickup address to place your order', ], 'input_label' => [ 'agree' => 'I agree', 'i_agree_with_terms' => 'I agree with the
', 'subscribe_to_the_newsletter' => 'Subscribe to the Newsletter', ], 'placeholder' => [ 'address_line_1' => 'Address', 'address_line_2' => 'Apartment, unit, suite, or floor', 'address_title' => 'Contact person', 'address_type' => 'Address type', 'bio' => 'Little more about yourself', 'card_cvc' => 'CVC', 'card_exp_month' => 'Expiration month', 'card_exp_year' => 'Expiration year', 'cardholder_name' => 'Cardholder name', 'card_number' => 'Card number', 'city' => 'City', 'confirm_password' => 'Confirm password', 'contact_us_subject' => 'What is your purpose to contact', 'current_password' => 'Current password', 'description' => 'Description', 'dob' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'email' => 'Please enter your email', 'exp_month' => 'Expiration month', 'exp_year' => 'Expiration year', 'full_name' => 'Full name', 'have_coupon_from_seller' => 'I\'ve a coupon from this seller', 'message' => 'Write your message within 500 characters', 'message_to_seller' => 'Write your message or instructions to the seller.', 'name' => 'Your name', 'nice_name' => 'Nice name', 'password' => 'Password', 'phone_number' => 'Contact number', 'search' => 'Search', 'select_payment_option' => 'Choose the payment option', 'state' => 'State/Province/Region', 'your_email' => 'Your email', 'refund_amount' => 'Refund amount', 'valid_email' => 'Enter a valid email address', 'write_your_feedback' => 'Write your feedback within 250 characters', 'zip_code' => 'Zip code', ], 'validation' => [ 'dispute_type_id_required' => 'Select dispute type', 'dispute_product_id_required_with' => 'Select the products that have an issue.', 'feedback_rating_issue' => 'Feedback ratings must be in 1 to 5', 'feedback_comment_between' => 'Comments must be between :min to :max characters.', 'incorrect_current_password' => 'Your current password is not correct!', 'address_title' => 'Please include first name and last name in the \'Contact Person\' input field.' ], 'confirm_action' => [ 'cant_undo' => 'Are you sure?
You can\'t undo this action', 'delete' => 'Are you sure want to delete this resource?
You can\'t undo this action!', 'goods_received' => 'Are you sure?
You can\'t undo this action', 'open_a_dispute' => 'Before opening a dispute, please try to solve the issue with the seller.', ], 'section_headings' => [ 'additional_items' => 'Additional items
to explore
', 'contact_seller' => 'Leave a message for the seller', 'contact_form' => 'Contact form', 'frequently_bought_together' => 'Frequently
Bought Together
', 'give_feedbacks_to_products' => 'Give Feedbacks to Products', 'give_feedbacks_to_seller' => 'Give Feedback to Seller', 'how_to_give_feedbacks' => 'How to Give Feedbacks', 'how_to_open_a_dispute' => 'How to Open a Dispute', 'key_features' => 'Key
', 'recently_added' => 'Recently
', 'recently_viewed' => 'You Viewed
', 'best_selling_now' => 'Best Selling
', 'related_items' => 'Related
', 'select_from_categories' => 'Select From
', 'weekly_popular' => 'Weekly
', 'monthly_popular' => 'Monthly
', 'you_may_also_like' => 'You may also like', 'trending_now' => 'Trending
', ], 'bundle_offer' => 'Bundle Offers', 'you_may_also_like' => 'You may also like', 'featured' => 'Featured', 'neckbands' => 'Neckbands', 'flash_deal' => 'Flash Deal', 'flash_deals' => 'Flash Deals', 'offer_end_in' => 'Offer Ends In', 'ends_in' => 'Ends In', 'flash_sale' => 'Flash Sale', 'sold_item_qtt' => ':item sold', 'top_rated' => 'Top Rated', 'key_features' => 'Key Features', 'recently_added' => 'Recently Added', 'recently_viewed' => 'You Viewed Recently', 'best_selling_now' => 'Best Selling Now', 'related_items' => 'Related Items', 'alternative_products' => 'Alternative Products', 'select_from_categories' => 'Categories', 'weekly_popular' => 'Weekly Top', 'monthly_popular' => 'All Time Best Seller', 'deal_of_the_day' => 'Deal of the day', 'best_find_under' => 'Best finds under :amount', 'featured_category' => 'Featured Category', 'featured_brand' => 'Featured Brands', 'featured_vendor' => 'Featured Vendors', 'featured_categories' => 'Featured Categories', 'benefit' => [ 'one' => [ 'title' => 'Start Selling in Minutes', 'icon' => 'rocket', // Don't translate this line 'detail' => 'Get straight to growing your business. We handle everything to sell online. So you can focus on your business rather managing the infrastructure.', ], 'two' => [ 'title' => 'Comprehensive Dashboard', 'icon' => 'tablet', // Don't translate this line 'detail' => 'Get a holistic and detailed view of your business to better understand sales, orders, and customers to better tailor your products.', ], 'three' => [ 