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List of currencies supported by :name: :currencies.", ":number product available": ":number product available", ":number products available": ":number products available", ":percentage Off": "Giảm :percentage%", ":product is already in your compare list!": ":product is already in your compare list!", ":product is already in your wishlist!": ":product is already in your wishlist!", ":total Product found": ":total Product found", ":total Products found": ":total Products found", ":total review(s) \":star star\" for \":product\"": ":total review(s) \":star star\" for \":product\"", ":total review(s) for \":product\"": ":total review(s) for \":product\"", "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.", "API Key": "API Key", "About us": "About us", "Account details": "Account details", "Account information": "Thông tin tài khoản", "Action": "Action", "Actions": "Hành động", "Add Google map iframe": "Add Google map iframe", "Add To Cart": "Thêm vào giỏ hàng", "Add a custom menu to your widget area.": "Add a custom menu to your widget area.", "Add a new address": "Thêm địa chỉ mới", "Add a review": "Add a review", "Add custom HTML content": "Add custom HTML content", "Add new address...": "Thêm địa chỉ mới...", "Add shortcode [recently-viewed-products][/recently-viewed-products] to editor?": "Add shortcode [recently-viewed-products][/recently-viewed-products] to editor?", "Add to cart": "Thêm vào giỏ hàng", "Add youtube video": "Add youtube video", "Added product :product successfully!": "Added product :product successfully!", "Added product :product to cart successfully!": "Đã thêm thành công sản phẩm :product vào giỏ hàng!", "Added product :product to compare list successfully!": "Added product :product to compare list successfully!", "Added review successfully!": "Thêm đánh giá thành công!", "Addition Information": "Addition Information", "Address": "Địa chỉ", "Address books": "Sổ địa chỉ", "After registration at :name, you will have API key": "After registration at :name, you will have API key", "After registration at :name, you will have Client ID, Client Secret": "After registration at :name, you will have Client ID, Client Secret", "After registration at :name, you will have Public & Secret keys": "After registration at :name, you will have Public & Secret keys", "After registration at :name, you will have Store ID and Store Password (API/Secret key)": "After registration at :name, you will have Store ID and Store Password (API/Secret key)", "All": "Tất cả", "All Brands": "All Brands", "All Categories": "Tất cả danh mục", "All Products": "Tất cả sản phẩm", "Already Sold": "Already Sold", "Already have an account?": "Already have an account?", "Amount": "Số tiền", "An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error": "An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error", "An error occurred while trying to login": "An error occurred while trying to login", "Applied coupon \":code\" successfully!": "Áp dụng mã giảm giá \":code\" thành công!", "Apply": "Áp dụng", "Apply Coupon": "Apply Coupon", "Are you sure you want to remove this product from cart?": "Bạn có chắc muốn xóa sản phẩm này khỏi giỏ hàng?", "Are you sure?": "Are you sure?", "Available": "Available", "Back To Home": "Trở lại trang chủ", "Back to cart": "Quay lại trang giỏ hàng", "Back to shopping": "Back to shopping", "Banners": "Banners", "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.", "Billing information": "Billing information", "Blog": "Blog", "Blog Sidebar": "Blog Sidebar", "Brands": "Thương hiệu", "Button text": "Button text", "Buy": "Buy", "Buy now": "Buy now", "By": "Theo", "By Price": "Theo giá", "Can't send message on this time, please try again later!": "Can't send message on this time, please try again later!", "Cancel": "Hủy", "Cancel order": "Hủy đơn hàng", "Cannot download files": "Cannot download files", "Cannot find this customer!": "Cannot find this customer!", "Cannot found files": "Cannot found files", "Cannot login, no email provided!": "Cannot login, no email provided!", "Captcha": "Captcha", "Captcha Verification Failed!": "Captcha Verification Failed!", "Cart Totals": "Cart Totals", "Cart item ID is required!": "Cart item ID is required!", "Cart item is not