/* @license Rollup.js v3.19.1 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 12:56:45 GMT - commit 46676a4c8886f461706bef73d414709f82d818d6 https://github.com/rollup/rollup Released under the MIT License. */ 'use strict'; const promises = require('node:fs/promises'); const node_path = require('node:path'); const process = require('node:process'); const node_url = require('node:url'); const rollup = require('./rollup.js'); function batchWarnings() { let count = 0; const deferredWarnings = new Map(); let warningOccurred = false; return { add(warning) { count += 1; warningOccurred = true; if (warning.code in deferredHandlers) { rollup.getOrCreate(deferredWarnings, warning.code, rollup.getNewArray).push(warning); } else if (warning.code in immediateHandlers) { immediateHandlers[warning.code](warning); } else { title(warning.message); if (warning.url) info(warning.url); const id = warning.loc?.file || warning.id; if (id) { const loc = warning.loc ? `${rollup.relativeId(id)} (${warning.loc.line}:${warning.loc.column})` : rollup.relativeId(id); rollup.stderr(rollup.bold(rollup.relativeId(loc))); } if (warning.frame) info(warning.frame); } }, get count() { return count; }, flush() { if (count === 0) return; const codes = [...deferredWarnings.keys()].sort((a, b) => deferredWarnings.get(b).length - deferredWarnings.get(a).length); for (const code of codes) { deferredHandlers[code](deferredWarnings.get(code)); } deferredWarnings.clear(); count = 0; }, get warningOccurred() { return warningOccurred; } }; } const immediateHandlers = { MISSING_NODE_BUILTINS(warning) { title(`Missing shims for Node.js built-ins`); rollup.stderr(`Creating a browser bundle that depends on ${rollup.printQuotedStringList(warning.ids)}. You might need to include https://github.com/FredKSchott/rollup-plugin-polyfill-node`); }, UNKNOWN_OPTION(warning) { title(`You have passed an unrecognized option`); rollup.stderr(warning.message); } }; const deferredHandlers = { CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY(warnings) { title(`Circular dependenc${warnings.length > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y'}`); const displayed = warnings.length > 5 ? warnings.slice(0, 3) : warnings; for (const warning of displayed) { rollup.stderr(warning.ids.map(rollup.relativeId).join(' -> ')); } if (warnings.length > displayed.length) { rollup.stderr(`...and ${warnings.length - displayed.length} more`); } }, EMPTY_BUNDLE(warnings) { title(`Generated${warnings.length === 1 ? ' an' : ''} empty ${warnings.length > 1 ? 'chunks' : 'chunk'}`); rollup.stderr(rollup.printQuotedStringList(warnings.map(warning => warning.names[0]))); }, EVAL(warnings) { title('Use of eval is strongly discouraged'); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_AVOIDING_EVAL)); showTruncatedWarnings(warnings); }, MISSING_EXPORT(warnings) { title('Missing exports'); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_NAME_IS_NOT_EXPORTED)); for (const warning of warnings) { rollup.stderr(rollup.bold(rollup.relativeId(warning.id))); rollup.stderr(`${warning.binding} is not exported by ${rollup.relativeId(warning.exporter)}`); rollup.stderr(rollup.gray(warning.frame)); } }, MISSING_GLOBAL_NAME(warnings) { title(`Missing global variable ${warnings.length > 1 ? 'names' : 'name'}`); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_OUTPUT_GLOBALS)); rollup.stderr(`Use "output.globals" to specify browser global variable names corresponding to external modules:`); for (const warning of warnings) { rollup.stderr(`${rollup.bold(warning.id)} (guessing "${warning.names[0]}")`); } }, MIXED_EXPORTS(warnings) { title('Mixing named and default exports'); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_OUTPUT_EXPORTS)); rollup.stderr(rollup.bold('The following entry modules are using named and default exports together:')); warnings.sort((a, b) => (a.id < b.id ? -1 : 1)); const displayedWarnings = warnings.length > 5 ? warnings.slice(0, 3) : warnings; for (const warning of displayedWarnings) { rollup.stderr(rollup.relativeId(warning.id)); } if (displayedWarnings.length < warnings.length) { rollup.stderr(`...and ${warnings.length - displayedWarnings.length} other entry modules`); } rollup.stderr(`\nConsumers of your bundle will have to use chunk.default to access their default export, which may not be what you want. Use \`output.exports: "named"\` to disable this warning.