<?php use Carbon\Carbon; use App\Models\Cart; use App\Models\Shop; use App\Models\Config as ShopConfig; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\System; use App\Models\Currency; use App\Models\Customer; use App\Helpers\ListHelper; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use App\Models\SystemConfig; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config; if (!function_exists('setSystemConfig')) { /** * Set system settings into the config */ function setSystemConfig($shop = null) { if (!config('system_settings')) { $system_settings = Cache::rememberForever('system_settings', function () { return System::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first()->toArray(); }); config()->set('system_settings', $system_settings); // set_time_limit(300); // Set the max_execution_time to 5mins setSystemLocale(); setSystemCurrency(); setSystemTimezone($shop); } if ($shop && !config('shop_settings')) { setShopConfig($shop); } } } if (!function_exists('setSystemLocale')) { /** * Set system locale into the config */ function setSystemLocale() { // Set the default_language app()->setLocale(config('system_settings.default_language')); $active_locales = ListHelper::availableLocales(); config()->set('active_locales', $active_locales); } } if (!function_exists('setSystemTimezone')) { /** * Set system timezone into the config */ function setSystemTimezone($shop = null) { $system_timezone = Cache::rememberForever('system_timezone', function () { return ListHelper::system_timezone(); }); Config::set('app.timezone', $system_timezone->utc); date_default_timezone_set($system_timezone->utc); } } if (!function_exists('setSystemCurrency')) { /** * Set system currency into the config */ function setSystemCurrency() { $currency = Cache::rememberForever('system_currency', function () { return DB::table('currencies')->where('id', config('system_settings.currency_id'))->first(); }); // Set Cashier Currency // Cashier::useCurrency($currency->iso_code, $currency->symbol); if (!$currency) { $currency = DB::table('currencies')->where('iso_code', config('cashier.currency'))->first(); } config([ 'cashier.currency' => $currency->iso_code, 'system_settings.currency' => [ 'id' => $currency->id, 'name' => $currency->name, 'symbol' => $currency->symbol, 'iso_code' => $currency->iso_code, 'exchange_rate' => $currency->exchange_rate ?? 1, 'symbol_first' => $currency->symbol_first, 'decimal_mark' => $currency->decimal_mark, 'thousands_separator' => $currency->thousands_separator, 'subunit' => $currency->subunit, ], ]); } } if (!function_exists('get_active_currencies')) { // Get all active currencies function get_active_currencies() { return Cache::rememberForever('active_currencies', function () { return Currency::active()->orderBy('priority', 'asc')->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('setAdditionalCartInfo')) { /** * Push some extra information into the request * * @param $request */ function setAdditionalCartInfo($request) { $total = 0; $grand_total = 0; $shipping_weight = 0; $handling = config('shop_settings.order_handling_cost'); foreach ($request->input('cart') as $cart) { $total = $total + ($cart['quantity'] * $cart['unit_price']); // Sum total cart weight when its has value if ($cart['shipping_weight'] && is_numeric($cart['shipping_weight'])) { $shipping_weight += $cart['shipping_weight']; } } $grand_total = ($total + $handling + $request->input('shipping') + $request->input('taxes')); // Packaging if ($request->input('packaging')) { $grand_total = $grand_total + $request->input('packaging'); } // Discount if ($request->input('discount')) { $grand_total = $grand_total - $request->input('discount'); } $request->merge([ 'shop_id' => $request->user()->merchantId(), 'shipping_weight' => $shipping_weight, 'item_count' => count($request->input('cart')), 'quantity' => array_sum(array_column($request->input('cart'), 'quantity')), 'total' => $total, 'handling' => $handling, 'grand_total' => $grand_total, 'order_status_id' => $request->payment_method_id == Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID ? Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID : Order::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT, 'billing_address' => $request->input('same_as_shipping_address') ? $request->input('shipping_address') : $request->input('billing_address'), 'approved' => 1, ]); return $request; } } if (!function_exists('setDashboardConfig')) { /** * Set dashboard settings into the config */ function setDashboardConfig($dash = null) { // Unset unwanted values unset($dash['user_id'], $dash['created_at']); config()->set('dashboard', $dash); } } if (!function_exists('setShopConfig')) { /** * Set shop settings into the config * @param int|null $shop_id * @return void */ function setShopConfig($shop_id = null) { config()->set('shop_settings', getShopConfig($shop_id)); } } if (!function_exists('getShopConfig')) { /** * Return config value for the given shop and column * * @param int|null $shop_id * @param string|null $column * @return array|string|null */ function getShopConfig($shop_id = null, $column = null) { $shop_id = $shop_id ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); //Get current user's shop_id $shop_settings = Cache::rememberForever("shop_settings_{$shop_id}", function () use ($shop_id) { $configs = ShopConfig::findOrFail($shop_id)->toArray(); $result = []; foreach ($configs as $key => $config) { $result[$key] = is_serialized($config) ? unserialize($config) : $config; } return $result; }); if ($column) { return array_key_exists($column, $shop_settings) ? $shop_settings[$column] : null; } return $shop_settings; // if (config('shop_settings') && array_key_exists($column, config('shop_settings'))) { // return config('shop_settings.' . $column); // } // return DB::table('configs')->where('shop_id', $shop)->value($column); } } if (!function_exists('clearShopConfigCache')) { /** * Flash the cached shop config values * * @param int shop_id * @return void */ function clearShopConfigCache($shop_id) { Cache::forget("shop_settings_{$shop_id}"); // Clear cached values } } if (!function_exists('getHandelingCostOf')) { /** * Return config value for the given shop and column * * @param int shop_id */ function getHandelingCostOf($shop_id) { $handling_cost = getShopConfig($shop_id, 'order_handling_cost'); if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamic-currency')) { return get_dynamic_currency_value($handling_cost); } return $handling_cost; } } if (!function_exists('getMysqliConnection')) { /** * Return Mysqli connection object */ function getMysqliConnection() { return mysqli_connect(config('database.connections.mysql.host'), config('database.connections.mysql.username'), config('database.connections.mysql.password'), config('database.connections.mysql.database'), config('database.connections.mysql.port')); } } if (!function_exists('get_payment_config_info')) { function get_payment_config_info($code, $shop = null) { if ($shop && !$shop instanceof Shop) { $shop = Shop::findOrFail($shop); } // Return null if the given payment is not configured if (!$shop && !SystemConfig::isPaymentConfigured($code)) { return null; } switch ($code) { case 'stripe': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->stripe ?? null; } else { $config = config('services.stripe'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.we_dont_save_card_info'), ]; case 'iyzico': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->iyzico ?? null; } else { $config = config('iyzico.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.we_dont_save_card_info'), ]; case 'payfast': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->payfast ?? null; } else { $config = config('payfast.merchant_key'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('payfast::lang.payment_instruction'), ]; case 'mercado-pago': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->mercadoPago ?? null; } else { $config = config('mercadoPago.api.access_token'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.we_dont_save_card_info'), ]; case 'paypal': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->paypal ?? null; } else { $config = array_merge(config('paypal_payment.account'), config('paypal_payment.settings')); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.we_dont_save_card_info'), ]; case 'instamojo': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->instamojo ?? null; } else { $config = config('instamojo.api_key'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.you_will_be_redirected_to_instamojo'), ]; case 'authorizenet': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->authorizeNet ?? null; } else { $config = config('authorizenet.transaction_key'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.we_dont_save_card_info'), ]; case 'cybersource': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->cybersource ?? null; } else { $config = config('services.cybersource'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.we_dont_save_card_info'), ]; case 'paypal-marketplace': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->paypalMarketplace ?? null; } else { $config = config('paypalMarketplace.