existed!": "Sản phẩm không tồn tại!", "Categories": "Categories", "Category": "Danh mục", "Change Password": "Change Password", "Change avatar": "Change avatar", "Change copyright": "Change copyright", "Change password": "Đổi mật khẩu", "Checkout": "Thanh toán", "Checkout error!": "Checkout error!", "Checkout successfully!": "Đặt hàng thành công!", "Choose Reason": "Choose Reason", "Choose products": "Choose products", "Cities": "Cities", "City": "Quận/Huyện", "Close": "Đóng", "Color": "Color", "Compare": "So sánh", "Completed at": "Completed at", "Confirm Password": "Confirm Password", "Confirm 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Credit card via Razorpay": "Customer can buy product and pay directly using Visa, Credit card via Razorpay", "Customer information": "Thông tin khách hàng", "Customers who bought this item also bought": "Customers who bought this item also bought", "Dark Logo": "Dark Logo", "Data invalid!": "Data invalid!", "Date": "Ngày", "Date Shipped": "Date Shipped", "Date of birth": "Ngày sinh", "Date of birth:": "Date of birth:", "Days": "Ngày", "Default": "Mặc định", "Default: 10 (seconds)": "Default: 10 (seconds)", "Delete": "Delete", "Delete product": "Delete product", "Deleted review successfully!": "Xóa đánh giá thành công!", "Delivery Notes": "Delivery Notes", "Delivery Notes:": "Delivery Notes:", "Description": "Mô tả", "Discount": "Giảm giá", "Discount promotion": "Chương trình khuyến mãi", "Do you really want to delete this address?": "Do you really want to delete this address?", "Don't Have an Account?": "Don't Have an Account?", "Don't show this popup again!": "Không hiện mục này lại nữa!", "Download": "Download", "Download invoice": "Download invoice", "Downloads": "Downloads", "E-Mail Address": "E-Mail Address", "Edit": "Sửa", "Edit Address #:id": "Edit Address #:id", "Email": "Email", "Email Address": "Địa chỉ email", "Email or password is not correct!": "Email or password is not correct!", "Email:": "Email:", "Empty cart successfully!": "Xóa toàn bộ sản phẩm trong giỏ hàng thành công!", "Enable Facebook chat?": "Enable Facebook chat?", "Enable Facebook comment in post detail page?": "Enable Facebook comment in post detail page?", "Enable Facebook comment in product detail page?": "Enable Facebook comment in product detail page?", "Enable Newsletter popup?": "Enable Newsletter popup?", "Enable Preloader?": "Enable Preloader?", "Enable product image zoom?": "Enable product image zoom?", "End date": "End date", "Enter API key into the box in right hand": "Enter API key into the box in right hand", "Enter Client ID, Secret into the box in right hand": "Enter Client ID, Secret into the box in right hand", "Enter Coupon Code...": "Enter Coupon Code...", "Enter Public, Secret into the box in right hand": "Enter Public, Secret into the box in right hand", "Enter Store ID and Store Password (API/Secret key) into the box in right hand": "Enter Store ID and Store Password (API/Secret key) into the box in right hand", "Enter Your Email": "Nhập email của bạn", "Enter coupon code...": "Nhập mã giảm giá...", "Error": "Error", "Error when processing payment via Mollie!": "Error when processing payment via Mollie!", "Estimate Date Shipped": "Estimate Date Shipped", "Ex: Shop now": "Ex: Shop now", "FAQs": "FAQs", "Facebook Admin ID": "Facebook Admin ID", "Facebook Admins": "Facebook Admins", "Facebook App ID": "Facebook App ID", "Facebook Integration": "Facebook Integration", "Facebook admins to manage comments :link": "Facebook admins to manage comments :link", "Facebook page ID": "Facebook page ID", "Fashion Collection": "Fashion Collection", "Featured Brands": "Featured Brands", "Featured News": "Featured News", "Featured Product Categories": "Featured Product Categories", "Find": "Tìm kiếm", "Flash sale": "Flash sale", "Font Icon": "Font Icon", "Footer sidebar": "Footer sidebar", "For devices with width from 768px to 1200px, if empty, will use the image from the desktop.": "For devices with width from 768px to 1200px, if empty, will use the image from the desktop.", "For devices with width less than 768px, if empty, will use the image from the tablet.": "For devices with width less than 768px, if empty, will use the image from the tablet.", "Forgot Password": "Forgot Password", "Forgot