// @ts-check "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, // DISABLE_TOUCH = TRUE // Retrieve an existing context from cache if possible (since contexts are unique per // source path), or set up a new one (including setting up watchers and registering // plugins) then return it "default", { enumerable: true, get: ()=>setupTrackingContext }); const _fs = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); const _quickLru = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("quick-lru")); const _hashConfig = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/hashConfig")); const _getModuleDependencies = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../lib/getModuleDependencies")); const _resolveConfig = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../public/resolve-config")); const _resolveConfigPath = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/resolveConfigPath")); const _setupContextUtils = require("./setupContextUtils"); const _parseDependency = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/parseDependency")); const _validateConfigJs = require("../util/validateConfig.js"); const _contentJs = require("./content.js"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } let configPathCache = new _quickLru.default({ maxSize: 100 }); let candidateFilesCache = new WeakMap(); function getCandidateFiles(context, tailwindConfig) { if (candidateFilesCache.has(context)) { return candidateFilesCache.get(context); } let candidateFiles = (0, _contentJs.parseCandidateFiles)(context, tailwindConfig); return candidateFilesCache.set(context, candidateFiles).get(context); } // Get the config object based on a path function getTailwindConfig(configOrPath) { let userConfigPath = (0, _resolveConfigPath.default)(configOrPath); if (userConfigPath !== null) { let [prevConfig, prevConfigHash, prevDeps, prevModified] = configPathCache.get(userConfigPath) || []; let newDeps = (0, _getModuleDependencies.default)(userConfigPath).map((dep)=>dep.file); let modified = false; let newModified = new Map(); for (let file of newDeps){ let time = _fs.default.statSync(file).mtimeMs; newModified.set(file, time); if (!prevModified || !prevModified.has(file) || time > prevModified.get(file)) { modified = true; } } // It hasn't changed (based on timestamps) if (!modified) { return [ prevConfig, userConfigPath, prevConfigHash, prevDeps ]; } // It has changed (based on timestamps), or first run for (let file1 of newDeps){ delete require.cache[file1]; } let newConfig = (0, _resolveConfig.default)(require(userConfigPath)); newConfig = (0, _validateConfigJs.validateConfig)(newConfig); let newHash = (0, _hashConfig.default)(newConfig); configPathCache.set(userConfigPath, [ newConfig, newHash, newDeps, newModified ]); return [ newConfig, userConfigPath, newHash, newDeps ]; } // It's a plain object, not a path let newConfig1 = (0, _resolveConfig.default)(configOrPath.config === undefined ? configOrPath : configOrPath.config); newConfig1 = (0, _validateConfigJs.validateConfig)(newConfig1); return [ newConfig1, null, (0, _hashConfig.default)(newConfig1), [] ]; } function setupTrackingContext(configOrPath) { return ({ tailwindDirectives , registerDependency })=>{ return (root, result)=>{ let [tailwindConfig, userConfigPath, tailwindConfigHash, configDependencies] = getTailwindConfig(configOrPath); let contextDependencies = new Set(configDependencies); // If there are no @tailwind or @apply rules, we don't consider this CSS // file or its dependencies to be dependencies of the context. Can reuse // the context even if they change. We may want to think about `@layer` // being part of this trigger too, but it's tough because it's impossible // for a layer in one file to end up in the actual @tailwind rule in // another file since independent sources are effectively isolated. if (tailwindDirectives.size > 0) { // Add current css file as a context dependencies. contextDependencies.add(result.opts.from); // Add all css @import dependencies as context dependencies. for (let message of result.messages){ if (message.type === "dependency") { contextDependencies.add(message.file); } } } let [context, , mTimesToCommit] = (0, _setupContextUtils.getContext)(root, result, tailwindConfig, userConfigPath, tailwindConfigHash, contextDependencies); let fileModifiedMap = (0, _setupContextUtils.getFileModifiedMap)(context); let candidateFiles = getCandidateFiles(context, tailwindConfig); // If there are no @tailwind or @apply rules, we don't consider this CSS file or it's // dependencies to be dependencies of the context. Can reuse the context even if they change. // We may want to think about `@layer` being part of this trigger too, but it's tough // because it's impossible for a layer in one file to end up in the actual @tailwind rule // in another file since independent sources are effectively isolated. if (tailwindDirectives.size > 0) { // Add template paths as postcss dependencies. for (let contentPath of candidateFiles){ for (let dependency of (0, _parseDependency.default)(contentPath)){ registerDependency(dependency); } } let [changedContent, contentMTimesToCommit] = (0, _contentJs.resolvedChangedContent)(context, candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap); for (let content of changedContent){ context.changedContent.push(content); } // Add the mtimes of the content files to the commit list // We can overwrite the existing values because unconditionally // This is because: // 1. Most of the files here won't be in the map yet // 2. If they are that means it's a context dependency // and we're reading this after the context. This means // that the mtime we just read is strictly >= the context // mtime. Unless the user / os is doing something weird // in which the mtime would be going backwards. If that // happens there's already going to be problems. for (let [path, mtime] of contentMTimesToCommit.entries()){ mTimesToCommit.set(path, mtime); } } for (let file of configDependencies){ registerDependency({ type: "dependency", file }); } // "commit" the new modified time for all context deps // We do this here because we want content tracking to // read the "old" mtime even when it's a context dependency. for (let [path1, mtime1] of mTimesToCommit.entries()){ fileModifiedMap.set(path1, mtime1); } return context; }; }; }