Hybridauth\HttpClient\Util::getCurrentUrl(), * 'keys' => ['secret' => 'steam-api-key'] * ]; * * $adapter = new Hybridauth\Provider\Steam($config); * * try { * $adapter->authenticate(); * * $userProfile = $adapter->getUserProfile(); * } catch (\Exception $e) { * echo $e->getMessage() ; * } */ class Steam extends OpenID { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected $openidIdentifier = 'http://steamcommunity.com/openid'; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected $apiDocumentation = 'https://steamcommunity.com/dev'; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function authenticateFinish() { parent::authenticateFinish(); $userProfile = $this->storage->get($this->providerId . '.user'); $userProfile->identifier = str_ireplace([ 'http://steamcommunity.com/openid/id/', 'https://steamcommunity.com/openid/id/', ], '', $userProfile->identifier); if (!$userProfile->identifier) { throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.'); } try { $apiKey = $this->config->filter('keys')->get('secret'); // if api key is provided, we attempt to use steam web api if ($apiKey) { $result = $this->getUserProfileWebAPI($apiKey, $userProfile->identifier); } else { // otherwise we fallback to community data $result = $this->getUserProfileLegacyAPI($userProfile->identifier); } // fetch user profile foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $userProfile->$k = $v ?: $userProfile->$k; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } // store user profile $this->storage->set($this->providerId . '.user', $userProfile); } /** * Fetch user profile on Steam web API * * @param $apiKey * @param $steam64 * * @return array */ public function getUserProfileWebAPI($apiKey, $steam64) { $q = http_build_query(['key' => $apiKey, 'steamids' => $steam64]); $apiUrl = 'http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?' . $q; $response = $this->httpClient->request($apiUrl); $data = json_decode($response); $data = isset($data->response->players[0]) ? $data->response->players[0] : null; $data = new Data\Collection($data); $userProfile = []; $userProfile['displayName'] = (string)$data->get('personaname'); $userProfile['firstName'] = (string)$data->get('realname'); $userProfile['photoURL'] = (string)$data->get('avatarfull'); $userProfile['profileURL'] = (string)$data->get('profileurl'); $userProfile['country'] = (string)$data->get('loccountrycode'); return $userProfile; } /** * Fetch user profile on community API * @param $steam64 * @return array */ public function getUserProfileLegacyAPI($steam64) { libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $apiUrl = 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/' . $steam64 . '/?xml=1'; $response = $this->httpClient->request($apiUrl); $data = new \SimpleXMLElement($response); $data = new Data\Collection($data); $userProfile = []; $userProfile['displayName'] = (string)$data->get('steamID'); $userProfile['firstName'] = (string)$data->get('realname'); $userProfile['photoURL'] = (string)$data->get('avatarFull'); $userProfile['description'] = (string)$data->get('summary'); $userProfile['region'] = (string)$data->get('location'); $userProfile['profileURL'] = (string)$data->get('customURL') ? 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/' . (string)$data->get('customURL') : 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/' . $steam64; return $userProfile; } }