password?": "Quên mật khẩu?", "Free shipping for all orders": "Free shipping for all orders", "Free shipping to": "Free shipping to", "Full Name": "Họ và tên", "Full Name:": "Full Name:", "Full name": "Họ và tên", "Get In touch": "Liên lạc", "Google map": "Google map", "HTML code": "HTML code", "Header": "Header", "Home": "Trang chủ", "Homepage": "Homepage", "Hotline": "Đường dây nóng", "Hours": "Giờ", "I agree to terms & Policy.": "I agree to terms & Policy.", "ID number": "Mã", "Icon": "Icon", "Icon :number": "Icon :number", "Icon Image (It will replace Font Icon if it is present)": "Icon Image (It will replace Font Icon if it is present)", "Icon image": "Icon image", "If you did not receive the email": "If you did not receive the email", "If you need help, contact us at :mail.": "If you need help, contact us at :mail.", "Image": "Hình ảnh", "Image for newsletter popup": "Image for newsletter popup", "Images from customer (:count)": "Images from customer (:count)", "In stock": "In stock", "Invalid Data!": "Invalid Data!", "Invalid Transaction!": "Invalid Transaction!", "Invoice detail :code": "Invoice detail :code", "Invoices": "Invoices", "Is default?": "Is default?", "It will replace Icon Font if it is present.": "It will replace Icon Font if it is present.", "Items Count": "Items Count", "Key": "Key", "Learn more": "Learn more", "List of FAQs": "List of FAQs", "Loading": "Đang tải", "Log in": "Log in", "Login": "Đăng nhập", "Login with social networks": "Đăng nhập thông qua mạng xã hội", "Logout": "Đăng xuất", "Maintenance mode": "Maintenance mode", "Manage Invoices": "Manage Invoices", "Maps": "Bản đồ", "Math function Verification Failed!": "Math function Verification Failed!", "Maximum quantity is :max!": "Maximum quantity is :max!", "Merchant Email": "Merchant Email", "Message": "Nội dung", "Minimum order amount is :amount, you need to buy more :more to place an order!": "Minimum order amount is :amount, you need to buy more :more to place an order!", "Minimum order amount to use COD (Cash On Delivery) payment method is :amount, you need to buy more :more to place an order!": "Minimum order amount to use COD (Cash On Delivery) payment method is :amount, you need to buy more :more to place an order!", "Minutes": "Phút", "Mobile Image": "Mobile Image", "Mollie": "Mollie", "More Categories": "Xem thêm", "My Addresses": "My Addresses", "My Profile": "My Profile", "N/A": "N/A", "Name": "Tên", "Name : Z-A": "Name : Z-A", "Name: A-Z": "Name: A-Z", "New Password": "New Password", "New image": "Ảnh mới", "New password": "Mật khẩu mới", "New password:": "New password:", "Newest": "Mới nhất", "Newsletter Form": "Newsletter Form", "Newsletter popup delay time (seconds)": "Newsletter popup delay time (seconds)", "No": "No", "No address!": "No address!", "No digital products!": "No digital products!", "No order return requests!": "No order return requests!", "No orders!": "No orders!", "No product in recently viewed!": "No product in recently viewed!", "No product in wishlist!": "No product in wishlist!", "No products in cart": "Không có sản phẩm nào trong giỏ hàng", "No products in cart. :link!": "Chưa có sản phẩm nào trong giỏ hàng. :link!", "No products in compare list!": "No products in compare list!", "No products!": "Không có sản phẩm!", "No reviews!": "No reviews!", "No shipping methods available!": "Không có phương thức vận chuyển phù hợp!", "Not available": "Not available", "Note": "Ghi chú", "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery.": "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery.", "Number posts to display": "Number posts to display", "Number products per page": "Number products per page", "Number tags to display": "Number tags to display", "Off": "Off", "Old password:": "Old password:", "Oldest": "Cũ nhất", "One or all products are not enough quantity so cannot update!": "Một hoặc tất cả sản phẩm không đủ số lượng nên không thể cập nhật!", "Online payment via :name": "Online payment via :name", "Oops! An Error Occurred": "Oops! An Error Occurred", "Oops! The page you requested was not found!": "Lỗi! Trang bạn yêu cầu không tìm thấy!", "Options for header": "Options for header", "Order ID": "Order ID", "Order ID number": "Order ID number", "Order Id": "Order Id", "Order Return Request not found!": "Order