*/ class UuidV7 extends Uuid implements TimeBasedUidInterface { protected const TYPE = 7; private static string $time = ''; private static array $rand = []; private static string $seed; private static array $seedParts; private static int $seedIndex = 0; public function __construct(?string $uuid = null) { if (null === $uuid) { $this->uid = static::generate(); } else { parent::__construct($uuid, true); } } public function getDateTime(): \DateTimeImmutable { $time = substr($this->uid, 0, 8).substr($this->uid, 9, 4); $time = \PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8 ? (string) hexdec($time) : BinaryUtil::toBase(hex2bin($time), BinaryUtil::BASE10); if (4 > \strlen($time)) { $time = '000'.$time; } return \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('U.v', substr_replace($time, '.', -3, 0)); } public static function generate(?\DateTimeInterface $time = null): string { if (null === $mtime = $time) { $time = microtime(false); $time = substr($time, 11).substr($time, 2, 3); } elseif (0 > $time = $time->format('Uv')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The timestamp must be positive.'); } if ($time > self::$time || (null !== $mtime && $time !== self::$time)) { randomize: self::$rand = unpack('n*', isset(self::$seed) ? random_bytes(10) : self::$seed = random_bytes(16)); self::$rand[1] &= 0x03FF; self::$time = $time; } else { // Within the same ms, we increment the rand part by a random 24-bit number. // Instead of getting this number from random_bytes(), which is slow, we get // it by sha512-hashing self::$seed. This produces 64 bytes of entropy, // which we need to split in a list of 24-bit numbers. unpack() first splits // them into 16 x 32-bit numbers; we take the first byte of each of these // numbers to get 5 extra 24-bit numbers. Then, we consume those numbers // one-by-one and run this logic every 21 iterations. // self::$rand holds the random part of the UUID, split into 5 x 16-bit // numbers for x86 portability. We increment this random part by the next // 24-bit number in the self::$seedParts list and decrement self::$seedIndex. if (!self::$seedIndex) { $s = unpack('l*', self::$seed = hash('sha512', self::$seed, true)); $s[] = ($s[1] >> 8 & 0xFF0000) | ($s[2] >> 16 & 0xFF00) | ($s[3] >> 24 & 0xFF); $s[] = ($s[4] >> 8 & 0xFF0000) | ($s[5] >> 16 & 0xFF00) | ($s[6] >> 24 & 0xFF); $s[] = ($s[7] >> 8 & 0xFF0000) | ($s[8] >> 16 & 0xFF00) | ($s[9] >> 24 & 0xFF); $s[] = ($s[10] >> 8 & 0xFF0000) | ($s[11] >> 16 & 0xFF00) | ($s[12] >> 24 & 0xFF); $s[] = ($s[13] >> 8 & 0xFF0000) | ($s[14] >> 16 & 0xFF00) | ($s[15] >> 24 & 0xFF); self::$seedParts = $s; self::$seedIndex = 21; } self::$rand[5] = 0xFFFF & $carry = self::$rand[5] + 1 + (self::$seedParts[self::$seedIndex--] & 0xFFFFFF); self::$rand[4] = 0xFFFF & $carry = self::$rand[4] + ($carry >> 16); self::$rand[3] = 0xFFFF & $carry = self::$rand[3] + ($carry >> 16); self::$rand[2] = 0xFFFF & $carry = self::$rand[2] + ($carry >> 16); self::$rand[1] += $carry >> 16; if (0xFC00 & self::$rand[1]) { if (\PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8 || 10 > \strlen($time = self::$time)) { $time = (string) (1 + $time); } elseif ('999999999' === $mtime = substr($time, -9)) { $time = (1 + substr($time, 0, -9)).'000000000'; } else { $time = substr_replace($time, str_pad(++$mtime, 9, '0', \STR_PAD_LEFT), -9); } goto randomize; } $time = self::$time; } if (\PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) { $time = dechex($time); } else { $time = bin2hex(BinaryUtil::fromBase($time, BinaryUtil::BASE10)); } return substr_replace(sprintf('%012s-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', $time, 0x7000 | (self::$rand[1] << 2) | (self::$rand[2] >> 14), 0x8000 | (self::$rand[2] & 0x3FFF), self::$rand[3], self::$rand[4], self::$rand[5], ), '-', 8, 0); } }
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