`); }, NAMESPACE_CONFLICT(warnings) { title(`Conflicting re-exports`); for (const warning of warnings) { rollup.stderr(`"${rollup.bold(rollup.relativeId(warning.reexporter))}" re-exports "${warning.binding}" from both "${rollup.relativeId(warning.ids[0])}" and "${rollup.relativeId(warning.ids[1])}" (will be ignored).`); } }, PLUGIN_WARNING(warnings) { const nestedByPlugin = nest(warnings, 'plugin'); for (const { key: plugin, items } of nestedByPlugin) { const nestedByMessage = nest(items, 'message'); let lastUrl = ''; for (const { key: message, items } of nestedByMessage) { title(`Plugin ${plugin}: ${message}`); for (const warning of items) { if (warning.url && warning.url !== lastUrl) info((lastUrl = warning.url)); const id = warning.id || warning.loc?.file; if (id) { let loc = rollup.relativeId(id); if (warning.loc) { loc += `: (${warning.loc.line}:${warning.loc.column})`; } rollup.stderr(rollup.bold(loc)); } if (warning.frame) info(warning.frame); } } } }, SOURCEMAP_BROKEN(warnings) { title(`Broken sourcemap`); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_SOURCEMAP_IS_LIKELY_TO_BE_INCORRECT)); const plugins = [...new Set(warnings.map(({ plugin }) => plugin).filter(Boolean))]; rollup.stderr(`Plugins that transform code (such as ${rollup.printQuotedStringList(plugins)}) should generate accompanying sourcemaps.`); }, THIS_IS_UNDEFINED(warnings) { title('"this" has been rewritten to "undefined"'); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_THIS_IS_UNDEFINED)); showTruncatedWarnings(warnings); }, UNRESOLVED_IMPORT(warnings) { title('Unresolved dependencies'); info(rollup.getRollupUrl(rollup.URL_TREATING_MODULE_AS_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCY)); const dependencies = new Map(); for (const warning of warnings) { rollup.getOrCreate(dependencies, rollup.relativeId(warning.exporter), rollup.getNewArray).push(rollup.relativeId(warning.id)); } for (const [dependency, importers] of dependencies) { rollup.stderr(`${rollup.bold(dependency)} (imported by ${rollup.printQuotedStringList(importers)})`); } }, UNUSED_EXTERNAL_IMPORT(warnings) { title('Unused external imports'); for (const warning of warnings) { rollup.stderr(warning.names + ' imported from external module "' + warning.exporter + '" but never used in ' + rollup.printQuotedStringList(warning.ids.map(rollup.relativeId)) + '.'); } } }; function title(string_) { rollup.stderr(rollup.bold(rollup.yellow(`(!) ${string_}`))); } function info(url) { rollup.stderr(rollup.gray(url)); } function nest(array, property) { const nested = []; const lookup = new Map(); for (const item of array) { const key = item[property]; rollup.getOrCreate(lookup, key, () => { const items = { items: [], key }; nested.push(items); return items; }).items.push(item); } return nested; } function showTruncatedWarnings(warnings) { const nestedByModule = nest(warnings, 'id'); const displayedByModule = nestedByModule.length > 5 ? nestedByModule.slice(0, 3) : nestedByModule; for (const { key: id, items } of displayedByModule) { rollup.stderr(rollup.bold(rollup.relativeId(id))); rollup.stderr(rollup.gray(items[0].frame)); if (items.length > 1) { rollup.stderr(`...and ${items.length - 1} other ${items.length > 2 ? 