export class Bag { constructor() { this.arrays = {} } add(key, value) { if (! this.arrays[key]) this.arrays[key] = [] this.arrays[key].push(value) } get(key) { return this.arrays[key] || [] } each(key, callback) { return this.get(key).forEach(callback) } } export class WeakBag { constructor() { this.arrays = new WeakMap } add(key, value) { if (! this.arrays.has(key) ) this.arrays.set(key, []) this.arrays.get(key).push(value) } get(key) { return this.arrays.has(key) ? this.arrays.get(key) : [] } each(key, callback) { return this.get(key).forEach(callback) } } export function dispatch(el, name, detail = {}, bubbles = true) { el.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent(name, { detail, bubbles, // Allows events to pass the shadow DOM barrier. composed: true, cancelable: true, }) ) } /** * Type-checking in JS is weird and annoying, these are better. */ export function isObjecty(subject) { return (typeof subject === 'object' && subject !== null) } export function isObject(subject) { return (isObjecty(subject) && ! isArray(subject)) } export function isArray(subject) { return Array.isArray(subject) } export function isFunction(subject) { return typeof subject === 'function' } export function isPrimitive(subject) { return typeof subject !== 'object' || subject === null } /** * Clone an object deeply to wipe out any shared references. */ export function deepClone(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) } /** * Determine if two objects take the exact same shape. */ export function deeplyEqual(a, b) { return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b) } /** * An easy way to loop through arrays and objects. */ export function each(subject, callback) { Object.entries(subject).forEach(([key, value]) => callback(key, value)) } /** * Get a property from an object with support for dot-notation. */ export function dataGet(object, key) { if (key === '') return object return key.split('.').reduce((carry, i) => { if (carry === undefined) return undefined return carry[i] }, object) } /** * Set a property on an object with support for dot-notation. */ export function dataSet(object, key, value) { let segments = key.split('.') if (segments.length === 1) { return object[key] = value } let firstSegment = segments.shift() let restOfSegments = segments.join('.') if (object[firstSegment] === undefined) { object[firstSegment] = {} } dataSet(object[firstSegment], restOfSegments, value) } /** * Create a flat, dot-notated diff of two obejcts. */ export function diff(left, right, diffs = {}, path = '') { // Are they the same? if (left === right) return diffs // Are they COMPLETELY different? if (typeof left !== typeof right || (isObject(left) && isArray(right)) || (isArray(left) && isObject(right))) { diffs[path] = right; return diffs } // Is the right or left side a primitive value (a leaf node)? if (isPrimitive(left) || isPrimitive(right)) { diffs[path] = right return diffs } // We now know both are objects... let leftKeys = Object.keys(left) // Recursively diff the object's properties... Object.entries(right).forEach(([key, value]) => { diffs = {...diffs, ...diff(left[key], right[key], diffs, path === '' ? key : `${path}.${key}`)} leftKeys = leftKeys.filter(i => i !== key) }) // Mark any items for removal... leftKeys.forEach(key => { diffs[`${path}.${key}`] = '__rm__' }) return diffs } /** * The data that's passed between the browser and server is in the form of * nested tuples consisting of the schema: [rawValue, metadata]. In this * method we're extracting the plain JS object of only the raw values. */ export function extractData(payload) { let value = isSynthetic(payload) ? payload[0] : payload let meta = isSynthetic(payload) ? payload[1] : undefined if (isObjecty(value)) { Object.entries(value).forEach(([key, iValue]) => { value[key] = extractData(iValue) }) } return value } /** * Determine if the variable passed in is a node in a nested metadata * tuple tree. (Meaning it takes the form of: [rawData, metadata]) */ export function isSynthetic(subject) { return Array.isArray(subject) && subject.length === 2 && typeof subject[1] === 'object' && Object.keys(subject[1]).includes('s') } /** * Post requests in Laravel require a csrf token to be passed * along with the payload. Here, we'll try and locate one. */ let csrf export function getCsrfToken() { if (csrf) return csrf if (document.querySelector('[data-csrf]')) { csrf = document.querySelector('[data-csrf]').getAttribute('data-csrf') return csrf } if (window.livewireScriptConfig['csrf'] ?? false) { csrf = window.livewireScriptConfig['csrf'] return csrf } throw 'Livewire: No CSRF token detected' } export function contentIsFromDump(content) { return !! content.match(/
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