import log, { dim } from './log' export function normalizeConfig(config) { // Quick structure validation /** * type FilePath = string * type RawFile = { raw: string, extension?: string } * type ExtractorFn = (content: string) => Array
* type TransformerFn = (content: string) => string * * type Content = * | Array
* | { * files: Array
, * extract?: ExtractorFn | { [extension: string]: ExtractorFn } * transform?: TransformerFn | { [extension: string]: TransformerFn } * } */ let valid = (() => { // `config.purge` should not exist anymore if (config.purge) { return false } // `config.content` should exist if (!config.content) { return false } // `config.content` should be an object or an array if ( !Array.isArray(config.content) && !(typeof config.content === 'object' && config.content !== null) ) { return false } // When `config.content` is an array, it should consist of FilePaths or RawFiles if (Array.isArray(config.content)) { return config.content.every((path) => { // `path` can be a string if (typeof path === 'string') return true // `path` can be an object { raw: string, extension?: string } // `raw` must be a string if (typeof path?.raw !== 'string') return false // `extension` (if provided) should also be a string if (path?.extension && typeof path?.extension !== 'string') { return false } return true }) } // When `config.content` is an object if (typeof config.content === 'object' && config.content !== null) { // Only `files`, `relative`, `extract`, and `transform` can exist in `config.content` if ( Object.keys(config.content).some( (key) => !['files', 'relative', 'extract', 'transform'].includes(key) ) ) { return false } // `config.content.files` should exist of FilePaths or RawFiles if (Array.isArray(config.content.files)) { if ( !config.content.files.every((path) => { // `path` can be a string if (typeof path === 'string') return true // `path` can be an object { raw: string, extension?: string } // `raw` must be a string if (typeof path?.raw !== 'string') return false // `extension` (if provided) should also be a string if (path?.extension && typeof path?.extension !== 'string') { return false } return true }) ) { return false } // `config.content.extract` is optional, and can be a Function or a Record
if (typeof config.content.extract === 'object') { for (let value of Object.values(config.content.extract)) { if (typeof value !== 'function') { return false } } } else if ( !(config.content.extract === undefined || typeof config.content.extract === 'function') ) { return false } // `config.content.transform` is optional, and can be a Function or a Record
if (typeof config.content.transform === 'object') { for (let value of Object.values(config.content.transform)) { if (typeof value !== 'function') { return false } } } else if ( !( config.content.transform === undefined || typeof config.content.transform === 'function' ) ) { return false } // `config.content.relative` is optional and can be a boolean if ( typeof config.content.relative !== 'boolean' && typeof config.content.relative !== 'undefined' ) { return false } } return true } return false })() if (!valid) { log.warn('purge-deprecation', [ 'The `purge`/`content` options have changed in Tailwind CSS v3.0.', 'Update your configuration file to eliminate this warning.', 'https://tailwindcss.com/docs/upgrade-guide#configure-content-sources', ]) } // Normalize the `safelist` config.safelist = (() => { let { content, purge, safelist } = config if (Array.isArray(safelist)) return safelist if (Array.isArray(content?.safelist)) return content.safelist if (Array.isArray(purge?.safelist)) return purge.safelist if (Array.isArray(purge?.options?.safelist)) return purge.options.safelist return [] })() // Normalize the `blocklist` config.blocklist = (() => { let { blocklist } = config if (Array.isArray(blocklist)) { if (blocklist.every((item) => typeof item === 'string')) { return blocklist } log.warn('blocklist-invalid', [ 'The `blocklist` option must be an array of strings.', 'https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration#discarding-classes', ]) } return [] })() // Normalize prefix option if (typeof config.prefix === 'function') { log.warn('prefix-function', [ 'As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, `prefix` cannot be a function.', 'Update `prefix` in your configuration to be a string to eliminate this warning.', 'https://tailwindcss.com/docs/upgrade-guide#prefix-cannot-be-a-function', ]) config.prefix = '' } else { config.prefix = config.prefix ?? '' } // Normalize the `content` config.content = { relative: (() => { let { content } = config if (content?.relative) { return content.relative } return config.future?.relativeContentPathsByDefault ?? false })(), files: (() => { let { content, purge } = config if (Array.isArray(purge)) return purge if (Array.isArray(purge?.content)) return purge.content if (Array.isArray(content)) return content if (Array.isArray(content?.content)) return content.content if (Array.isArray(content?.files)) return content.files return [] })(), extract: (() => { let extract = (() => { if (config.purge?.extract) return config.purge.extract if (config.content?.extract) return config.content.extract if (config.purge?.extract?.DEFAULT) return config.purge.extract.DEFAULT if (config.content?.extract?.DEFAULT) return config.content.extract.DEFAULT if (config.purge?.options?.extractors) return config.purge.options.extractors if (config.content?.options?.extractors) return config.content.options.extractors return {} })() let extractors = {} let defaultExtractor = (() => { if (config.purge?.options?.defaultExtractor) { return config.purge.options.defaultExtractor } if (config.content?.options?.defaultExtractor) { return config.content.options.defaultExtractor } return undefined })() if (defaultExtractor !== undefined) { extractors.DEFAULT = defaultExtractor } // Functions if (typeof extract === 'function') { extractors.DEFAULT = extract } // Arrays else if (Array.isArray(extract)) { for (let { extensions, extractor } of extract ?? []) { for (let extension of extensions) { extractors[extension] = extractor } } } // Objects else if (typeof extract === 'object' && extract !== null) { Object.assign(extractors, extract) } return extractors })(), transform: (() => { let transform = (() => { if (config.purge?.transform) return config.purge.transform if (config.content?.transform) return config.content.transform if (config.purge?.transform?.DEFAULT) return config.purge.transform.DEFAULT if (config.content?.transform?.DEFAULT) return config.content.transform.DEFAULT return {} })() let transformers = {} if (typeof transform === 'function') { transformers.DEFAULT = transform } if (typeof transform === 'object' && transform !== null) { Object.assign(transformers, transform) } return transformers })(), } // Validate globs to prevent bogus globs. // E.g.: `./src/*.{html}` is invalid, the `{html}` should just be `html` for (let file of config.content.files) { if (typeof file === 'string' && /{([^,]*?)}/g.test(file)) { log.warn('invalid-glob-braces', [ `The glob pattern ${dim(file)} in your Tailwind CSS configuration is invalid.`, `Update it to ${dim(file.replace(/{([^,]*?)}/g, '$1'))} to silence this warning.`, // TODO: Add https://tw.wtf/invalid-glob-braces ]) break } } return config }