getStoredData($this->accessTokenName); $this->apiRequestParameters[$this->accessTokenName] = $accessToken; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function validateAccessTokenExchange($response) { $collection = parent::validateAccessTokenExchange($response); if (!$collection->exists('expires_in')) { // Instagram tokens always expire in an hour, but this is implicit not explicit $expires_in = 60 * 60; $expires_at = time() + $expires_in; $this->storeData('expires_in', $expires_in); $this->storeData('expires_at', $expires_at); } return $collection; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function maintainToken() { if (!$this->isConnected()) { return; } // Handle token exchange prior to the standard handler for an API request $exchange_by_expiry_days = $this->config->get('exchange_by_expiry_days') ?: 45; if ($exchange_by_expiry_days !== null) { $projected_timestamp = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $exchange_by_expiry_days; if (!$this->hasAccessTokenExpired() && $this->hasAccessTokenExpired($projected_timestamp)) { $this->exchangeAccessToken(); } } } /** * Exchange the Access Token with one that expires further in the future. * * @return string Raw Provider API response * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpClientFailureException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpRequestFailedException * @throws InvalidAccessTokenException */ public function exchangeAccessToken() { if ($this->getStoredData('expires_in') >= 5000000) { /* Refresh a long-lived token (needed on Instagram, but not Facebook). It's not an oAuth style refresh using a refresh token. Actually it's really just another exchange, and invalidates the old token. Facebook/Instagram documentation is not very helpful at explaining that! */ $exchangeTokenParameters = [ 'grant_type' => 'ig_refresh_token', 'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret, 'access_token' => $this->getStoredData('access_token'), ]; $url = 'https://graph.instagram.com/refresh_access_token'; } else { // Exchange short-lived to long-lived $exchangeTokenParameters = [ 'grant_type' => 'ig_exchange_token', 'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret, 'access_token' => $this->getStoredData('access_token'), ]; $url = 'https://graph.instagram.com/access_token'; } $response = $this->httpClient->request( $url, 'GET', $exchangeTokenParameters ); $this->validateApiResponse('Unable to exchange the access token'); $this->validateAccessTokenExchange($response); return $response; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getUserProfile() { $response = $this->apiRequest('me', 'GET', [ 'fields' => 'id,username,account_type,media_count', ]); $data = new Collection($response); if (!$data->exists('id')) { throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.'); } $userProfile = new User\Profile(); $userProfile->identifier = $data->get('id'); $userProfile->displayName = $data->get('username'); $userProfile->profileURL = "https://instagram.com/{$userProfile->displayName}"; $userProfile->data = [ 'account_type' => $data->get('account_type'), 'media_count' => $data->get('media_count'), ]; return $userProfile; } /** * Fetch user medias. * * @param int $limit Number of elements per page. * @param string $pageId Current pager ID. * @param array|null $fields Fields to fetch per media. * * @return \Hybridauth\Data\Collection * * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpClientFailureException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpRequestFailedException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\InvalidAccessTokenException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\UnexpectedApiResponseException */ public function getUserMedia($limit = 12, $pageId = null, array $fields = null) { if (empty($fields)) { $fields = [ 'id', 'caption', 'media_type', 'media_url', 'thumbnail_url', 'permalink', 'timestamp', 'username', ]; } $params = [ 'fields' => implode(',', $fields), 'limit' => $limit, ]; if ($pageId !== null) { $params['after'] = $pageId; } $response = $this->apiRequest('me/media', 'GET', $params); $data = new Collection($response); if (!$data->exists('data')) { throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.'); } return $data; } /** * Fetches a single user's media. * * @param string $mediaId Media ID. * @param array|null $fields Fields to fetch per media. * * @return \Hybridauth\Data\Collection * * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpClientFailureException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpRequestFailedException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\InvalidAccessTokenException * @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\UnexpectedApiResponseException */ public function getMedia($mediaId, array $fields = null) { if (empty($fields)) { $fields = [ 'id', 'caption', 'media_type', 'media_url', 'thumbnail_url', 'permalink', 'timestamp', 'username', ]; } $response = $this->apiRequest($mediaId, 'GET', [ 'fields' => implode(',', $fields), ]); $data = new Collection($response); if (!$data->exists('id')) { throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.'); } return $data; } }