'occurrences' : 'occurrence'}`); } } if (nestedByModule.length > displayedByModule.length) { rollup.stderr(`\n...and ${nestedByModule.length - displayedByModule.length} other files`); } } const stdinName = '-'; let stdinResult = null; function stdinPlugin(argument) { const suffix = typeof argument == 'string' && argument.length > 0 ? '.' + argument : ''; return { load(id) { if (id === stdinName || id.startsWith(stdinName + '.')) { return stdinResult || (stdinResult = readStdin()); } }, name: 'stdin', resolveId(id) { if (id === stdinName) { return id + suffix; } } }; } function readStdin() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const chunks = []; process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); process.stdin .on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk)) .on('end', () => { const result = chunks.join(''); resolve(result); }) .on('error', error => { reject(error); }); }); } function waitForInputPlugin() { return { async buildStart(options) { const inputSpecifiers = Array.isArray(options.input) ? options.input : Object.keys(options.input); let lastAwaitedSpecifier = null; checkSpecifiers: while (true) { for (const specifier of inputSpecifiers) { if ((await this.resolve(specifier)) === null) { if (lastAwaitedSpecifier !== specifier) { rollup.stderr(`waiting for input ${rollup.bold(specifier)}...`); lastAwaitedSpecifier = specifier; } await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); continue checkSpecifiers; } } break; } }, name: 'wait-for-input' }; } async function addCommandPluginsToInputOptions(inputOptions, command) { if (command.stdin !== false) { inputOptions.plugins.push(stdinPlugin(command.stdin)); } if (command.waitForBundleInput === true) { inputOptions.plugins.push(waitForInputPlugin()); } await addPluginsFromCommandOption(command.plugin, inputOptions); } async function addPluginsFromCommandOption(commandPlugin, inputOptions) { if (commandPlugin) { const plugins = await rollup.normalizePluginOption(commandPlugin); for (const plugin of plugins) { if (/[={}]/.test(plugin)) { // -p plugin=value // -p "{transform(c,i){...}}" await loadAndRegisterPlugin(inputOptions, plugin); } else { // split out plugins joined by commas // -p node-resolve,commonjs,buble for (const p of plugin.split(',')) { await loadAndRegisterPlugin(inputOptions, p); } } } } } async function loadAndRegisterPlugin(inputOptions, pluginText) { let plugin = null; let pluginArgument = undefined; if (pluginText[0] === '{') { // -p "{transform(c,i){...}}" plugin = new Function('return ' + pluginText); } else { const match = pluginText.match(/^([\w./:@\\^{|}-]+)(=(.*))?$/); if (match) { // -p plugin // -p plugin=arg pluginText = match[1]; pluginArgument = new Function('return ' + match[3])(); } else { throw new Error(`Invalid --plugin argument format: ${JSON.stringify(pluginText)}`); } if (!/^\.|^rollup-plugin-|[/@\\]/.test(pluginText)) { // Try using plugin prefix variations first if applicable. // Prefix order is significant - left has higher precedence. for (const prefix of ['@rollup/plugin-', 'rollup-plugin-']) { try { plugin = await requireOrImport(prefix + pluginText); break; } catch { // if this does not work, we try requiring the actual name below } } } if (!plugin) { try { if (pluginText[0] == '.') pluginText = node_path.resolve(pluginText); // Windows absolute paths must be specified as file:// protocol URL // Note that we do not have coverage for Windows-only code paths else if (/^[A-Za-z]:\\/.test(pluginText)) { pluginText = node_url.pathToFileURL(node_path.resolve(pluginText)).href; } plugin = await requireOrImport(pluginText); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Cannot load plugin "${pluginText}": ${error.message}.`); } } } // some plugins do not use `module.exports` for their entry point, // in which case we try the named default export and the plugin name if (typeof plugin === 'object') { plugin = plugin.default || plugin[getCamelizedPluginBaseName(pluginText)]; } if (!plugin) { throw new Error(`Cannot find entry for plugin "${pluginText}". The plugin needs to export a function either as "default" or "${getCamelizedPluginBaseName(pluginText)}" for Rollup to recognize it.`); } inputOptions.plugins.push(typeof plugin === 'function' ? plugin.call(plugin, pluginArgument) : plugin); } function getCamelizedPluginBaseName(pluginText) { return (pluginText.match(/(@rollup\/plugin-|rollup-plugin-)(.+)$/)?.[2] || pluginText) .split(/[/\\]/) .slice(-1)[0] .split('.')