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.you_will_be_redirected_to_paypal'), ]; case 'paystack': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->paystack ?? null; } else { $config = config('paystack.public_key'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('theme.notify.you_will_be_redirected_to_paystack'), ]; case 'razorpay': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->razorpay ?? null; } else { $config = config('razorpay.merchant'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('razorpay::lang.pay_with_razorpay'), ]; case 'sslcommerz': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->sslcommerz ?? null; } else { $config = config('sslcommerz.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('sslcommerz::lang.pay_with_sslcommerz'), ]; case 'flutterwave': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->flutterwave ?? null; } else { $config = config('flutterwave.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('packages.flutterwave.pay_with_flutterwave'), ]; case 'mpesa': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->mpesa ?? null; } else { $config = config('mpesa.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('packages.mpesa.pay_with_mpesa'), ]; case 'orangemoney': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->orangeMoney ?? null; } else { $config = config('orangemoney.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('orangemoney::lang.pay_with_orangemoney'), ]; case 'mollie': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->mollie ?? null; } else { $config = config('mollie.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('mollie::lang.pay_with_mollie'), ]; case 'bkash': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->bkash ?? null; } else { $config = config('bkash.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('bkash::lang.pay_with_bkash'), ]; case 'paytm': if ($shop) { $config = $shop->config->paytm ?? null; } else { $config = config('paytm.api'); } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('paytm::lang.pay_with_paytm'), ]; case 'zcart-wallet': $config = false; if ((bool)get_from_option_table('wallet_checkout')) { if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { $customer = Auth::guard('customer')->user(); } elseif (Auth::guard('api')->check()) { $customer = Auth::guard('api')->user(); } $config = isset($customer->wallet) ? $customer->wallet->balance : false; } return [ 'config' => $config, 'msg' => trans('packages.wallet.pay_by_wallet'), ]; case 'wire': case 'cod': if ($shop) { $activeManualPaymentMethods = $shop->config->manualPaymentMethods; $config = in_array($code, $activeManualPaymentMethods->pluck('code')->toArray()); $info = $activeManualPaymentMethods->where('code', $code)->first(); return [ 'config' => $info ? $info->pivot : null, 'msg' => $info ? $info->pivot->additional_details : '', ]; } else { $info = get_from_option_table('wallet_payment_info_' . $code); return [ 'config' => $info ? ['additional_details' => $info] : null, 'msg' => $info, ]; } } return null; } } if (!function_exists('getPlatformFeeForOrder')) { /** * return calculated application fee for the given order value */ function getPlatformFeeForOrder($order) { if (!$order instanceof Order) { $order = Order::findOrFail($order); } $shop = $order->shop; $plan = null; $transaction_fee = 0; $commission = 0; // Return zero is on trial period if (is_subscription_enabled()) { if ($shop->onTrial()) { return 0; } if ($plan = $shop->plan) { $transaction_fee = $plan->transaction_fee; } } // Dynamic commission if (is_incevio_package_loaded('dynamicCommission')) { // Check if custom commission for the shop if ($shop->commission_rate !