Return Request not found!", "Order Return Requests": "Order Return Requests", "Order Return Requests :id": "Order Return Requests :id", "Order Tracking": "Order Tracking", "Order detail": "Chi tiết đơn hàng", "Order detail :id": "Order detail :id", "Order information": "Thông tin đơn hàng", "Order information :order_id": "Order information :order_id", "Order not found!": "Không tìm thấy đơn hàng!", "Order notes": "Order notes", "Order number": "Mã đơn hàng", "Order return requests": "Order return requests", "Order status": "Trạng thái đơn hàng", "Order successfully. Order number :id": "Đặt hàng thành công, mã đơn hàng :id", "Order tracking": "Theo dõi đơn hàng", "Order tracking :code": "Mã theo dõi đơn hàng :code", "Order was cancelled by custom :customer": "Order was cancelled by custom :customer", "Order was created from checkout page": "Order was created from checkout page", "Ordered at": "Ordered at", "Orders": "Đơn hàng", "Our features": "Our features", "Out Of Stock": "Out Of Stock", "Out of stock": "Out of stock", "Overview": "Tổng quan", "Password": "Mật khẩu", "Password Confirmation": "Password Confirmation", "Password confirmation": "Xác nhận mật khẩu", "Password confirmation:": "Password confirmation:", "Pay for your order at :site_title": "Pay for your order at :site_title", "Payment Type": "Payment Type", "Payment failed!": "Payment failed!", "Payment method": "Phương thức thanh toán", "Payment status": "Trạng thái thanh toán", "Payment with Mollie": "Payment with Mollie", "Payment with Paystack": "Payment with Paystack", "Payment with Razorpay": "Payment with Razorpay", "Payment with Stripe": "Payment with Stripe", "Paystack": "Paystack", "Phone": "Số điện thoại", "Phone:": "Phone:", "Please": "Vui lòng", "Please enter your email address": "Vui lòng nhập địa chỉ email của bạn", "Please select attributes": "Please select attributes", "Please select product options!": "Please select product options!", "Please solve the following math function: :label = ?": "Please solve the following math function: :label = ?", "Please switch currency to any supported currency": "Please switch currency to any supported currency", "Popular tags": "Popular tags", "Preview": "Preview", "Price": "Giá", "Price: high to low": "Price: high to low", "Price: low to high": "Price: low to high", "Primary color": "Primary color", "Primary font": "Primary font", "Print invoice": "Print invoice", "Proceed To CheckOut": "Proceed To CheckOut", "Processing. Please wait...": "Đang xử lý. Vui lòng đợi...", "Product": "Sản phẩm", "Product :product is out of stock!": "Sản phẩm :product đã hết hàng!", "Product Blocks": "Product Blocks", "Product Categories": "Danh mục sản phẩm", "Product Collections": "Product Collections", "Product FAQs": "Product FAQs", "Product ID is required": "Product ID is required", "Product ID must be a number": "Product ID must be a number", "Product Image": "Product Image", "Product Name": "Product Name", "Product Tags": "Thẻ", "Product name \":name\" does not exists": "Product name \":name\" does not exists", "Product(s)": "Sản phẩm", "Products": "Sản phẩm", "Profile": "Thông tin cá nhân", "Profile Image": "Ảnh đại diện", "Promotion discount amount": "Giảm giá chương trình khuyến mãi", "Public Key": "Public Key", "Qty": "Số lượng", "Quantity": "Số lượng", "Quantity is required!": "Quantity is required!", "Quantity must be a number!": "Quantity must be a number!", "Questions and Answers": "Questions and Answers", "Quick Buy": "Quick Buy", "Rating": "Rating", "Rating: high to low": "Rating: high to low", "Rating: low to high": "Rating: low to high", "Read More": "Xem thêm", "Reason": "Reason", "Recent posts": "Recent posts", "Recent posts widget.": "Recent posts widget.", "Register": "Đăng ký", "Register a new account": "Register a new account", "Register an account on :name": "Register an account on :name", "Register an account on Razorpay": "Register an account on Razorpay", "Register an account with above information?": "Tạo tài khoản với các thông tin trên?", "Register here": "Register here", "Registered successfully!": "Registered successfully!", "Registered successfully! We emailed you to verify your account!": "Registered successfully! We emailed you to verify your account!", "Related Products": "Sản phẩm liên quan", "Related