<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | API Credentials |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If you're using API credentials, change these settings. Get your | credentials from https://dashboard.nexmo.com | 'Settings'. | */ 'api_key' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_KEY', '') : '', 'api_secret' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_SECRET', '') : '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Signature Secret |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If you're using a signature secret, use this section. This can be used | without an `api_secret` for some APIs, as well as with an `api_secret` | for all APIs. | */ 'signature_secret' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_SIGNATURE_SECRET', '') : '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Private Key |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Private keys are used to generate JWTs for authentication. Generation is | handled by the library. JWTs are required for newer APIs, such as voice | and media | */ 'private_key' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_PRIVATE_KEY', '') : '', 'application_id' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_APPLICATION_ID', '') : '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Identifiers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Add an application name and version here to identify your application when | making API calls | */ 'app' => ['name' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_APP_NAME', 'NexmoLaravel') : 'NexmoLaravel', 'version' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_APP_VERSION', '1.1.2') : '1.1.2'], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Client Override |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | In the event you need to use this with nexmo/client-core, this can be set | to provide a custom HTTP client. | */ 'http_client' => function_exists('env') ? env('NEXMO_HTTP_CLIENT', '') : '', ];
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