resetErrorBag(); if ($this->passwordIsConfirmed()) { return $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('password-confirmed', [ 'id' => $confirmableId, ]); } $this->confirmingPassword = true; $this->confirmableId = $confirmableId; $this->confirmablePassword = ''; $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('confirming-password'); } /** * Stop confirming the user's password. * * @return void */ public function stopConfirmingPassword() { $this->confirmingPassword = false; $this->confirmableId = null; $this->confirmablePassword = ''; } /** * Confirm the user's password. * * @return void */ public function confirmPassword() { if (! app(ConfirmPassword::class)(app(StatefulGuard::class), Auth::user(), $this->confirmablePassword)) { throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'confirmable_password' => [__('This password does not match our records.')], ]); } session(['auth.password_confirmed_at' => time()]); $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('password-confirmed', [ 'id' => $this->confirmableId, ]); $this->stopConfirmingPassword(); } /** * Ensure that the user's password has been recently confirmed. * * @param int|null $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation * @return void */ protected function ensurePasswordIsConfirmed($maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation = null) { $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation = $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation ?: config('auth.password_timeout', 900); $this->passwordIsConfirmed($maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation) ? null : abort(403); } /** * Determine if the user's password has been recently confirmed. * * @param int|null $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation * @return bool */ protected function passwordIsConfirmed($maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation = null) { $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation = $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation ?: config('auth.password_timeout', 900); return (time() - session('auth.password_confirmed_at', 0)) < $maximumSecondsSinceConfirmation; } }