== null) { if ($shop->commission_rate > 0) { $commission = ($shop->commission_rate * $order->total) / 100; } return $commission; } // Get the dynamic commission amount $dynamicCommissions = get_from_option_table('dynamicCommission_milestones'); // Sort decs milestones mased on amount usort($dynamicCommissions, function ($a, $b) { return $b['milestone'] - $a['milestone']; }); // Dynamic commission calculation via milestone amount: if ($dynamicCommissions) { // Get total sold amount $sold_amount = $shop->periodic_sold_amount; foreach ($dynamicCommissions as $commission) { if ($sold_amount >= $commission['milestone']) { $commission = ($commission['commission'] * $order->total) / 100; return $commission; } } } } // Get commissions from the subscription plan if ($plan && $plan->marketplace_commission > 0) { $commission = ($plan->marketplace_commission * $order->total) / 100; } return $commission + $transaction_fee; } } if (!function_exists('get_activity_str')) { function get_activity_str($model, $attribute, $new, $old) { // \Log::info($attribute); switch ($attribute) { case 'trial_ends_at': return trans('app.activities.trial_started'); break; case 'current_billing_plan': // $plan = \App\SubscriptionPlan::find([$old, $new])->pluck('name', 'plan_id'); if (is_null($old)) { return trans('app.activities.subscribed', ['plan' => $new]); } return trans('app.activities.subscription_changed', ['from' => $old, 'to' => $new]); break; case 'card_last_four': if (is_null($old)) { return trans('app.activities.billing_info_added', ['by' => $new]); } return trans('app.activities.billing_info_changed', ['from' => $old, 'to' => $new]); break; case 'order_status_id': $attribute = trans('app.status'); $old = get_order_status_name($old); $new = get_order_status_name($new); break; case 'payment_status': $attribute = trans('app.payment_status'); $old = get_payment_status_name($old); $new = get_payment_status_name($new); break; case 'carrier_id': $attribute = trans('app.shipping_carrier'); if (is_null($old)) { $carrier = \App\Models\Carrier::find($new)->pluck('name', 'id'); } else { $carrier = \App\Models\Carrier::find([$old, $new])->pluck('name', 'id'); $old = $carrier[$old]; } $new = $carrier[$new]; break; case 'tracking_id': $attribute = trans('app.tracking_id'); break; case 'timezone_id': $attribute = trans('app.timezone'); $old = get_value_from($old, 'timezones', 'value'); $new = get_value_from($new, 'timezones', 'value'); break; case 'status': $attribute = trans('app.status'); if (class_basename($model) == 'Dispute') { $old = get_disput_status_name($old); $new = get_disput_status_name($new); } break; case 'active': $attribute = trans('app.status'); $old = $new ? trans('app.inactive') : trans('app.active'); $new = $new ? trans('app.active') : trans('app.inactive'); break; default: $attribute = Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $attribute)); break; } if ($old) { return trans('app.activities.updated', ['key' => $attribute, 'from' => $old, 'to' => $new]); } return trans('app.activities.added', ['key' => $attribute, 'value' => $new]); } } if (!function_exists('get_visitor_IP')) { /** * Get the real IP address from visitors proxy. e.g. Cloudflare * * @return string IP */ function get_visitor_IP() { // Get real visitor IP behind CloudFlare network if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } // Sometimes the `HTTP_CLIENT_IP` can be used by proxy servers $ip = @$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return $ip; } // Sometimes the `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR` can contain more than IPs $forward_ips = @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; if ($forward_ips) { $all_ips = explode(',', $forward_ips); foreach ($all_ips as $ip) { if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE)) { return $ip; } } } return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } if (!function_exists('prepareFilteredListings')) { /** * Prepare listings result for front end view * * @param Request $request * @param collection $items * * @return collection */ function prepareFilteredListingsNew($request, $catSubGroup) { $t_listings = []; foreach ($catSubGroup as $t_cat) { foreach ($t_cat->listings as $item) { $t_listings[] = $item; } } return collect($t_listings)->flatten(); } function prepareFilteredListings($request, $categoryGroup) { $t_listings = []; foreach ($categoryGroup->categories as $t_category) { $t_products = $t_category->listings() ->available()->filter($request->all()) ->withCount([ 'orders' => function ($query) { $time = Carbon::now()->subHours(config('system.popular.hot_item.period', 24)); $query->withArchived() ->where('order_items.created_at', '>=', $time); } ]) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', // 'feedbacks:rating,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'images:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ])->get(); foreach ($t_products as $t_product) { $t_listings[] = $t_product; } } return collect($t_listings); } } if (!function_exists('crosscheckCartOwnership')) { /** * Crosscheck the cart ownership * * @param \App\Models\Cart $cart */ function crosscheckCartOwnership($request, Cart $cart) { if ($request->is('api/*')) { $bool = $cart->customer_id == null && $cart->ip_address == get_visitor_IP(); } else { $bool = $cart->customer_id == null && in_array($cart->id, cart_ids_from_cookie()); } if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { return $bool || ($cart->customer_id == Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id); } elseif (Auth::guard('api')->check()) { return $bool || ($cart->customer_id == Auth::guard('api')->user()->id); } elseif ($request->customer_id) { return $bool || ($cart->customer_id == $request->customer_id); } return $bool; } } if (!function_exists('crosscheckAndUpdateOldCartInfo')) { /** * Crosscheck old cart info with current listing and update * * @param \App\Models\Cart $cart */ function crosscheckAndUpdateOldCartInfo($request, Cart $cart) { // If the request has nothing to update if (empty($request->all())) { return $cart; } // Set customer_id if not set yet if (!$cart->customer_id) { if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { $cart->customer_id = Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id; } elseif (Auth::guard('api')->check()) { $cart->customer_id = Auth::guard('api')->user()->id; } } // Check if the cart is for a pickup order and update carts free_shipping flag if ($request->has('fulfilment_type')) { $cart->setFulfilmentType($request->fulfilment_type); } $total = 0; $quantity = 0; $shipping_weight = 0; // Qtt and Total foreach ($cart->inventories as $item) { $temp_qtt = $request->quantity ? $request->quantity[$item->id] : $item->pivot->quantity; if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wholesale')) { $unit_price = get_wholesale_unit_price($item, $temp_qtt); } else { $unit_price = $item->current_sale_price(); } $temp_total = $unit_price * $temp_qtt; if (!$cart->is_digital) { $shipping_weight += $item->shipping_weight * $temp_qtt; } $quantity += $temp_qtt; $total += $temp_total; // Update the cart item pivot table $cart->inventories()->updateExistingPivot($item->id, ['quantity' => $temp_qtt, 'unit_price' => $unit_price]); } // Set qtt and total $cart->shipping_weight = $shipping_weight; $cart->quantity = $quantity; $cart->total = $total; // Set shipping zone $zone_id = $request->shipping_zone_id ?? $request->zone_id; if ($zone_id && $zone_id != $cart->shipping_zone_id) { $cart->shipping_zone_id = $zone_id; } // Set taxrate if (!$request->is('api/*') && $request->taxrate != $cart->taxrate) { $cart->taxrate = getTaxRate($request->tax_id); } // Shipping if (!$cart->is_digital && $request->shipping_rate_id) { $shippingRates = getShippingRates($cart->shipping_zone_id, $cart); $shippingRate = $shippingRates->where('id', $request->shipping_rate_id)->first(); if ($shippingRate && !$cart->isPickup()) { $cart->shipping_rate_id = $shippingRate->id; $cart->shipping = $shippingRate->rate; $cart->shipping_zone_id = $shippingRate->shipping_zone_id; } elseif ($cart->is_free_shipping()) { $cart->shipping_rate_id = null; $cart->shipping = 0; } } // Packaging if ( $request->packaging_id != $cart->packaging_id && is_incevio_package_loaded('packaging') ) { if ($request->packaging_id == \Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::FREE_PACKAGING_ID) { $cart->packaging = null; $cart->packaging_id = null; } else { $packagingCost = \Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::select('id', 'cost')->where([ ['id', '=', $request->packaging_id], ['shop_id', '=', $cart->shop_id], ])->active()->first(); if ($packagingCost) { $cart->packaging = $packagingCost->cost; $cart->packaging_id = $packagingCost->id; } } } if ($request->ship_to_country_id) { $cart->ship_to_country_id = $request->ship_to_country_id; } if ($request->has('ship_to_state_id')) { $cart->ship_to_state_id = $request->ship_to_state_id; } $cart->ship_to = $request->ship_to ?? $cart->ship_to; $cart->handling = $cart->get_handling_cost(); $cart->taxes = $cart->get_tax_amount(); $cart->discount = $cart->get_discounted_amount(); $cart->grand_total = $cart->calculate_grand_total(); $cart->save(); return $cart; } } if (!function_exists('generate_combinations')) { /** * Generate all the possible combinations