name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name; $args = [ $node->var, \is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name, ]; return $this->prepareCall(self::PROPERTY_FETCH, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof Assign && $node->var instanceof PropertyFetch) { $target = $node->var; $name = $target->name instanceof Identifier ? $target->name->toString() : $target->name; $args = [ $target->var, \is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name, $node->expr, ]; return $this->prepareCall(self::PROPERTY_ASSIGN, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof MethodCall) { $name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name; $args = $node->args; \array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name)); \array_unshift($args, new Arg($node->var)); // not using prepareCall because the $node->args we started with are already Arg instances return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), self::METHOD_CALL, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { $class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class; $name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name; $args = [ \is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class, \is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name, ]; return $this->prepareCall(self::STATIC_PROPERTY_FETCH, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof Assign && $node->var instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) { $target = $node->var; $class = $target->class instanceof Name ? $target->class->toString() : $target->class; $name = $target->name instanceof Identifier ? $target->name->toString() : $target->name; $args = [ \is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class, \is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name, $node->expr, ]; return $this->prepareCall(self::STATIC_PROPERTY_ASSIGN, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof StaticCall) { $args = $node->args; $class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class; $name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name; \array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name)); \array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class)); // not using prepareCall because the $node->args we started with are already Arg instances return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), self::STATIC_CALL, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof ClassConstFetch) { $class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class; $name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name; $args = [ \is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class, \is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name, ]; return $this->prepareCall(self::CLASS_CONST_FETCH, $args); } elseif ($node instanceof New_) { $args = $node->args; $class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class; \array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class)); // not using prepareCall because the $node->args we started with are already Arg instances return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), self::NEW_INSTANCE, $args); } } private function prepareCall(string $method, array $args): StaticCall { return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), $method, \array_map(function ($arg) { return new Arg($arg); }, $args)); } }