clear(-1); } /** * Builds a complete matrix. */ public static function buildMatrix( BitArray $dataBits, ErrorCorrectionLevel $level, Version $version, int $maskPattern, ByteMatrix $matrix ) : void { self::clearMatrix($matrix); self::embedBasicPatterns($version, $matrix); self::embedTypeInfo($level, $maskPattern, $matrix); self::maybeEmbedVersionInfo($version, $matrix); self::embedDataBits($dataBits, $maskPattern, $matrix); } /** * Removes the position detection patterns from a matrix. * * This can be useful if you need to render those patterns separately. */ public static function removePositionDetectionPatterns(ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { $pdpWidth = count(self::POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[0]); self::removePositionDetectionPattern(0, 0, $matrix); self::removePositionDetectionPattern($matrix->getWidth() - $pdpWidth, 0, $matrix); self::removePositionDetectionPattern(0, $matrix->getWidth() - $pdpWidth, $matrix); } /** * Embeds type information into a matrix. */ private static function embedTypeInfo(ErrorCorrectionLevel $level, int $maskPattern, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { $typeInfoBits = new BitArray(); self::makeTypeInfoBits($level, $maskPattern, $typeInfoBits); $typeInfoBitsSize = $typeInfoBits->getSize(); for ($i = 0; $i < $typeInfoBitsSize; ++$i) { $bit = $typeInfoBits->get($typeInfoBitsSize - 1 - $i); $x1 = self::TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[$i][0]; $y1 = self::TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[$i][1]; $matrix->set($x1, $y1, (int) $bit); if ($i < 8) { $x2 = $matrix->getWidth() - $i - 1; $y2 = 8; } else { $x2 = 8; $y2 = $matrix->getHeight() - 7 + ($i - 8); } $matrix->set($x2, $y2, (int) $bit); } } /** * Generates type information bits and appends them to a bit array. * * @throws RuntimeException if bit array resulted in invalid size */ private static function makeTypeInfoBits(ErrorCorrectionLevel $level, int $maskPattern, BitArray $bits) : void { $typeInfo = ($level->getBits() << 3) | $maskPattern; $bits->appendBits($typeInfo, 5); $bchCode = self::calculateBchCode($typeInfo, self::TYPE_INFO_POLY); $bits->appendBits($bchCode, 10); $maskBits = new BitArray(); $maskBits->appendBits(self::TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN, 15); $bits->xorBits($maskBits); if (15 !== $bits->getSize()) { throw new RuntimeException('Bit array resulted in invalid size: ' . $bits->getSize()); } } /** * Embeds version information if required. */ private static function maybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version $version, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { if ($version->getVersionNumber() < 7) { return; } $versionInfoBits = new BitArray(); self::makeVersionInfoBits($version, $versionInfoBits); $bitIndex = 6 * 3 - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j) { $bit = $versionInfoBits->get($bitIndex); --$bitIndex; $matrix->set($i, $matrix->getHeight() - 11 + $j, (int) $bit); $matrix->set($matrix->getHeight() - 11 + $j, $i, (int) $bit); } } } /** * Generates version information bits and appends them to a bit array. * * @throws RuntimeException if bit array resulted in invalid size */ private static function makeVersionInfoBits(Version $version, BitArray $bits) : void { $bits->appendBits($version->getVersionNumber(), 6); $bchCode = self::calculateBchCode($version->getVersionNumber(), self::VERSION_INFO_POLY); $bits->appendBits($bchCode, 12); if (18 !== $bits->getSize()) { throw new RuntimeException('Bit array resulted in invalid size: ' . $bits->getSize()); } } /** * Calculates the BCH code for a value and a polynomial. */ private static function calculateBchCode(int $value, int $poly) : int { $msbSetInPoly = self::findMsbSet($poly); $value <<= $msbSetInPoly - 1; while (self::findMsbSet($value) >= $msbSetInPoly) { $value ^= $poly << (self::findMsbSet($value) - $msbSetInPoly); } return $value; } /** * Finds and MSB set. */ private static function findMsbSet(int $value) : int { $numDigits = 0; while (0 !== $value) { $value >>= 1; ++$numDigits; } return $numDigits; } /** * Embeds basic patterns into a matrix. */ private static function embedBasicPatterns(Version $version, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { self::embedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators($matrix); self::embedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner($matrix); self::maybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns($version, $matrix); self::embedTimingPatterns($matrix); } /** * Embeds position detection patterns and separators into a byte matrix. */ private static function embedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { $pdpWidth = count(self::POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[0]); self::embedPositionDetectionPattern(0, 0, $matrix); self::embedPositionDetectionPattern($matrix->getWidth() - $pdpWidth, 0, $matrix); self::embedPositionDetectionPattern(0, $matrix->getWidth() - $pdpWidth, $matrix); $hspWidth = 8; self::embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0, $hspWidth - 