among a set of nested arrays. * * @param array $data The entrypoint array container. * @param array &$all The final container (used internally). * @param array $group The sub container (used internally). * @param int $k The actual key for value to append (used internally). * @param string $value The value to append (used internally). * @param int $i The key index (used internally). * @param int $key The kay of parent array (used internally). * @return array The result array with all possible combinations. */ function generate_combinations(array $data, array &$all = [], array $group = [], $k = null, $value = null, $i = 0, $key = null) { $keys = array_keys($data); if ((isset($value) === true) && (isset($k) === true)) { $group[$key][$k] = $value; } if ($i >= count($data)) { array_push($all, $group); } else { $currentKey = $keys[$i]; $currentElement = $data[$currentKey]; if (count($currentElement) <= 0) { generate_combinations($data, $all, $group, null, null, $i + 1, $currentKey); } else { foreach ($currentElement as $k => $val) { generate_combinations($data, $all, $group, $k, $val, $i + 1, $currentKey); } } } return $all; } } if (!function_exists('updateOptionTable')) { /** * Update Option table data */ function updateOptionTable(Request $request) { foreach ($request->except('_token') as $field => $value) { $value = is_array($value) ? serialize($value) : $value; DB::table('options')->where('option_name', $field)->update([ 'option_value' => $value, ]); Cache::forget($field); // Clear cached value } return true; } } if (!function_exists('is_incevio_package_loaded')) { function is_incevio_package_loaded($packages) { $allpackages = is_array($packages) ? $packages : [$packages]; foreach ($allpackages as $key => $package) { $className = Str::studly($package); $path = "Incevio\Package\\" . $className . '\\' . $className . 'ServiceProvider'; // Check if the package file exist if (!class_exists($path)) { return false; } // Retrieve the package and set to cache $registered = Cache::rememberForever( 'package.' . $package, function () use ($package) { return DB::table('packages')->where('slug', $package)->first() ?? false; } ); // If class exist then check if the package is active if ($registered && $registered->active) { continue; } return false; } return true; } } if (!function_exists('can_set_cancellation_fee')) { function can_set_cancellation_fee() { return !vendor_get_paid_directly() && is_incevio_package_loaded(['wallet']); } } if (!function_exists('vendor_get_paid_directly')) { function vendor_get_paid_directly() { return config('system.order.vendor_get_paid') == 'directly'; } } if (!function_exists('vendor_can_on_off_payment_method')) { function vendor_can_on_off_payment_method() { return config('system.order.vendor_can_on_off_payment_method'); } } if (!function_exists('cancellation_require_admin_approval')) { function cancellation_require_admin_approval() { return config('system_settings.vendor_order_cancellation_fee') == null; } } if (!function_exists('customer_has_wallet')) { function customer_has_wallet() { return config('system.customer.has_wallet') && is_incevio_package_loaded(['wallet']); } } if (!function_exists('is_wallet_configured_for')) { function is_wallet_configured_for($for = 'customer') { if ($for == 'vendor' || $for == 'shop') { return method_exists(Shop::class, 'getBalanceAttribute'); } return customer_has_wallet() && method_exists(Customer::class, 'getBalanceAttribute'); } } if (!function_exists('check_internet_connection')) { /** * Check Internet Connection Status. * * @param string $sCheckHost Default: www.google.com * @return bool */ function check_internet_connection($sCheckHost = 'www.google.com') { return (bool)@fsockopen($sCheckHost, 80, $iErrno, $sErrStr, 5); } } if (!function_exists('convertFromUTC')) { /** * @param int $timestamp * @param string $timezone * * @return Carbon */ function convertFromUTC($timestamp, $timezone = null) { return Carbon::parse($timestamp)->timezone(config('app.timezone', 'UTC')); } } if (!function_exists('customer_can_register')) { /** * Check customer can register or not */ function customer_can_register() { return (bool) config('system.customer_can_register'); } } if (!function_exists('is_catalog_enabled')) { /** * Check if the catalog ssytem enabled */ function is_catalog_enabled() { return (bool) config('system_settings.catalog_system_enable', true); } }
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