This is the PHP port of Hamcrest Matchers ========================================= [](https://travis-ci.org/hamcrest/hamcrest-php) Hamcrest is a matching library originally written for Java, but subsequently ported to many other languages. hamcrest-php is the official PHP port of Hamcrest and essentially follows a literal translation of the original Java API for Hamcrest, with a few Exceptions, mostly down to PHP language barriers: 1. `instanceOf($theClass)` is actually `anInstanceOf($theClass)` 2. `both(containsString('a'))->and(containsString('b'))` is actually `both(containsString('a'))->andAlso(containsString('b'))` 3. `either(containsString('a'))->or(containsString('b'))` is actually `either(containsString('a'))->orElse(containsString('b'))` 4. Unless it would be non-semantic for a matcher to do so, hamcrest-php allows dynamic typing for it's input, in "the PHP way". Exception are where semantics surrounding the type itself would suggest otherwise, such as stringContains() and greaterThan(). 5. Several official matchers have not been ported because they don't make sense or don't apply in PHP: - `typeCompatibleWith($theClass)` - `eventFrom($source)` - `hasProperty($name)` ** - `samePropertyValuesAs($obj)` ** 6. When most of the collections matchers are finally ported, PHP-specific aliases will probably be created due to a difference in naming conventions between Java's Arrays, Collections, Sets and Maps compared with PHP's Arrays. --- ** [Unless we consider POPO's (Plain Old PHP Objects) akin to JavaBeans] - The POPO thing is a joke. Java devs coin the term POJO's (Plain Old Java Objects). Usage ----- Hamcrest matchers are easy to use as: ```php Hamcrest_MatcherAssert::assertThat('a', Hamcrest_Matchers::equalToIgnoringCase('A')); ``` Alternatively, you can use the global proxy-functions: ```php $result = true; // with an identifier assertThat("result should be true", $result, equalTo(true)); // without an identifier assertThat($result, equalTo(true)); // evaluate a boolean expression assertThat($result === true); // with syntactic sugar is() assertThat(true, is(true)); ``` :warning: **NOTE:** the global proxy-functions aren't autoloaded by default, so you will need to load them first: ```php \Hamcrest\Util::registerGlobalFunctions(); ``` For brevity, all of the examples below use the proxy-functions. Documentation ------------- A tutorial can be found on the [Hamcrest site](https://code.google.com/archive/p/hamcrest/wikis/TutorialPHP.wiki). Available Matchers ------------------ * [Array](../master/README.md#array) * [Collection](../master/README.md#collection) * [Object](../master/README.md#object) * [Numbers](../master/README.md#numbers) * [Type checking](../master/README.md#type-checking) * [XML](../master/README.md#xml) ### Array * `anArray` - evaluates an array ```php assertThat([], anArray()); ``` * `hasItemInArray` - check if item exists in array ```php $list = range(2, 7, 2); $item = 4; assertThat($list, hasItemInArray($item)); ``` * `hasValue` - alias of hasItemInArray * `arrayContainingInAnyOrder` - check if array contains elements in any order ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], arrayContainingInAnyOrder([6, 4, 2])); assertThat([2, 4, 6], arrayContainingInAnyOrder([4, 2, 6])); ``` * `containsInAnyOrder` - alias of arrayContainingInAnyOrder * `arrayContaining` - An array with elements that match the given matchers in the same order. ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], arrayContaining([2, 4, 6])); assertthat([2, 4, 6], not(arrayContaining([6, 4, 2]))); ``` * `contains` - check array in same order ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], contains([2, 4, 6])); ``` * `hasKeyInArray` - check if array has given key ```php assertThat(['name'=> 'foobar'], hasKeyInArray('name')); ``` * `hasKey` - alias of hasKeyInArray * `hasKeyValuePair` - check if arary has given key, value pair ```php assertThat(['name'=> 'foobar'], hasKeyValuePair('name', 'foobar')); ``` * `hasEntry` - same as hasKeyValuePair * `arrayWithSize` - check array has given size ```php assertthat([2, 4, 6], arrayWithSize(3)); ``` * `emptyArray` - check if array is emtpy ```php assertThat([], emptyArray()); ``` * `nonEmptyArray` ```php assertThat([1], nonEmptyArray()); ``` ### Collection * `emptyTraversable` - check if traversable is empty ```php $empty_it = new EmptyIterator; assertThat($empty_it, emptyTraversable()); ``` * `nonEmptyTraversable` - check if traversable isn't empty ```php $non_empty_it = new ArrayIterator(range(1, 10)); assertThat($non_empty_it, nonEmptyTraversable()); a ``` * `traversableWithSize` ```php $non_empty_it = new ArrayIterator(range(1, 10)); assertThat($non_empty_it, traversableWithSize(count(range(1, 10)))); ` ``` ### Core * `allOf` - Evaluates to true only if ALL of the passed in matchers evaluate to true. ```php assertThat([2,4,6], allOf(hasValue(2), arrayWithSize(3))); ``` * `anyOf` - Evaluates to true if ANY of the passed in matchers evaluate to true. ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], anyOf(hasValue(8), hasValue(2))); ``` * `noneOf` - Evaluates to false if ANY of the passed in matchers evaluate to true. ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], noneOf(hasValue(1), hasValue(3))); ``` * `both` + `andAlso` - This is useful for fluently combining matchers that must both pass. ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], both(hasValue(2))->andAlso(hasValue(4))); ``` * `either` + `orElse` - This is useful for fluently combining matchers where either may pass, ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], either(hasValue(2))->orElse(hasValue(4))); ``` * `describedAs` - Wraps an existing matcher and overrides the description when it fails. ```php $expected = "Dog"; $found = null; // this assertion would result error message as Expected: is not null but: was null //assertThat("Expected {$expected}, got {$found}", $found, is(notNullValue())); // and this assertion would result error message as Expected: Dog but: was null //assertThat($found, describedAs($expected, notNullValue())); ``` * `everyItem` - A matcher to apply to every element in an array. ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], everyItem(notNullValue())); ``` * `hasItem` - check array has given item, it can take a matcher argument ```php assertThat([2, 4, 6], hasItem(equalTo(2))); ``` * `hasItems` - check array has givem items, it can take multiple matcher as arguments ```php assertThat([1, 3, 5], hasItems(equalTo(1), equalTo(3))); ``` ### Object * `hasToString` - check `__toString` or `toString` method ```php class Foo { public $name = null; public function __toString() { return "[Foo]Instance"; } } $foo = new Foo; assertThat($foo, hasToString(equalTo("[Foo]Instance"))); ``` * `equalTo` - compares two instances using comparison operator '==' ```php $foo = new Foo; $foo2 = new Foo; assertThat($foo, equalTo($foo2)); ``` * `identicalTo` - compares two instances using identity operator '===' ```php assertThat($foo, is(not(identicalTo($foo2)))); ``` * `anInstanceOf` - check instance is an instance|sub-class of given class ```php assertThat($foo, anInstanceOf(Foo::class)); ``` * `any` - alias of `anInstanceOf` * `nullValue` check null ```php assertThat(null, is(nullValue())); ``` * `notNullValue` check not null ```php assertThat("", notNullValue()); ``` * `sameInstance` - check for same instance ```php assertThat($foo, is(not(sameInstance($foo2)))); assertThat($foo, is(sameInstance($foo))); ``` * `typeOf`- check type ```php assertThat(1, typeOf("integer")); ``` * `notSet` - check if instance property is not set ```php assertThat($foo, notSet("name")); ``` * `set` - check if instance property is set ```php $foo->name = "bar"; assertThat($foo, set("name")); ``` ### Numbers * `closeTo` - check value close to a range ```php assertThat(3, closeTo(3, 0.5)); ``` * `comparesEqualTo` - check with '==' ```php assertThat(2, comparesEqualTo(2)); ``` * `greaterThan` - check '>' ``` assertThat(2, greaterThan(1)); ``` * `greaterThanOrEqualTo` ```php assertThat(2, greaterThanOrEqualTo(2)); ``` * `atLeast` - The value is >= given value ```php assertThat(3, atLeast(2)); ``` * `lessThan` ```php assertThat(2, lessThan(3)); ``` * `lessThanOrEqualTo` ```php assertThat(2, lessThanOrEqualTo(3)); ``` * `atMost` - The value is <= given value ```php assertThat(2, atMost(3)); ``` ### String * `emptyString` - check for empty string ```php assertThat("", emptyString()); ``` * `isEmptyOrNullString` ```php assertThat(null, isEmptyOrNullString()); ``` * `nullOrEmptyString` ```php assertThat("", nullOrEmptyString()); ``` * `isNonEmptyString` ```php assertThat("foo", isNonEmptyString()); ``` * `nonEmptyString` ```php assertThat("foo", nonEmptyString()); ``` * `equalToIgnoringCase` ```php assertThat("Foo", equalToIgnoringCase("foo")); ``` * `equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace` ```php assertThat(" Foo ", equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace("Foo")); ``` * `matchesPattern` - matches with regex pattern ```php assertThat("foobarbaz", matchesPattern('/(foo)(bar)(baz)/')); ``` * `containsString` - check for substring ```php assertThat("foobar", containsString("foo")); ``` * `containsStringIgnoringCase` ```php assertThat("fooBar", containsStringIgnoringCase("bar")); ``` * `stringContainsInOrder` ```php assertThat("foo", stringContainsInOrder("foo")); ``` * `endsWith` - check string that ends with given value ```php assertThat("foo", endsWith("oo")); ``` * `startsWith` - check string that starts with given value ```php assertThat("bar", startsWith("ba")); ``` ### Type-checking * `arrayValue` - check array type ```php assertThat([], arrayValue()); ``` * `booleanValue` ```php assertThat(true, booleanValue()); ``` * `boolValue` - alias of booleanValue * `callableValue` - check if value is callable ```php $func = function () {}; assertThat($func, callableValue()); ``` * `doubleValue` ```php assertThat(3.14, doubleValue()); ``` * `floatValue` ```php assertThat(3.14, floatValue()); ``` * `integerValue` ```php assertThat(1, integerValue()); ``` * `intValue` - alias of `integerValue` * `numericValue` - check if value is numeric ```php assertThat("123", numericValue()); ``` * `objectValue` - check for object ```php $obj = new stdClass; assertThat($obj, objectValue()); ``` * `anObject` ```php assertThat($obj, anObject()); ``` * `resourceValue` - check resource type ```php $fp = fopen("/tmp/foo", "w+"); assertThat($fp, resourceValue()); ``` * `scalarValue` - check for scaler value ```php assertThat(1, scalarValue()); ``` * `stringValue` ```php assertThat("", stringValue()); ``` ### XML * `hasXPath` - check xml with a xpath ```php $xml = <<
XML; $doc = new DOMDocument; $doc->loadXML($xml); assertThat($doc, hasXPath("book", 2)); ```