1, $matrix); self::embedHorizontalSeparationPattern($matrix->getWidth() - $hspWidth, $hspWidth - 1, $matrix); self::embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0, $matrix->getWidth() - $hspWidth, $matrix); $vspSize = 7; self::embedVerticalSeparationPattern($vspSize, 0, $matrix); self::embedVerticalSeparationPattern($matrix->getHeight() - $vspSize - 1, 0, $matrix); self::embedVerticalSeparationPattern($vspSize, $matrix->getHeight() - $vspSize, $matrix); } /** * Embeds a single position detection pattern into a byte matrix. */ private static function embedPositionDetectionPattern(int $xStart, int $yStart, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { for ($y = 0; $y < 7; ++$y) { for ($x = 0; $x < 7; ++$x) { $matrix->set($xStart + $x, $yStart + $y, self::POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[$y][$x]); } } } private static function removePositionDetectionPattern(int $xStart, int $yStart, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { for ($y = 0; $y < 7; ++$y) { for ($x = 0; $x < 7; ++$x) { $matrix->set($xStart + $x, $yStart + $y, 0); } } } /** * Embeds a single horizontal separation pattern. * * @throws RuntimeException if a byte was already set */ private static function embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(int $xStart, int $yStart, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { for ($x = 0; $x < 8; $x++) { if (-1 !== $matrix->get($xStart + $x, $yStart)) { throw new RuntimeException('Byte already set'); } $matrix->set($xStart + $x, $yStart, 0); } } /** * Embeds a single vertical separation pattern. * * @throws RuntimeException if a byte was already set */ private static function embedVerticalSeparationPattern(int $xStart, int $yStart, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { for ($y = 0; $y < 7; $y++) { if (-1 !== $matrix->get($xStart, $yStart + $y)) { throw new RuntimeException('Byte already set'); } $matrix->set($xStart, $yStart + $y, 0); } } /** * Embeds a dot at the left bottom corner. * * @throws RuntimeException if a byte was already set to 0 */ private static function embedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { if (0 === $matrix->get(8, $matrix->getHeight() - 8)) { throw new RuntimeException('Byte already set to 0'); } $matrix->set(8, $matrix->getHeight() - 8, 1); } /** * Embeds position adjustment patterns if required. */ private static function maybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version $version, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { if ($version->getVersionNumber() < 2) { return; } $index = $version->getVersionNumber() - 1; $coordinates = self::POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE[$index]; $numCoordinates = count($coordinates); for ($i = 0; $i < $numCoordinates; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < $numCoordinates; ++$j) { $y = $coordinates[$i]; $x = $coordinates[$j]; if (null === $x || null === $y) { continue; } if (-1 === $matrix->get($x, $y)) { self::embedPositionAdjustmentPattern($x - 2, $y - 2, $matrix); } } } } /** * Embeds a single position adjustment pattern. */ private static function embedPositionAdjustmentPattern(int $xStart, int $yStart, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) { $matrix->set($xStart + $x, $yStart + $y, self::POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN[$y][$x]); } } } /** * Embeds timing patterns into a matrix. */ private static function embedTimingPatterns(ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { $matrixWidth = $matrix->getWidth(); for ($i = 8; $i < $matrixWidth - 8; ++$i) { $bit = ($i + 1) % 2; if (-1 === $matrix->get($i, 6)) { $matrix->set($i, 6, $bit); } if (-1 === $matrix->get(6, $i)) { $matrix->set(6, $i, $bit); } } } /** * Embeds "dataBits" using "getMaskPattern". * * For debugging purposes, it skips masking process if "getMaskPattern" is -1. See 8.7 of JISX0510:2004 (p.38) for * how to embed data bits. * * @throws WriterException if not all bits could be consumed */ private static function embedDataBits(BitArray $dataBits, int $maskPattern, ByteMatrix $matrix) : void { $bitIndex = 0; $direction = -1; // Start from the right bottom cell. $x = $matrix->getWidth() - 1; $y = $matrix->getHeight() - 1; while ($x > 0) { // Skip vertical timing pattern. if (6 === $x) { --$x; } while ($y >= 0 && $y < $matrix->getHeight()) { for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $xx = $x - $i; // Skip the cell if it's not empty. if (-1 !== $matrix->get($xx, $y)) { continue; } if ($bitIndex < $dataBits->getSize()) { $bit = $dataBits->get($bitIndex); ++$bitIndex; } else { // Padding bit. If there is no bit left, we'll fill the // left cells with 0, as described in 8.4.9 of // JISX0510:2004 (p. 24). $bit = false; } // Skip masking if maskPattern is -1. if (-1 !== $maskPattern && MaskUtil::getDataMaskBit($maskPattern, $xx, $y)) { $bit = ! $bit; } $matrix->set($xx, $y, (int) $bit); } $y += $direction; } $direction = -$direction; $y += $direction; $x -= 2; } // All bits should be consumed if ($dataBits->getSize() !== $bitIndex) { throw new WriterException('Not all bits consumed (' . $bitIndex . ' out of ' . $dataBits->getSize() .')'); } } }