function partitionRules(root) { if (!root.walkAtRules) return let applyParents = new Set() root.walkAtRules('apply', (rule) => { applyParents.add(rule.parent) }) if (applyParents.size === 0) { return } for (let rule of applyParents) { let nodeGroups = [] let lastGroup = [] for (let node of rule.nodes) { if (node.type === 'atrule' && node.name === 'apply') { if (lastGroup.length > 0) { nodeGroups.push(lastGroup) lastGroup = [] } nodeGroups.push([node]) } else { lastGroup.push(node) } } if (lastGroup.length > 0) { nodeGroups.push(lastGroup) } if (nodeGroups.length === 1) { continue } for (let group of [...nodeGroups].reverse()) { let clone = rule.clone({ nodes: [] }) clone.append(group) rule.after(clone) } rule.remove() } } export default function expandApplyAtRules() { return (root) => { partitionRules(root) } }