# acorn-node change log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 1.8.2 * Revert a breaking change in import.meta parsing. ## 1.8.1 * Fix crash in compiled private-class-elements code. ## 1.8.0 * Upgrade acorn to v7. For backwards compatibility, `acorn-node` still uses the `Import` node type for dynamic imports, _NOT_ `ImportExpression` like acorn v7 and estree. * Add numeric separator support: ```js var a = 10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000n; ``` ## 1.7.0 * Add class instance fields support: ```js class X { pub = 1; #priv = 2; } ``` * Add class static fields support: ```js class X { static pub = 1; static #priv = 2; } ``` * Add `export * as ns` support when `sourceType` is 'module': ```js export * as ns from './ns.mjs'; ``` ## 1.6.2 * Allow dynamic `import()` in scripts. * Update minimum dependency versions, fixing a peerDependency warning. * Add Node 10 and 11 to CI. ## 1.6.1 * Update acorn-dynamic-import to v4. ## 1.6.0 * Upgrade acorn to v6. * Add bigint support. ## 1.5.2 * Upgrade acorn to support optional catch binding in the AST walker. ## 1.5.1 * Fix tests on Node <= 0.12. ## 1.5.0 * Add tests for async iteration, optional catch binding, import.meta, dynamic import, bigint (currently unsupported). * Add import.meta support. (`sourceType: 'module'` only) * Add dynamic import support. (`sourceType: 'module'` only) * Fix optional catch binding support in the walker. ## 1.4.0 * Upgrade acorn to 5.6, which supports optional catch bindings and other new syntax features. * Set ecmaVersion to 2019 to opt in to optional catch bindings etc. ## 1.3.0 * Upgrade acorn to 5.4, which supports object spread and async iteration. * Remove acorn5-object-spread plugin. ## 1.2.0 * Expose `acorn/dist/walk` as `acorn-node/walk`. ## 1.1.0 * Enable `allowHashBang` and `allowReturnOutsideFunction` by default. ## 1.0.0 * Initial release.