import { magic } from '../magics' magic('watch', (el, { evaluateLater, effect }) => (key, callback) => { let evaluate = evaluateLater(key) let firstTime = true let oldValue let effectReference = effect(() => evaluate(value => { // JSON.stringify touches every single property at any level enabling deep watching JSON.stringify(value) if (! firstTime) { // We have to queue this watcher as a microtask so that // the watcher doesn't pick up its own dependencies. queueMicrotask(() => { callback(value, oldValue) oldValue = value }) } else { oldValue = value } firstTime = false })) // We want to remove this effect from the list of effects // stored on an element. Livewire uses that list to // "re-run" Alpine effects after a page load. A "watcher" // shuldn't be re-run like that. It will cause infinite loops. el._x_effects.delete(effectReference) })