posts": "Bài viết liên quan", "Related products": "Related products", "Remember me": "Remember me", "Remove": "Xóa", "Removed coupon :code successfully!": "Xóa mã giảm giá :code thành công!", "Removed item from cart successfully!": "Xóa sản phẩm khỏi giỏ hàng thành công!", "Removed product :product from compare list successfully!": "Removed product :product from compare list successfully!", "Removed product :product from wishlist successfully!": "Removed product :product from wishlist successfully!", "Request Return Product(s)": "Request Return Product(s)", "Request Return Product(s) In Order :id": "Request Return Product(s) In Order :id", "Request number": "Request number", "Resend email verification successfully!": "Resend email verification successfully!", "Reset Password": "Khôi phục mật khẩu", "Return Product(s)": "Return Product(s)", "Return Product(s) Information": "Return Product(s) Information", "Return Reason": "Return Reason", "Return items": "Return items", "Reviews": "Đánh giá", "SKU": "Mã sản phẩm", "Same as shipping information": "Same as shipping information", "Same fee": "Same fee", "Save": "Lưu", "Search": "Tìm kiếm", "Search Product": "Tìm kiếm sản phẩm", "Search blog posts": "Search blog posts", "Search result for \":query\"": "Kết quả tìm kiếm cho từ khóa \":query\"", "Search result for:": "Search result for: ", "Search result for: \":query\"": "Search result for: \":query\"", "Secondary color": "Secondary color", "Seconds": "Giây", "Secret": "Secret", "Secret Key": "Secret Key", "Select": "Lựa chọn", "Select available addresses": "Lựa chọn địa chỉ", "Select city...": "Select city...", "Select country...": "Lựa chọn quốc gia...", "Select file": "Select file", "Select menu": "Select menu", "Select state...": "Select state...", "Send": "Gửi", "Send Message": "Gửi tin nhắn", "Send Password Reset Link": "Gửi liên kết khôi phục mật khẩu", "Send message successfully!": "Gửi liên hệ thành công!", "Share": "Chia sẻ", "Share on\nLinkedin": "Share on\nLinkedin", "Share on Facebook": "Chia sẻ lên Facebook", "Share on Linkedin": "Chia sẻ lên Linkedin", "Share on Twitter": "Chia sẻ lên Twitter", "Shipment Status": "Shipment Status", "Shipping Company Name": "Shipping Company Name", "Shipping Information": "Shipping Information", "Shipping Information:": "Shipping Information:", "Shipping Status": "Shipping Status", "Shipping fee": "Phí giao hàng", "Shipping fees not included": "Shipping fees not included", "Shipping information": "Thông tin vận chuyển", "Shipping method": "Phương thức vận chuyển", "Shop Now": "Mua hàng", "Shopping Cart": "Giỏ hàng", "Show": "Show", "Showing": "Showing", "Sidebar in the footer of site": "Sidebar in the footer of site", "Sign up": "Sign up", "Sign up now": "Sign up now", "Social links": "Social links", "Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.": "Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.", "Sorry, we are doing some maintenance. Please check back soon.": "Xin lỗi, chúng tôi đang thực hiện bảo trì. Vui lòng quay lại sau.", "SslCommerz": "SslCommerz", "State": "Tỉnh/Thành phố", "State name or ID \":name\" does not exists": "State name or ID \":name\" does not exists", "States": "States", "Status": "Trạng thái", "Store ID": "Store ID", "Store Password (API/Secret key)": "Store Password (API/Secret key)", "Sub Total": "Tạm tính", "Subject": "Tiêu đề", "Submit": "Gửi", "Submit Return Request": "Submit Return Request", "Subscribe": "Theo dõi", "Subscribe and Get 25% Discount!": "Đăng ký và nhận chiết khấu 25%!", "Subscribe to newsletter successfully!": "Subscribe to newsletter successfully!", "Subscribe to the newsletter to receive updates about new products.": "Theo dõi bản tin để nhận thông tin cập nhật về sản phẩm mới.", "Subtitle": "Subtitle", "Subtitle :number": "Subtitle :number", "Subtotal": "Tạm tính", "Success": "Success", "Tablet Image": "Tablet Image", "Tags": "Thẻ", "Tax": "Thuế", "Term and Policy": "Term and Policy", "Testimonials": "Testimonials", "Thank you for purchasing our products!": "Cảm ơn bạn đã mua sản phẩm của chúng tôi!", "The field with (
) is required.": "Các mục có (
) là bắt buộc.", "The given email address has not been confirmed.
Resend confirmation link.
": "The given email address has not been confirmed.
Resend confirmation link.
