<?php namespace App\Notifications; use App\Notifications\Channel\AdminDatabaseChannel; use App\Notifications\Channel\SmsChannel; use App\Services\Mail\VendorInvoiceMailService; use App\Traits\NotificationTrait; use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable; class VendorOrderInvoiceNotification extends Notification { use NotificationTrait; use Queueable; private $request; public static $vendor; /** * Notification Label */ public static $label = 'Vendor Order Invoice'; /** * Image * * @var string */ public static $image = 'public/frontend/img/order.png'; public function __construct($request) { $this->request = $request; } /** * Get the notification's delivery channels. * * @return array<int, string> */ public function setVia($notifiable) { self::$vendor = $notifiable; return ['mail', 'database', SmsChannel::class, AdminDatabaseChannel::class]; } /** * Get the mail representation of the notification. */ public function toMail(object $notifiable) { $this->request['vendor_id'] = $notifiable->id; return (new VendorInvoiceMailService())->send($this->request); } /** * Get the array representation of the notification. * * @return array<string, mixed> */ public function toArray(object $notifiable): array { return [ 'id' => $notifiable->id, 'label' => static::$label, 'url' => route('vendorOrder.view', ['id' => $this->request->id]), 'message' => "A new order {$this->request->reference} has been confirmed", ]; } /** * Get the SMS representation of the notification. */ public function toSms(object $notifiable): array { return [ 'to' => $notifiable->phone, 'message' => $this->getSmsData('vendor-invoice'), ]; } /** * Replace SMS variables in the given SMS body. * * @param string $body * @return string */ public function replaceSmsVariables($body) { $address = $this->request->getShippingAddress(); $shippingAddress = "Name: $address->first_name $address->last_name, Email: $address->email, Phone: $address->phone, Address: $address->address_1, Address2:$address->address_2, $address->city, $address->state, $address->country"; $details = $this->request->orderDetails->where('vendor_id', self::$vendor->id); $subTotal = 0; $shippingCharge = 0; $taxCharge = 0; $vendorId = $details->first()->vendor_id; $discount = $this->request->vendorCouponDiscount($vendorId); foreach ($details as $item) { $subTotal += $item->quantity * $item->price; $shippingCharge += $item->shipping_charge; $taxCharge += $item->tax_charge; } $data = [ '{logo}' => '', '{order_number}' => $this->request->reference, '{user_name}' => self::$vendor->name, '{company_url}' => route('site.index'), '{company_name}' => preference('company_name'), '{order_confirm_date}' => timeZoneFormatDate($this->request->order_date), '{contact_number}' => preference('company_phone'), '{order_track_url}' => route('site.trackOrder', ['code' => $this->request->track_code]), '{products}' => implode(',', $this->request->orderDetails->pluck('product_name')->toArray()), '{currency_symbol}' => optional($this->request->currency)->symbol, '{subtotal}' => formatCurrencyAmount($subTotal), '{shipping_charge}' => formatCurrencyAmount($shippingCharge), '{grand_total}' => formatCurrencyAmount($subTotal + $taxCharge + $shippingCharge - $discount), '{shipping_address}' => $shippingAddress, '{payment_method}' => ! empty($this->request->paymentMethod->gateway) ? $this->request->paymentMethod->gateway : __('Unknown'), '{support_mail}' => preference('company_email'), '{tax_charge}' => formatCurrencyAmount($taxCharge), '{discount_amount}' => formatCurrencyAmount($discount), '{track_code}' => $this->request->track_code, '{download}' => '', ]; return str_replace(array_keys($data), $data, $body); } }
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