first(); $paydata = $data->convertJsonData(); $this->gateway = Omnipay::create('PayPal_Rest'); $this->gateway->setClientId($paydata['client_id']); $this->gateway->setSecret($paydata['client_secret']); $this->gateway->setTestMode(true); } public function paypalSubmit($data) { $user = Auth::user(); $setting = Setting::first(); $cart = Session::get('cart'); $total_tax = 0; $cart_total = 0; $total = 0; $option_price = 0; foreach ($cart as $key => $item) { $total += $item['main_price'] * $item['qty']; $option_price += $item['attribute_price']; $cart_total = $total + $option_price; $item = ModelsItem::findOrFail($key); if ($item->tax) { $total_tax += $item::taxCalculate($item); } } if (!PriceHelper::Digital()) { $shipping = null; } else { $shipping = ShippingService::findOrFail($data['shipping_id']); } $discount = []; if (Session::has('coupon')) { $discount = Session::get('coupon'); } $orderData['state'] = $data['state_id'] ? json_encode(State::findOrFail($data['state_id']), true) : null; $grand_total = ($cart_total + ($shipping ? $shipping->price : 0)) + $total_tax; $grand_total = $grand_total - ($discount ? $discount['discount'] : 0); $grand_total += PriceHelper::StatePrce($data['state_id'], $cart_total); $total_amount = PriceHelper::setConvertPrice($grand_total); $orderData['cart'] = json_encode($cart, true); $orderData['discount'] = json_encode($discount, true); $orderData['shipping'] = json_encode($shipping, true); $orderData['tax'] = $total_tax; $orderData['state_price'] = PriceHelper::StatePrce($data['state_id'], $cart_total); $orderData['shipping_info'] = json_encode(Session::get('shipping_address'), true); $orderData['billing_info'] = json_encode(Session::get('billing_address'), true); $orderData['payment_method'] = 'Paypal'; $orderData['user_id'] = isset($user) ? $user->id : 0; $paypal_item_name = 'Payment via paypal from' . ' ' . $setting->title; $paypal_item_amount = $total_amount; $payment_cancel_url = route('front.checkout.cancle'); $payment_notify_url = route('front.checkout.redirect'); try { $response = $this->gateway->purchase(array( 'amount' => $paypal_item_amount, 'currency' => PriceHelper::setCurrencyName(), 'returnUrl' => $payment_notify_url, 'cancelUrl' => $payment_cancel_url ))->send(); if ($response->isRedirect()) { Session::put('order_data', $orderData); Session::put('order_input_data', $data); Session::put('order_payment_id', $response->getTransactionReference()); if ($response->redirect()) { /** redirect to paypal **/ return [ 'status' => true, 'link' => $response->redirect() ]; } } else { dd($response->getMessage()); return $response->getMessage(); } } catch (\Throwable $th) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => $th->getMessage() ]; } } public function paypalNotify($responseData) { //dd($responseData); $orderData = Session::get('order_data'); /** Get the payment ID before session clear **/ $order_input_data = Session::get('order_input_data'); /** clear the session payment ID **/ if (empty($responseData['PayerID']) || empty($responseData['token'])) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => __('Unknown error occurred') ]; } $transaction = $this->gateway->completePurchase(array( 'payer_id' => $responseData['PayerID'], 'transactionReference' => $responseData['paymentId'], )); $response = $transaction->send(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { $cart = Session::get('cart'); $user = Auth::user(); $total_tax = 0; $cart_total = 0; $total = 0; $option_price = 0; foreach ($cart as $key => $item) { $total += $item['main_price'] * $item['qty']; $option_price += $item['attribute_price']; $cart_total = $total + $option_price; $item = ModelsItem::findOrFail($key); if ($item->tax) { $total_tax += $item->tax->value; } } if (!PriceHelper::Digital()) { $shipping = null; } else { $shipping = ShippingService::findOrFail($order_input_data['shipping_id']); } $discount = []; if (Session::has('coupon')) { $discount = Session::get('coupon'); } $grand_total = ($cart_total + ($shipping ? $shipping->price : 0)) + $total_tax; $grand_total = $grand_total - ($discount ? $discount['discount'] : 0); $total_amount = PriceHelper::setConvertPrice($grand_total); $orderData['txnid'] = $response->getData()['transactions'][0]['related_resources'][0]['sale']['id']; $orderData['payment_status'] = 'Paid'; $orderData['transaction_number'] = Str::random(10); $orderData['currency_sign'] = PriceHelper::setCurrencySign(); $orderData['currency_value'] = PriceHelper::setCurrencyValue(); $orderData['order_status'] = 'Pending'; $order = Order::create($orderData); $new_txn = $new_txn = 'ORD-' . str_pad(Carbon::now()->format('Ymd'), 4, '0000', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . $order->id; $order->transaction_number = $new_txn; $order->save(); PriceHelper::Transaction($order->id, $order->transaction_number, EmailHelper::getEmail(), PriceHelper::OrderTotal($order, 'trns')); PriceHelper::LicenseQtyDecrese($cart); PriceHelper::LicenseQtyDecrese($cart); if (Session::has('copon')) { $code = PromoCode::find(Session::get('copon')['code']['id']); $code->no_of_times--; $code->update(); } if ($discount) { $coupon_id = $discount['code']['id']; $get_coupon = PromoCode::findOrFail($coupon_id); $get_coupon->no_of_times -= 1; $get_coupon->update(); } TrackOrder::create([ 'title' => 'Pending', 'order_id' => $order->id, ]); Notification::create([ 'order_id' => $order->id ]); $setting = Setting::first(); if ($setting->is_twilio == 1) { // message $sms = new SmsHelper(); $user_number = json_decode($order->billing_info, true)['bill_phone']; if ($user_number) { $sms->SendSms($user_number, "'purchase'", $order->transaction_number); } } $emailData = [ 'to' => EmailHelper::getEmail(), 'type' => "Order", 'user_name' => isset($user) ? $user->displayName() : Session::get('billing_address')['bill_first_name'], 'order_cost' => $total_amount, 'transaction_number' => $order->transaction_number, 'site_title' => Setting::first()->title, ]; $email = new EmailHelper(); $email->sendTemplateMail($emailData); Session::put('order_id', $order->id); Session::forget('cart'); Session::forget('discount'); Session::forget('order_data'); Session::forget('order_payment_id'); Session::forget('coupon'); return [ 'status' => true ]; } else { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => $response->getMessage() ]; } } }