<?php /** * @author TechVillage <support@techvill.org> * * @contributor Sakawat Hossain Rony <[sakawat.techvill@gmail.com]> * * @created 11-01-2022 */ namespace App\Compare; use Cache; use Auth; class Compare { /** * add compare data * * @return bool|void */ public static function add($productId) { $compare = self::getCompareData(); if (! $compare) { $compare[] = $productId; self::save($compare); return true; } elseif (! in_array($productId, $compare)) { $compare[] = $productId; self::save($compare); return true; } } /** * save compare data * * @return void */ public static function save($compare) { if (! empty(self::userId())) { Cache::put(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId(), $compare, 30 * 86400); } else { Cache::put(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress(), $compare, 30 * 86400); } } /** * getCompare data * * @return mixed */ public static function getCompareData() { return ! empty(self::userId()) ? Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId()) : Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()); } /** * compare data in collection method * * @return CompareCollection */ public static function compareCollection($userId = null) { if ($userId != null && $userId != 0) { return new CompareCollection(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . $userId)); } return ! empty(self::userId()) ? new CompareCollection(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId())) : new CompareCollection(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress())); } /** * total CompareData * * @return int */ public static function totalProduct() { $compare = self::compareCollection(); return $compare->count(); } /** * compare data destroy * * @return bool */ public static function destroy($id, $action = 'single') { if ($action == 'single') { $compare = self::getCompareData(); $index = array_search($id, $compare); unset($compare[$index]); self::save($compare); } else { ! empty(self::userId()) ? Cache::forget(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId()) : Cache::forget(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()); } return true; } /** * compare data transfer local to user * * @return void */ public static function compareDataTransfer() { if (! empty(self::userId()) && empty(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId()))) { if (! empty(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()))) { Cache::put(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId(), Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()), 30 * 86400); } } elseif (! empty(self::userId()) && ! empty(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId())) && ! empty(Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()))) { $userCompareList = Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId()); foreach (Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()) as $local) { if (! in_array($local, $userCompareList)) { self::add($local); } } Cache::forget(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress()); Cache::put(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . getUniqueAddress(), Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '.compare.' . self::userId()), 30 * 86400); } } /** * get user id * * @return null| int $userId */ public static function userId() { $userId = null; if (isset(Auth::user()->id)) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; } elseif (isset(auth()->guard('api')->user()->id)) { $userId = auth()->guard('api')->user()->id; } return $userId; } }
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