import { flagEnabled } from '../featureFlags' import * as regex from './regex' export function defaultExtractor(context) { let patterns = Array.from(buildRegExps(context)) /** * @param {string} content */ return (content) => { /** @type {(string|string)[]} */ let results = [] for (let pattern of patterns) { results = [...results, ...(content.match(pattern) ?? [])] } return results.filter((v) => v !== undefined).map(clipAtBalancedParens) } } function* buildRegExps(context) { let separator = context.tailwindConfig.separator let variantGroupingEnabled = flagEnabled(context.tailwindConfig, 'variantGrouping') let prefix = context.tailwindConfig.prefix !== '' ? regex.optional(regex.pattern([/-?/, regex.escape(context.tailwindConfig.prefix)])) : '' let utility = regex.any([ // Arbitrary properties (without square brackets) /\[[^\s:'"`]+:[^\s\[\]]+\]/, // Arbitrary properties with balanced square brackets // This is a targeted fix to continue to allow theme() // with square brackets to work in arbitrary properties // while fixing a problem with the regex matching too much /\[[^\s:'"`]+:[^\s]+?\[[^\s]+?\][^\s]+?\]/, // Utilities regex.pattern([ // Utility Name / Group Name /-?(?:\w+)/, // Normal/Arbitrary values regex.optional( regex.any([ regex.pattern([ // Arbitrary values /-(?:\w+-)*\[[^\s:]+\]/, // Not immediately followed by an `{[(` /(?![{([]])/, // optionally followed by an opacity modifier /(?:\/[^\s'"`\\><$]*)?/, ]), regex.pattern([ // Arbitrary values /-(?:\w+-)*\[[^\s]+\]/, // Not immediately followed by an `{[(` /(?![{([]])/, // optionally followed by an opacity modifier /(?:\/[^\s'"`\\$]*)?/, ]), // Normal values w/o quotes — may include an opacity modifier /[-\/][^\s'"`\\$={><]*/, ]) ), ]), ]) let variantPatterns = [ // Without quotes regex.any([ // This is here to provide special support for the `@` variant regex.pattern([/@\[[^\s"'`]+\](\/[^\s"'`]+)?/, separator]), regex.pattern([/([^\s"'`\[\\]+-)?\[[^\s"'`]+\]/, separator]), regex.pattern([/[^\s"'`\[\\]+/, separator]), ]), // With quotes allowed regex.any([ regex.pattern([/([^\s"'`\[\\]+-)?\[[^\s`]+\]/, separator]), regex.pattern([/[^\s`\[\\]+/, separator]), ]), ] for (const variantPattern of variantPatterns) { yield regex.pattern([ // Variants '((?=((', variantPattern, ')+))\\2)?', // Important (optional) /!?/, prefix, variantGroupingEnabled ? regex.any([ // Or any of those things but grouped separated by commas regex.pattern([/\(/, utility, regex.zeroOrMore([/,/, utility]), /\)/]), // Arbitrary properties, constrained utilities, arbitrary values, etc… utility, ]) : utility, ]) } // 5. Inner matches yield /[^<>"'`\s.(){}[\]#=%$]*[^<>"'`\s.(){}[\]#=%:$]/g } // We want to capture any "special" characters // AND the characters immediately following them (if there is one) let SPECIALS = /([\[\]'"`])([^\[\]'"`])?/g let ALLOWED_CLASS_CHARACTERS = /[^"'`\s<>\]]+/ /** * Clips a string ensuring that parentheses, quotes, etc… are balanced * Used for arbitrary values only * * We will go past the end of the balanced parens until we find a non-class character * * Depth matching behavior: * w-[calc(100%-theme('spacing[some_key][1.5]'))]'] * ┬ ┬ ┬┬ ┬ ┬┬ ┬┬┬┬┬┬┬ * 1 2 3 4 34 3 210 END * ╰────┴──────────┴────────┴────────┴┴───┴─┴┴┴ * * @param {string} input */ function clipAtBalancedParens(input) { // We are care about this for arbitrary values if (!input.includes('-[')) { return input } let depth = 0 let openStringTypes = [] // Find all parens, brackets, quotes, etc // Stop when we end at a balanced pair // This is naive and will treat mismatched parens as balanced // This shouldn't be a problem in practice though let matches = input.matchAll(SPECIALS) // We can't use lookbehind assertions because we have to support Safari // So, instead, we've emulated it using capture groups and we'll re-work the matches to accommodate matches = Array.from(matches).flatMap((match) => { const [, ...groups] = match return groups.map((group, idx) => Object.assign([], match, { index: match.index + idx, 0: group, }) ) }) for (let match of matches) { let char = match[0] let inStringType = openStringTypes[openStringTypes.length - 1] if (char === inStringType) { openStringTypes.pop() } else if (char === "'" || char === '"' || char === '`') { openStringTypes.push(char) } if (inStringType) { continue } else if (char === '[') { depth++ continue } else if (char === ']') { depth-- continue } // We've gone one character past the point where we should stop // This means that there was an extra closing `]` // We'll clip to just before it if (depth < 0) { return input.substring(0, match.index - 1) } // We've finished balancing the brackets but there still may be characters that can be included // For example in the class `text-[#336699]/[.35]` // The depth goes to `0` at the closing `]` but goes up again at the `[` // If we're at zero and encounter a non-class character then we clip the class there if (depth === 0 && !ALLOWED_CLASS_CHARACTERS.test(char)) { return input.substring(0, match.index) } } return input } // Regular utilities // {{modifier}:}*{namespace}{-{suffix}}*{/{opacityModifier}}? // Arbitrary values // {{modifier}:}*{namespace}-[{arbitraryValue}]{/{opacityModifier}}? // arbitraryValue: no whitespace, balanced quotes unless within quotes, balanced brackets unless within quotes // Arbitrary properties // {{modifier}:}*[{validCssPropertyName}:{arbitraryValue}]