'title' => 'Get Paid Directly and Securely', 'icon' => 'credit-card', // Don't translate this line 'detail' => 'We don\'t keep your money! The payment goes to you directly as soon as a buyer pays.', ], ], 'plan' => [ 'inventory_limit' => ':limit Products', 'marketplace_commission' => ':commission% Marketplace Commission', 'no_transaction_fee' => 'No Transaction Fees', 'no_marketplace_commission' => 'No Marketplace Commission', 'team_size' => ':size Staff Users', 'transaction_and_commission' => ':commission% + :fee Per Transaction', 'transaction_fee' => ':fee Per Transaction', ], 'how_it_work_steps' => [ 'step_1' => [ 'title' => 'Register as Merchant', 'detail' => 'Creating an account is very simple, Your merchant dashboard will be ready as soon as you\'re registered. You can manage everything that belongs to your store and running the business.', ], 'step_2' => [ 'title' => 'List Your Items', 'detail' => 'Listing your products is really simple through our easy to use the self-serve portal. Upload including high-quality product images and additional details.', ], 'step_3' => [ 'title' => 'Sell & Fulfill Orders', 'detail' => 'After you list your offers, customers can visit them on the Marketplace. We\'ll notify you when customers place an order. Fulfill the order on promised time is very important.', ], 'step_4' => [ 'title' => 'Get Paid Instantly', 'detail' => 'We don\'t hold your money, the payment will be sent to your connected account directly.', ], 'ending' => 'Be Part
of Our
Story!', ], 'intro_lead' => 'Everything you need to start selling online!', 'intro_heading' => 'It\'s made for you', 'selling_price_taglind' => 'Starting :price a month + additional fees', 'benefits' => 'Benefits', 'faq' => 'FAQ', 'how_it_works' => 'How It Works', 'pricing' => 'Pricing', // Version 1.2.4 'first_listed_on' => 'Date first listed on :platform', 'created_at' => 'Created at', 'dispute_details' => 'Dispute Details', 'manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer', 'min_order_quantity' => 'Minimum order quantity', 'total_sold_quantity' => 'Total sold quantity', 'model_number' => 'Model number', 'mpn' => 'Part Number', 'origin' => 'Origin', 'refunds' => 'Refunds', 'refund_details' => 'Refund Details', 'shipping_weight' => 'Shipping weight', 'sku' => 'Seller SKU', 'technical_details' => 'Technical Details', 'updated_at' => 'Updated at', 'success' => 'Success', 'info' => 'Info', 'danger' => 'Error', // Version 1.3.0 'enter_tracking_number' => 'Enter your order tracking number.', 'from_verified_seller' => 'Verified seller', 'mark_as_solved' => 'Mark as solved', // Version 2.0.0 'add_shipping_address' => 'Add a shipping address', 'archive' => 'Archive', 'country' => 'Country', 'delivery_locations_info' => 'Delivery options and delivery speeds may vary for different locations', 'choose_delivery_location' => 'Choose your location', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'edit_account' => 'Edit My Account', 'invoice' => 'Invoice', 'message_archived' => 'Message has been archived successfully!', 'my_messages' => 'Messages', 'of_total' => ':first - :last of :total', 'or' => 'OR', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'unread_messages' => 'Unread messages', 'std_delivery_time' => 'Standard delivery time', 'cancel_order' => 'Cancel Order', 'canceled' => 'Canceled', 'order_canceled' => 'The order has been canceled!', 'order_again' => 'Order Again', 'user' => 'User', 'free' => 'Free', 'more_items_from_this_seller' => 'More items from :seller', 'order_cancelation_requested' => 'Cancellation request has been saved.', 'order_return_requested' => 'Return request has been saved.', 'return' => 'Return', // Version 2.1.0 'chat_welcome' => 'Hey! Have a question?', 'connecting' => 'Connecting...', 'login_to_chat' => 'We\'re just one step away! Please login to start the conversation.', 'now' => 'Now', 'offline' => 'Offline', 'online' => 'Online', 'shop_not_found' => 'Shop not found. Check other vendors.', 'session_expired' => 'The session has been expired! Please refresh the page.', 'item_not_available' => 'This item is no more available!', 'cancel_items' => 'Cancel Items', 'items' => 'Items', 'cancellation' => 'Cancellation', 'order_cancel_msg_title' => 'Cancellation isn\'t guaranteed!', 'order_cancel_msg' => 'We\'re preparing this order for shipment. We\'ll do our best to cancel the requested item(s).', 'order_return_msg_title' => 'Don\'t send the items yet!', 'order_return_msg' => 'If the seller accepts your request, you will be asked to return the item(s) you received and provide a return tracking number.', 'cancellation_requested' => 'Cancellation requested', 'cancellation_reason_required' => 'Select cancellation reason', 