// @ts-check "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { parseCandidateFiles: ()=>parseCandidateFiles, resolvedChangedContent: ()=>resolvedChangedContent }); const _fs = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); const _isGlob = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("is-glob")); const _fastGlob = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("fast-glob")); const _normalizePath = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("normalize-path")); const _parseGlob = require("../util/parseGlob"); const _sharedState = require("./sharedState"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function parseCandidateFiles(context, tailwindConfig) { let files = tailwindConfig.content.files; // Normalize the file globs files = files.filter((filePath)=>typeof filePath === "string"); files = files.map(_normalizePath.default); // Split into included and excluded globs let tasks = _fastGlob.default.generateTasks(files); /** @type {ContentPath[]} */ let included = []; /** @type {ContentPath[]} */ let excluded = []; for (const task of tasks){ included.push(...task.positive.map((filePath)=>parseFilePath(filePath, false))); excluded.push(...task.negative.map((filePath)=>parseFilePath(filePath, true))); } let paths = [ ...included, ...excluded ]; // Resolve paths relative to the config file or cwd paths = resolveRelativePaths(context, paths); // Resolve symlinks if possible paths = paths.flatMap(resolvePathSymlinks); // Update cached patterns paths = paths.map(resolveGlobPattern); return paths; } /** * * @param {string} filePath * @param {boolean} ignore * @returns {ContentPath} */ function parseFilePath(filePath, ignore) { let contentPath = { original: filePath, base: filePath, ignore, pattern: filePath, glob: null }; if ((0, _isGlob.default)(filePath)) { Object.assign(contentPath, (0, _parseGlob.parseGlob)(filePath)); } return contentPath; } /** * * @param {ContentPath} contentPath * @returns {ContentPath} */ function resolveGlobPattern(contentPath) { // This is required for Windows support to properly pick up Glob paths. // Afaik, this technically shouldn't be needed but there's probably // some internal, direct path matching with a normalized path in // a package which can't handle mixed directory separators let base = (0, _normalizePath.default)(contentPath.base); // If the user's file path contains any special characters (like parens) for instance fast-glob // is like "OOOH SHINY" and treats them as such. So we have to escape the base path to fix this base = _fastGlob.default.escapePath(base); contentPath.pattern = contentPath.glob ? `${base}/${contentPath.glob}` : base; contentPath.pattern = contentPath.ignore ? `!${contentPath.pattern}` : contentPath.pattern; return contentPath; } /** * Resolve each path relative to the config file (when possible) if the experimental flag is enabled * Otherwise, resolve relative to the current working directory * * @param {any} context * @param {ContentPath[]} contentPaths * @returns {ContentPath[]} */ function resolveRelativePaths(context, contentPaths) { let resolveFrom = []; // Resolve base paths relative to the config file (when possible) if the experimental flag is enabled if (context.userConfigPath && context.tailwindConfig.content.relative) { resolveFrom = [ _path.default.dirname(context.userConfigPath) ]; } return contentPaths.map((contentPath)=>{ contentPath.base = _path.default.resolve(...resolveFrom, contentPath.base); return contentPath; }); } /** * Resolve the symlink for the base directory / file in each path * These are added as additional dependencies to watch for changes because * some tools (like webpack) will only watch the actual file or directory * but not the symlink itself even in projects that use monorepos. * * @param {ContentPath} contentPath * @returns {ContentPath[]} */ function resolvePathSymlinks(contentPath) { let paths = [ contentPath ]; try { let resolvedPath = _fs.default.realpathSync(contentPath.base); if (resolvedPath !== contentPath.base) { paths.push({ ...contentPath, base: resolvedPath }); } } catch { // TODO: log this? } return paths; } function resolvedChangedContent(context, candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap) { let changedContent = context.tailwindConfig.content.files.filter((item)=>typeof item.raw === "string").map(({ raw , extension ="html" })=>({ content: raw, extension })); let [changedFiles, mTimesToCommit] = resolveChangedFiles(candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap); for (let changedFile of changedFiles){ let extension = _path.default.extname(changedFile).slice(1); changedContent.push({ file: changedFile, extension }); } return [ changedContent, mTimesToCommit ]; } /** * * @param {ContentPath[]} candidateFiles * @param {Map
} fileModifiedMap * @returns {[Set
, Map
]} */ function resolveChangedFiles(candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap) { let paths = candidateFiles.map((contentPath)=>contentPath.pattern); let mTimesToCommit = new Map(); let changedFiles = new Set(); _sharedState.env.DEBUG && console.time("Finding changed files"); let files = _fastGlob.default.sync(paths, { absolute: true }); for (let file of files){ let prevModified = fileModifiedMap.get(file) || -Infinity; let modified = _fs.default.statSync(file).mtimeMs; if (modified > prevModified) { changedFiles.add(file); mTimesToCommit.set(file, modified); } } _sharedState.env.DEBUG && console.timeEnd("Finding changed files"); return [ changedFiles, mTimesToCommit ]; }