const mix = require('laravel-mix') const glob = require('glob') mix.options({ processCssUrls: false, clearConsole: true, terser: { extractComments: false, }, manifest: false }); mix.disableSuccessNotifications(); // Run all webpack.mix.js in app glob.sync('./platform/*/*/webpack.mix.js').forEach(item => require(__dirname + '/' + item)); // Run only for a package, replace [package] by the name of package you want to compile assets // require('./platform/packages/[package]/webpack.mix.js'); // Run only for a plugin, replace [plugin] by the name of plugin you want to compile assets // require('./platform/plugins/[plugin]/webpack.mix.js'); // Run only for themes, you shouldn't modify below config, just uncomment if you want to compile only theme's assets // glob.sync('./platform/themes/*/webpack.mix.js').forEach(item => require(__dirname + '/' + item)); // Run only for a theme, replace [theme] by the name of theme you want to compile assets // npx mix --mix-config=platform/themes/[theme]/webpack.mix.js