", "The largest payment gateway aggregator in Bangladesh and a pioneer in the FinTech industry since 2010": "The largest payment gateway aggregator in Bangladesh and a pioneer in the FinTech industry since 2010", "The page you are looking for was moved, removed, renamed or might never existed.": "Trang bạn đang tìm kiếm đã bị di chuyển, xóa, đổi tên hoặc có thể chưa bao giờ tồn tại.", "The server returned a \"403 Forbidden\".": "The server returned a \"403 Forbidden\".", "The server returned a \"500 Internal Server Error\".": "The server returned a \"500 Internal Server Error\".", "Theme ads": "Theme ads", "There is no data to display!": "Không có dữ liệu để hiển thị!", "This product is out of stock or not exists!": "Sản phẩm đã hết hàng hoặc không tồn tại!", "This user has verified email": "This user has verified email", "Time": "Thời gian", "Times downloaded": "Times downloaded", "Title": "Title", "Title :number": "Title :number", "To show chat box on that website, please go to :link and add :domain to whitelist domains!": "To show chat box on that website, please go to :link and add :domain to whitelist domains!", "Total": "Tổng cộng", "Total Amount": "Total Amount", "Tracking ID": "Tracking ID", "Tracking Link": "Tracking Link", "Tracking your order status": "Theo dõi trạng thái đơn hàng của bạn", "Transaction is already successfully completed!": "Transaction is already successfully completed!", "Transaction is successfully completed!": "Transaction is successfully completed!", "Trending Products": "Trending Products", "Type": "Type", "URL": "URL", "Unit Price": "Unit Price", "Unsubscribe to newsletter successfully": "Unsubscribe to newsletter successfully", "Update": "Cập nhật", "Update address": "Update address", "Update avatar successfully!": "Update avatar successfully!", "Update cart": "Cập nhật giỏ hàng", "Update cart successfully!": "Cập nhật giỏ hàng thành công!", "Update profile successfully!": "Update profile successfully!", "Upload photos": "Upload photos", "Use this address as default.": "Sử dụng làm địa chỉ mặc định.", "User not found!": "User not found!", "Using coupon code": "Using coupon code", "Validation Fail!": "Validation Fail!", "Variables": "Variables", "Variations": "Variations", "Verify Your Email Address": "Verify Your Email Address", "View": "Xem", "View All": "Xem tất cả", "View Cart": "Xem giỏ hàng", "Views": "Lượt xem", "Warning": "Chú ý", "We have sent you an email to verify your email. Please check and confirm your email address!": "We have sent you an email to verify your email. Please check and confirm your email address!", "We sent you another confirmation email. You should receive it shortly.": "We sent you another confirmation email. You should receive it shortly.", "Wishlist": "Danh sách ưa thích", "Write your review": "Viết đánh giá của bạn", "Yes": "Yes", "Yes, remove it!": "Vâng, xóa!", "You are a new customer?": "You are a new customer?", "You can create your app in :link": "You can create your app in :link", "You can get fan page ID using this site :link": "You can get fan page ID using this site :link", "You can upload up to :total photos, each photo maximum size is :max kilobytes": "You can upload up to :total photos, each photo maximum size is :max kilobytes", "You have a coupon code?": "Bạn có mã giảm giá?", "You have been successfully logged out!": "You have been successfully logged out!", "You have created a payment #:charge_id via :channel :time : :amount": "You have created a payment #:charge_id via :channel :time : :amount", "You have reviewed this product already!": "Bạn đã đánh giá sản phẩm này rồi!", "You successfully confirmed your email address.": "You successfully confirmed your email address.", "You will be redirected to PayPal to complete the payment.": "You will be redirected to PayPal to complete the payment.", "You will need to set Callback URL on": "You will need to set Callback URL on", "Your Email": "Your Email", "Your Name": "Your Name", "Your account has been locked, please contact the administrator.": "Your account has been locked, please contact the administrator.", "Your cart is empty!": "Giỏ hàng của bạn đang trống!", "Your email": "Your email", "Your email does not exist in the system or you have unsubscribed already!": "Your email does not exist in the system or you have unsubscribed already!", "Your email is in blacklist. Please use another email address.": "Your email is in blacklist. Please use another email address.", "Your message contains blacklist words: \":words\".": "Your message contains blacklist words: \":words\".", "Your name": "Your name", "Your order is successfully placed": "Đặt hàng thành công", "Your shopping cart has digital product(s), so you need to sign in to continue!": "Your shopping cart has digital product(s), so you need to sign in to continue!", "Youtube URL": "Youtube URL", "Youtube video": "Youtube video", "Zip code": "Zip code", "billion": "billion", "centimeters": "centimeters", "click here to request another": "click here to request another", "for all orders": "for all orders", "for all product in collection": "for all product in collection", "for all products in collection": "for all products in collection", "for all products in order": "for all products in order", "for customer(s)": "for customer(s)", "for order with amount from": "for order with amount from", "for product(s)": "for product(s)", "for product(s) variant": "for product(s) variant", "grams": "grams", "here": "here", "kilograms": "kilograms", "login": "đăng nhập", "meters": "meters", "million": "million", "products": "products", "to": "to", "to write review!": "để viết đánh giá!", "when shipping fee less than or equal": "when shipping fee less than or equal", "✅ Purchased :time": "✅ Purchased :time" }