'send_request' => 'Send Request', 'return_items' => 'Return Items', 'return_requested' => 'Return requested', 'cancelled' => 'Cancelled', 'returned' => 'Returned', 'select_cancel_items_required' => 'Select the product(s) you want to cancel.', 'sale_count' => 'Sold: :count', 'login' => 'Sign In', 'weekly_offer' => 'Offers of the Week', 'see_more' => 'See More', 'more_from_shop' => 'More Products from this Shop', 'welcome' => 'Welcome To', 'support' => 'Support', 'wallet' => 'Wallet', 'new_item' => 'New', 'stock' => ':stock In Stock', 'hot' => 'Hot', 'shop_now' => 'Shop Now', 'add_to_cart' => 'Add to Cart', 'item_added_to_wishlist' => 'Item added to wishlist', 'flash_deal_days' => 'days', 'hrs' => 'hrs', 'mins' => 'mins', 'sec' => 'sec', 'today_popular' => 'Today\'s Trend', 'additional_item' => 'Additional items to explore', 'track_your_order' => 'Track Your Order', 'brands' => 'Brands', 'vendors' => 'Vendors', 'all_brands' => 'All Brands', 'all_shops' => 'All Vendors', 'profile' => 'Profile', 'product_videos' => 'Product videos', 'events' => 'Events', 'contact_info' => 'Contact Info', 'pickup' => 'Pickup', 'inquiry_basket' => 'Inquiry Basket', 'join_free' => 'Join Free', 'sign_in' => 'Sign In', 'you_may_like' => 'You May Like', 'product_count' => ':product + products', 'hot_products' => 'Hot Products', 'trending_products' => 'Selected Trending Products', 'source_now' => 'Source Now', 'trending_now' => 'Trending Now', 'sale_over' => 'Sorry! You\'ve missed the sale!', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'messages' => 'Messages', 'sell' => 'Sell', 'cart_update_failed' => 'Cart update failed!', 'cart_count' => 'Cart count', 'listings_count' => ':count items', // 'follow_us' => 'Follow Us', 'for_customers' => 'For Customers', 'search_product_and_supplier' => 'Search Products & Suppliers', 'quick_links' => 'Quick Links', 'language_options' => 'Language Options', 'message' => 'Message', 'from' => 'From', 'type_min_char' => 'Type at least :min characters.', 'searching' => 'Searching', 'for_customer' => 'For Customer', 'for_vendor' => 'For Vendor', 'search_products_suppliers' => 'Search Products & Suppliers', 'hot_categories' => 'Hot categories', 'legal_name' => 'Legal name', 'std_shipping_carrier' => 'Standard shipping carrier', 'country_not_exist' => 'The country you have chosen is not exist in the database.', 'login_with_social' => 'or use your social media account', 'invalid_address' => 'The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address.', 'change_shipping_location' => 'Change the shipping location, It may change the available shipping options and cost of shipping.', //mobile-menu 'settings' => 'Settings', 'menu_options' => 'Menu Options', 'languages' => 'Languages', 'condition_note' => 'Condition note', 'offer_price' => 'Offer price', 'seller_rating' => 'Seller rating', 'stock_quantity' => 'Stock quantity', 'gtin' => 'GTIN', 'has_return_policy' => 'Has return policy', 'offer_ends_at' => 'Offer ends at', 'pickup_time' => 'Pickup Time', 'pickup_from' => 'Pickup From', 'your_wishlist' => 'Your Wishlist', 'your_comparisons' => 'Your Comparisons', 'comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'buy_from_vendor' => 'Buy from :vendor', 'digital_product' => 'Digital Product', 'digital_products' => 'Digital Products', 'download' => 'Download', 'downloadable' => 'Downloadable', 'downloadables' => 'Downloadables', 'physical_goods' => 'Physical goods', 'download_left' => 'You have :download_number download attempt left. Maximum download number is :download_limit', 'product_type' => 'Product Type', 'applicable_taxes_for' => 'Applicable taxes for', 'cart_items' => 'Cart items', 'donwload_links_of' => 'Download links of', 'copy_to_clipboard' => 'Copy to clipboard', 'order_date' => 'Date', 'dont_show' => 'Don\'t show again', 'visit_shop_page' => 'Visit shop page', 'shop_home' => 'Shop home', 'top_selling' => 'Top selling', 'filters' => 'Filters', 'clear_all_filters' => 'Clear all filters', 'show_more' => 'Show more', 'show_less' => 'Show less', 'show_product_page' => 'Visit the product page.', 'slider_image' => 'Slider Image', 'featured_items' => 'Featured Items', 'qtt_sold_of' => ':sold of :qtt sold', 'system_picked_item' => 'Specially Picked For You', 'listed_at' => 'Listed at', 'apply' => 'Apply', 'newsletter_subscribe' => 'Subscribe to our Newsletter', 'newsletter_description' => 'Signup for our newsletter to get the latest news, updates and amazing offers delivered directly in your inbox.', 'total_items' => 'Total Items', 'price_for_all' => 'Total:', 'view_merchant_dashboard' => 'View Merchant Dashboard', 'customer_address' => 'Customer Address', 'no_pickup_options' => 'This seller does not offer a pickup option.', ];