<?php class Registry { private static $instance; private $store; protected function __construct() { $this->store = array(); } public static function __init() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } public static function add($key, $value) { $instance = self::__init(); $instance->store[$key] = $value; } public static function load($key) { $instance = self::__init(); if (!isset($instance->store[$key])) { throw new Exception("Key '{$key}' does not exist in the registry."); } return $instance->store[$key]; } public static function stored($key) { $instance = self::__init(); return isset($instance->store[$key]); } public static function remove($key) { $instance = self::__init(); unset($instance->store[$key]); } public static function output() { $instance = self::__init(); return get_object_vars($instance); } // Optional: Serialization methods, only if needed public function __sleep() { return array('store'); } public function __wakeup() { $this->store = unserialize($this->store); } }
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