*/ namespace Flasher\Prime\Plugin; use Flasher\Prime\Config\ConfigInterface; use Flasher\Prime\Notification\NotificationInterface; /** * @phpstan-import-type ConfigType from ConfigInterface */ final class FlasherPlugin extends Plugin { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getName() { return 'flasher'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getServiceID() { return 'flasher'; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefault() { return 'flasher'; } /** * @return string|array{cdn: string, local: string} */ public function getRootScript() { return array( 'cdn' => 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flasher/flasher@1.2.4/dist/flasher.min.js', 'local' => '/vendor/flasher/flasher.min.js', ); } public function getScripts() { $rootScript = $this->getRootScript(); return array( 'cdn' => is_string($rootScript) ? array($rootScript) : array($rootScript['cdn']), 'local' => is_string($rootScript) ? '' : array($rootScript['local']), ); } /** * @return string */ public function getResourcesDir() { return realpath(__DIR__.'/../Resources') ?: ''; } /** * @return array
*/ public function getFlashBagMapping() { return array( 'success' => array('success'), 'error' => array('error', 'danger'), 'warning' => array('warning', 'alarm'), 'info' => array('info', 'notice', 'alert'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processConfiguration(array $options = array()) { $options = $this->normalizeConfig($options); // @phpstan-ignore-line return array_merge(array( 'default' => $this->getDefault(), 'root_script' => $this->getRootScript(), 'options' => array(), 'use_cdn' => true, 'auto_translate' => true, 'auto_render' => true, 'flash_bag' => array( 'enabled' => true, 'mapping' => $this->getFlashBagMapping(), ), 'filter_criteria' => array(), ), $options); } /** * @param array{ * template_factory?: array{default: string, templates: array
>}, * auto_create_from_session?: bool, * auto_render?: bool, * types_mapping?: array
, * observer_events?: array
, * translate_by_default?: bool, * presets?: array
, * }>, * } $config * * @phpstan-return ConfigType */ public function normalizeConfig(array $config) { $deprecatedKeys = array(); if (isset($config['template_factory']['default'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'template_factory.default'; unset($config['template_factory']['default']); } if (isset($config['template_factory']['templates'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'template_factory.templates'; $config['themes'] = $config['template_factory']['templates']; unset($config['template_factory']['templates']); } if (isset($config['themes']['flasher']['options'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'themes.flasher.options'; $config['options'] = $config['themes']['flasher']['options']; unset($config['themes']['flasher']['options']); } if (isset($config['auto_create_from_session'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'auto_create_from_session'; $config['flash_bag']['enabled'] = $config['auto_create_from_session']; unset($config['auto_create_from_session']); } if (isset($config['types_mapping'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'types_mapping'; $config['flash_bag']['mapping'] = $config['types_mapping']; unset($config['types_mapping']); } if (isset($config['observer_events'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'observer_events'; unset($config['observer_events']); } if (isset($config['translate_by_default'])) { $deprecatedKeys[] = 'translate_by_default'; $config['auto_translate'] = $config['translate_by_default']; unset($config['translate_by_default']); } if (array() !== $deprecatedKeys) { @trigger_error(sprintf('Since php-flasher/flasher-laravel v1.0: The following configuration keys are deprecated and will be removed in v2.0: %s. Please use the new configuration structure.', implode(', ', $deprecatedKeys)), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); } if (\array_key_exists('flash_bag', $config)) { $config['flash_bag'] = $this->normalizeFlashBagConfig($config['flash_bag']); } $config['presets'] = array_merge(array( 'created' => array( 'type' => NotificationInterface::SUCCESS, 'message' => 'The resource was created', ), 'updated' => array( 'type' => NotificationInterface::SUCCESS, 'message' => 'The resource was updated', ), 'saved' => array( 'type' => NotificationInterface::SUCCESS, 'message' => 'The resource was saved', ), 'deleted' => array( 'type' => NotificationInterface::SUCCESS, 'message' => 'The resource was deleted', ), ), isset($config['presets']) ? $config['presets'] : array()); return $config; // @phpstan-ignore-line } /** * @param mixed $config * * @return array
*/ private function normalizeFlashBagConfig($config) { if (null === $config || false === $config) { return array('enabled' => false); } if (!\is_array($config) || !\array_key_exists('mapping', $config) || !\is_array($config['mapping'])) { return array('enabled' => true); } $mapping = $config['mapping']; foreach ($mapping as $key => $values) { if (!\is_string($key)) { continue; } if (!\is_array($values)) { $mapping[$key] = array($values); } foreach ($mapping[$key] as $index => $value) { if (!\is_string($value)) { unset($mapping[$key][$index]); } } $mapping[$key] = array_values($mapping[$key]); } return array( 'enabled' => true, 'mapping' => $mapping, ); } }