[0] .split('-') .map((part, index) => (index === 0 || !part ? part : part[0].toUpperCase() + part.slice(1))) .join(''); } async function requireOrImport(pluginPath) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-module return require(pluginPath); } catch { return import(pluginPath); } } const loadConfigFile = async (fileName, commandOptions = {}) => { const configs = await getConfigList(getDefaultFromCjs(await getConfigFileExport(fileName, commandOptions)), commandOptions); const warnings = batchWarnings(); try { const normalizedConfigs = []; for (const config of configs) { const options = await rollup.mergeOptions(config, commandOptions, warnings.add); await addCommandPluginsToInputOptions(options, commandOptions); normalizedConfigs.push(options); } return { options: normalizedConfigs, warnings }; } catch (error_) { warnings.flush(); throw error_; } }; async function getConfigFileExport(fileName, commandOptions) { if (commandOptions.configPlugin || commandOptions.bundleConfigAsCjs) { try { return await loadTranspiledConfigFile(fileName, commandOptions); } catch (error_) { if (error_.message.includes('not defined in ES module scope')) { return rollup.error(rollup.errorCannotBundleConfigAsEsm(error_)); } throw error_; } } let cannotLoadEsm = false; const handleWarning = (warning) => { if (warning.message.includes('To load an ES module')) { cannotLoadEsm = true; } }; process.on('warning', handleWarning); try { const fileUrl = node_url.pathToFileURL(fileName); if (process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH) { // We are adding the current date to allow reloads in watch mode fileUrl.search = `?${Date.now()}`; } return (await import(fileUrl.href)).default; } catch (error_) { if (cannotLoadEsm) { return rollup.error(rollup.errorCannotLoadConfigAsCjs(error_)); } if (error_.message.includes('not defined in ES module scope')) { return rollup.error(rollup.errorCannotLoadConfigAsEsm(error_)); } throw error_; } finally { process.off('warning', handleWarning); } } function getDefaultFromCjs(namespace) { return namespace.default || namespace; } async function loadTranspiledConfigFile(fileName, { bundleConfigAsCjs, configPlugin, silent }) { const warnings = batchWarnings(); const inputOptions = { external: (id) => (id[0] !== '.' && !node_path.isAbsolute(id)) || id.slice(-5, id.length) === '.json', input: fileName, onwarn: warnings.add, plugins: [], treeshake: false }; await addPluginsFromCommandOption(configPlugin, inputOptions); const bundle = await rollup.rollup(inputOptions); if (!silent && warnings.count > 0) { rollup.stderr(rollup.bold(`loaded ${rollup.relativeId(fileName)} with warnings`)); warnings.flush(); } const { output: [{ code }] } = await bundle.generate({ exports: 'named', format: bundleConfigAsCjs ? 'cjs' : 'es', plugins: [ { name: 'transpile-import-meta', resolveImportMeta(property, { moduleId }) { if (property === 'url') { return `'${node_url.pathToFileURL(moduleId).href}'`; } if (property == null) { return `{url:'${node_url.pathToFileURL(moduleId).href}'}`; } } } ] }); return loadConfigFromWrittenFile(node_path.join(node_path.dirname(fileName), `rollup.config-${Date.now()}.${bundleConfigAsCjs ? 'cjs' : 'mjs'}`), code); } async function loadConfigFromWrittenFile(bundledFileName, bundledCode) { await promises.writeFile(bundledFileName, bundledCode); try { return (await import(node_url.pathToFileURL(bundledFileName).href)).default; } finally { // Not awaiting here saves some ms while potentially hiding a non-critical error promises.unlink(bundledFileName); } } async function getConfigList(configFileExport, commandOptions) { const config = await (typeof configFileExport === 'function' ? configFileExport(commandOptions) : configFileExport); if (Object.keys(config).length === 0) { return rollup.error(rollup.errorMissingConfig()); } return Array.isArray(config) ? config : [config]; } exports.addCommandPluginsToInputOptions = addCommandPluginsToInputOptions; exports.batchWarnings = batchWarnings; exports.loadConfigFile = loadConfigFile; exports.stdinName = stdinName; //# sourceMappingURL=loadConfigFile.js.map