"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", { enumerable: true, get: ()=>_default }); const _dlv = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("dlv")); const _didyoumean = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("didyoumean")); const _transformThemeValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/transformThemeValue")); const _postcssValueParser = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("postcss-value-parser")); const _normalizeScreens = require("../util/normalizeScreens"); const _buildMediaQuery = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/buildMediaQuery")); const _toPath = require("../util/toPath"); const _withAlphaVariable = require("../util/withAlphaVariable"); const _pluginUtils = require("../util/pluginUtils"); const _log = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/log")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function isObject(input) { return typeof input === "object" && input !== null; } function findClosestExistingPath(theme, path) { let parts = (0, _toPath.toPath)(path); do { parts.pop(); if ((0, _dlv.default)(theme, parts) !== undefined) break; }while (parts.length); return parts.length ? parts : undefined; } function pathToString(path) { if (typeof path === "string") return path; return path.reduce((acc, cur, i)=>{ if (cur.includes(".")) return `${acc}[${cur}]`; return i === 0 ? cur : `${acc}.${cur}`; }, ""); } function list(items) { return items.map((key)=>`'${key}'`).join(", "); } function listKeys(obj) { return list(Object.keys(obj)); } function validatePath(config, path, defaultValue, themeOpts = {}) { const pathString = Array.isArray(path) ? pathToString(path) : path.replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, ""); const pathSegments = Array.isArray(path) ? path : (0, _toPath.toPath)(pathString); const value = (0, _dlv.default)(config.theme, pathSegments, defaultValue); if (value === undefined) { let error = `'${pathString}' does not exist in your theme config.`; const parentSegments = pathSegments.slice(0, -1); const parentValue = (0, _dlv.default)(config.theme, parentSegments); if (isObject(parentValue)) { const validKeys = Object.keys(parentValue).filter((key)=>validatePath(config, [ ...parentSegments, key ]).isValid); const suggestion = (0, _didyoumean.default)(pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1], validKeys); if (suggestion) { error += ` Did you mean '${pathToString([ ...parentSegments, suggestion ])}'?`; } else if (validKeys.length > 0) { error += ` '${pathToString(parentSegments)}' has the following valid keys: ${list(validKeys)}`; } } else { const closestPath = findClosestExistingPath(config.theme, pathString); if (closestPath) { const closestValue = (0, _dlv.default)(config.theme, closestPath); if (isObject(closestValue)) { error += ` '${pathToString(closestPath)}' has the following keys: ${listKeys(closestValue)}`; } else { error += ` '${pathToString(closestPath)}' is not an object.`; } } else { error += ` Your theme has the following top-level keys: ${listKeys(config.theme)}`; } } return { isValid: false, error }; } if (!(typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "function" || value instanceof String || value instanceof Number || Array.isArray(value))) { let error1 = `'${pathString}' was found but does not resolve to a string.`; if (isObject(value)) { let validKeys1 = Object.keys(value).filter((key)=>validatePath(config, [ ...pathSegments, key ]).isValid); if (validKeys1.length) { error1 += ` Did you mean something like '${pathToString([ ...pathSegments, validKeys1[0] ])}'?`; } } return { isValid: false, error: error1 }; } const [themeSection] = pathSegments; return { isValid: true, value: (0, _transformThemeValue.default)(themeSection)(value, themeOpts) }; } function extractArgs(node, vNodes, functions) { vNodes = vNodes.map((vNode)=>resolveVNode(node, vNode, functions)); let args = [ "" ]; for (let vNode of vNodes){ if (vNode.type === "div" && vNode.value === ",") { args.push(""); } else { args[args.length - 1] += _postcssValueParser.default.stringify(vNode); } } return args; } function resolveVNode(node, vNode, functions) { if (vNode.type === "function" && functions[vNode.value] !== undefined) { let args = extractArgs(node, vNode.nodes, functions); vNode.type = "word"; vNode.value = functions[vNode.value](node, ...args); } return vNode; } function resolveFunctions(node, input, functions) { return (0, _postcssValueParser.default)(input).walk((vNode)=>{ resolveVNode(node, vNode, functions); }).toString(); } let nodeTypePropertyMap = { atrule: "params", decl: "value" }; /** * @param {string} path * @returns {Iterable<[path: string, alpha: string|undefined]>} */ function* toPaths(path) { // Strip quotes from beginning and end of string // This allows the alpha value to be present inside of quotes path = path.replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, ""); let matches = path.match(/^([^\s]+)(?![^\[]*\])(?:\s*\/\s*([^\/\s]+))$/); let alpha = undefined; yield [ path, undefined ]; if (matches) { path = matches[1]; alpha = matches[2]; yield [ path, alpha ]; } } /** * * @param {any} config * @param {string} path * @param {any} defaultValue */ function resolvePath(config, path, defaultValue) { const results = Array.from(toPaths(path)).map(([path, alpha])=>{ return Object.assign(validatePath(config, path, defaultValue, { opacityValue: alpha }), { resolvedPath: path, alpha }); }); var _results_find; return (_results_find = results.find((result)=>result.isValid)) !== null && _results_find !== void 0 ? _results_find : results[0]; } function _default(context) { let config = context.tailwindConfig; let functions = { theme: (node, path, ...defaultValue)=>{ let { isValid , value , error , alpha } = resolvePath(config, path, defaultValue.length ? defaultValue : undefined); if (!isValid) { var _parentNode_raws_tailwind; let parentNode = node.parent; let candidate = (_parentNode_raws_tailwind = parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.raws.tailwind) === null || _parentNode_raws_tailwind === void 0 ? void 0 : _parentNode_raws_tailwind.candidate; if (parentNode && candidate !== undefined) { // Remove this utility from any caches context.markInvalidUtilityNode(parentNode); // Remove the CSS node from the markup parentNode.remove(); // Show a warning _log.default.warn("invalid-theme-key-in-class", [ `The utility \`${candidate}\` contains an invalid theme value and was not generated.` ]); return; } throw node.error(error); } let maybeColor = (0, _pluginUtils.parseColorFormat)(value); let isColorFunction = maybeColor !== undefined && typeof maybeColor === "function"; if (alpha !== undefined || isColorFunction) { if (alpha === undefined) { alpha = 1.0; } value = (0, _withAlphaVariable.withAlphaValue)(maybeColor, alpha, maybeColor); } return value; }, screen: (node, screen)=>{ screen = screen.replace(/^['"]+/g, "").replace(/['"]+$/g, ""); let screens = (0, _normalizeScreens.normalizeScreens)(config.theme.screens); let screenDefinition = screens.find(({ name })=>name === screen); if (!screenDefinition) { throw node.error(`The '${screen}' screen does not exist in your theme.`); } return (0, _buildMediaQuery.default)(screenDefinition); } }; return (root)=>{ root.walk((node)=>{ let property = nodeTypePropertyMap[node.type]; if (property === undefined) { return; } node[property] = resolveFunctions(node, node[property], functions); }); }; }